So, as you might know things here in the UK are pretty shit and I'm not convinced a mere change of party would be able to change much, do you guys have any ideas?
Here's a short essay I wrote about it if anybody is interested:
So, as you might know things here in the UK are pretty shit and I'm not convinced a mere change of party would be able to change much, do you guys have any ideas?
Here's a short essay I wrote about it if anybody is interested:
tl;dr the essay lad, summarise it here
Basically, I believe in local communities dictating themselves via direct democracies and sending fully accountable representatives to regional councils to discuss regional issues
So essentially destroying the UK as a single country and making counties like Cornwall and Somerset micro-nations?
Not necessarily, I mean regional councils could fairly easily be stacked. The main point is that it's a bottom up governance, as opposed to the current top down system.
isn't that kinda what we have at the moment, we elect MPs who vote on policy in the house of commons and can propose laws and shit. Pretty much what we have now but without the guff and a PM?
At the moment we vote in people do do stuff for us, we have very little control over local planning, plus politicians have low accountability
We have local council elections, local police commissioner elections and in many places local mayor elections.
I agree local MPs should be more accountable by law, at the moment it just depends on how good they are and if they have regular meetings with locals on issues important to them.
The system I outline is decentralised, whereas the current system is centralised. For example, if you took out the top regional council in my system the lower councils would take over but take out central government rn and all hell breaks loose
So in your system there is still a central government but in each country the councils word overrides any word of the government?
So if the government said fags can only be purchased if you are 21 and Gloucestershire council said fuck you 18 year olds can buy baccy, then in Gloucestershire 18s can buy baccy but elsewhere unless said otherwise its 21.
essentially, yes
change party
Not sure any party supports my proposal
Fairs, the only issues I can see if regulation and stuff, like how in the US if you bring a fucking slither of weed from one sate where it is legal to one where it is banned, you can get fucked by the police, same with some specific state laws for other things.
Wouldn't it get complicated? Also how would international relations and country wide organisations such as the armed forces work?
I suppose here would need to be the odd group that runs under the central council, such as the military
As for international relations, I guess the central council would elect a figurehead for that kind of shit
I can kinda see it working, its pretty much what we have right now just more local powers, nothing radical.
The only radical feature really would be the democratically planned economy
What is the UK?
United Kingdom, aka Great Britain
Unironically I think you would be better off making your government more similar to ours and adopting split government practices. If you allow provinces and municipalities to have more governing authority you may be able to save some portions of the UK. London is already gone but places like Liverpool, Edinburgh, etc. may be redeemable if they have authority to do what they want to a greater extent then they currently have.
Ignore my namefagging, I'm playing a game of Risk right now.
Ugandan Kingdom, we are brothas. Our Prince is rich and wishes to share his wealth.
Wtf is Britain? That hasn't existed for years.
go back to denmark
I'm basically proposing an extreme version of that, with the additions of freedom of association for individual communities, direct democracy for said individual communities, greater transparency and accountability and where industry is entirely made of workers' co-operatives
Pretty much, although desu Brexit is small fry compared to the system as a whole
Your not relevant enough for that to hurt.
He is upset because he isn't great like Britain
It is completely beyond me why or how May has managed to cling on like a piece of shit stuck to an anus, I can't understand where her support is, who are her fans? The country, the party, brexiters, remainers, rich people, poor people they all think she's doing a shit job and every day she hangs on Corbyn becomes more likely. I'm starting to think keeping May in is a labour/momentum stitch up she's that shit at her job.
It's due to a division between the Ruling, Capitalist and Working classes. The Ruling and Capitalist classes are very different to ours.
Hell yeah. Make Wessex great again . MWGA.
Closed borders for all you non-westcountry accent having motherfuckers
eh hello,
you know the most important targets for your "police" are escaping across to ireland (what is eurolines)
every paddy knows that
i feel sorry for you
how the mighty have fallen
cromwell would be turning in his grave to see how faggot you are
Is this a Brexit thing? Frankly fuck all will change, the current Capitalist system will be shitty no matter what
Conservashits got a large chunk of the UKIP vote to protect against ending Brexit, but with her Brexit is pretty much cancelled. There are no good party's atm and its shit.
>Consevashits are pedos, fucking Brexit, the NHS, the military and everything else they can.
>Labour are labour, not much more to say as its already been said, but at-least they care about the NHS and students
>Libdems wanna cancel briexit
>Green are a joke
>UKIP are destroying themselves and are becoming more irrelevant by the day
All the parties are horribly self-serving, desu. Even "comrade" Corbyn would likely betray us. Tbh we probably need a revolution
>I'm not convinced a mere change of party
thats the crux of all our problems, we need to outlaw political parties entirely.
separate presidential elections, again without party politics, with them selecting their own cabinet like in the usa.
We don't need a change of party. Theresa May is doing just fine.
I prefer a system of democratic councils, desu
You realise the ECHR is the reason the gov can't torture you and kill your family for disagreeing with them?
whatever structure you want to put in place, having political parties will eventually destroy them.
im not even against fptp or the westminster system, let us send MPs to london but lets demolish the parasite in the system known as 'safe' seats
(((human rights)))
My system is a partyless system.
>Implying we would torture people and kill their families when we leave the EU.
Fucking hell lad we haven't tortured people for over 300 years, pretty sure it was in British law 100's of years before the EU existed.
Party politics is shit, why not elect people into government positions. For example people in the medical industry (Doctors, chemists ect) vote on the health minister, people related to defence (Soldiers, arms suppliers) vote on the defence minister.
>Pic related
ECHR is nothing to do with the EU, it's administered by the UN
Its an interesting and pretty good read for someone from here, but I honestly doubt its possible to educate the lemmings on this shit, as long as they have their fridge stocked, phones on them and eastenders on the telly, they're happy
Yeah, desu I think it is getting to the point where the lemmings are likely to start experiencing that