Every night before i go to sleep i pray for the utter destruction of the United States of America. drought, famine...

every night before i go to sleep i pray for the utter destruction of the United States of America. drought, famine, disease, nuclear holocaust i dont care.

this evil force of decadence needs to be eliminated for the wellbeing of humanity

you are disgusting
you are spread your evil culture all around the world

>inb4 amerishartlet janitor deletes the thread because he cant handle the truth

U mad?

lol same

>t. toothpaste imam

stop spreading your disgusting shartria in our countries!


that webm says "i wanna fat hate thread" tho...

you guys are obsessed with us. lol

Your cock envy is showing, you Eurasian cuck

>spreading evil culture around the world
> Means of spreading is through media
>Jews and communists control the entertainment industry and media

Learn to identify your enemies.