
Why are you getting rid of this?

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because diversity is our strength

such perfections of a female form will be a thing of the past in 100 years. Kind of makes me sad.

we live in the shittiest moment in human history.

It's already gone, and its not coming back. Get over it.


I busted a nut inside a Swedish girl a few years ago when traveling. She found my fb and said she was pregnant. I deleted my account... I wonder what happened...

I'm not white btw

This thot has probably fucked one man from every nationality across the globe. Why waste your life white knighting whores?

bye bye blue eyes


why do you waste your life being a MGTOWer? Literally. Anyway, she's a sports girl. Probably doesn't even have that much time to party. And even if she does, in the end it's your fault for not keeping your women in check and being beta.

Most Swedes live with other Swedes. Then you have a few that live with other whites. Very few Swedes live with non-whites.

My GF is actually from the Balkans but she's brownish so people mistake her for Middle Eastern.

Let's just say that Swedish women don't like it when they see me and my bitch.

It's going to take a loooong time before Swedes go extinct.

>long time
which doesn't change the trend. Also blacks will easily outbreed you. It's just pure mathematics.

Yes of course. But i have to save the human KIND! From total extraction in the Future when robots come and enslave people. Its already happening


Oh you mean sweden? What about it? Pretty soon those "white" peoole will be worrying about A.I being given rights not "niggers" raping

Do you guys have blacks in sweden? Cause you can bleach mid easterners as long as they're not indian or paki since theyre genetically similar to italians according to hapolgroups mapping but blacks will brown your country


>get over it
With a nuke air squadron

Not the guy you are responding to but yeah we have a lot of somalis

>4K video


Diversity is our strength. But not multiculturalism. You see diversity has always been going on for years and years humans go to other places and mate eith others and live in harmony together just like the" Spanish" did with the "mexicans" but when you get into forced multiculturalism without people wanting or voting on it, thats when we have a problem. The E.U leader's goal is to create chaos and replacement that will eventually lead to ww3

Literally made for the BBC

slightly manly body and a bit uggo face, but it doesnt matter if shes traditional

20 years tops. You fucking a gypsy from my country shows how degenerate you pencil dicks are. NOBODY white here have "brown" GFs

Good for you living in the fucking snow village 600 km of any town.

Wow she is sexy.

I agree but why the BBC specifically? She'd make a good movie star regardless of the channel

Didn't you get an answer in any of the 9999 other threads?

Did you like the speech?


Yeah fucking Brits stealing talent

Let's be honest here, her face is 6/10 at best.


are there even dentists in sweden

some things just cannot be explained...

Most swedes are low test subhumans. I know a guy of Swedish descent and he's literally in a cuckold relationship with his white girlfriend, he openly tells people he's into cucking with black guys, and since my city, Vancouver, is a liberal shit hole, people don't even bat an eye. It's fucking disgusting

No. What's it like to have teeth?

there aren't any dentist in the entire country of europe. we stole all of the smart people from the nazis after ww2

fucking burger mutts and your need for "perfect" fake teeth. Only a nation of insecure mongrels would care so much about WHITE and straight teeth. Its unnatural you plastic fucks

Of course you’re not white. Fucking mudskin

I'd love to see her take a black cock.

>when you literally don't have dentists in your country so you believe their job is to give people teeth

Sounds more like he successfully integrated into Canadian culture Leaf

ah, yes when I see a hot girl, I think of rubbery porn dicks with watery cumshots that American 56% half-niggers have memed themselves into finding enjoyable to gawk at while they jack themselves into a stupor.

He's the worst of both cuck cultures

Their best went to look for better 1400 years ago.

Whatever you fucking toothnigger. I don't need teeth anyway. I just live on sushi
Next-gen Special Forces. You just sad that you did not get the idea first faggot

lmao show us your grill, snaggletooth

>56% half-niggers have memed themselves into finding enjoyable to gawk at while they jack themselves into a stupor.

Once again. "Niggers" dont exist

daily reminder that leftists and neocons want to nuke this

Your finished, but so are we at this point I live in Cali and im already a minority. Blacks and spics are gonna win the biological war and im not sure what we can do anymore. Ive been thinking about an extreme but dumb plan to bleach southern euros and mid easterners since they're our closest relatives even though they wont look pure but these two half arab bitches are better than anything brown.

Stupid fucking Russians, not even enough brain cells to dress properly for the winter. The absolute state of Rushia


what are you talking about faggot. Of course niggers exist.

>Country of Europe
Burger education in action

>Being this far removed from reality
Try moving away from the biggest cities and voila you got White communities (regardless of if you are in Sweden or the USA)

You are welcome

They look fine to me

No they are really fictional

Jannid wow


Trash. The day of the wh*te man is over.

Living together is not equal to procreation. You'll be a lesson about femenism to other coutnres though.



Yea she's got a great body but I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

Yes the Canadian will now rule the world...

top bantz dude

>abandons child
>I'm not white btw
no shit

>spics are gonna win the biological

Spics dont exist. What you call "spic" is really just a person eith a spanish speaking orgin or ancestry. However as we went over this geographical ancestry is not race nor is language a "race" spics are not biologically real they are just in your imagination. Infact ethnicity isn't biologically real beacuse ethnicity is just a term peoole use to describe others from one side of the world to another. It isn't biologically real. Study explains whats called gene-diversity


>shoulders wider than hips


>My GF is actually from the Balkans
What is she be more specific

A new generation of Swedish athletes emerge

>The Spanish lived in harmony with the Mexicans

>Of course

How so? I met a white dude from Chicago traveling and we both met up with girls that night. I assume he also rawed some other European girl

Nope im not going back never! Sorry. Pic related is me


>moving away from the biggest cities
I dont live in a big city my family owns a farm and all our employees are mexicans along with everyone around and I cant just up and leave the family business its been in my family for generations. White girls near me are also giant whores and will cuck me at any given minute. Having blond hair and blue eyes is a fuckin nightmare around nonwhites, hell me working hard and being a decent kid is considered beta in these parts.

Sweden is a nation I really look up to.

I like to envision a pure, nordic family that has had dozens upon dozens of generations born carrying genes as pure as untouched snow, only for the family's daughter to give into passion and accept the seed of an unidentifiable negro refugee from Somalia.

His putrid spawn growing within her belly, his primitive genes now forever tarnishing a family's future bloodline forever like a splash of feces being mixed in a snowbank.

No matter how much white you try to add, it will never be pure again.


White people generally, and Scandinavians specifically, are the only race on this planet that has both intellectual and physical fortitude in spades. Every other race lacks one or the other of both. The Jews of course cannot have this so of course the white race just be destroyed and replaced with a Brazilianized mix.

Its true even the english had good relations with the indians. The globalist try to teach you that it was all bad when really it wasent. I saw a good video from Jared Taylor explaining this


sweden has nothing on poland

I didn't want a kid. I took a std risk going raw, she did too. She was very pretty and I couldn't resist. I doubt she planned on getting pregnant too, but damn, we had sex. Plus, what's the practicality of us being parents. We live in opposite sides of the world, financial situations, she barely speaks English, etc.

You we're talking about the gentlemanly Spaniards, sir

>he wants this tight athletic body wasted on a white man
for shame

Jimmie tries to pry out what the cuckservative leader means with setting a limit on immigration. Cuckservative leader spergs out.



with 3 c's nigga

Nice bait faggot


Because new Swedes are BASTE.

I've seen it

She's cute but her body is kinda... intimidating desu.

>not biologically real
You've been brainwashed by jews and liberals. Geneticists can tell the difference between an Irishmen and a Scott. Try getting a organ transplant from someone who isnt of the same ethnicity hell a fuckin indian and a pakistani arent biologically compatible for a transplant operation. Most mexicans have admixture thats far removed form the early spanish settlers cause the spaniards didnt genocide them well enough and mixed to the point that theyre far removed from their origins.

This pasta again

she can vault my pole anytime

>t. low test


Pic related are average Swedes. How do we get rid of the Medelsvensson?

I knew you were going to show me that lol.
Those aren't races. Polynesian is not a race. Again, what that paper is talking about is population genetics. That is not the same thing as race. Also, just take a look at figure C.

If you think this is proving races I'd suggest sitting in on a genetics course. It might help you understand the paper and other peer reviewed studies if you want to read up on the subject. Just beacuse "mexicans" had admixture dosen't mean anything. Americans have admixture from all over!

I think you're a little confused between race and population genetics. Which is understandable because academics often translate population genetics into racial terms for the lay public. I think there is also some confusion about what we mean by "race is a social construct".

Race (from a social science and biological sciences perspective) is an attempt to construct a taxonomy of human types based upon phenotypes. If we want to tap into the Comaroff's it is also what you are vs ethnicity which is what you do. So it is both a socially ascribed label that is meaningful within particular societies (which is "real") and an attempt to categorize populations in a taxonomic system (which geneticists would argue is a folk taxonomy because it doesn't map neatly the way taxonomies should.)

In other words, no social scientist argues that race is meaningless or "unreal" within a social context. We do categorize people hundreds of different ways and members of those societies learn how to pick up on cues for how to identify those categories. Think about how you know how to identify someone who is hipster even though we'd all agree it is a 100% socially constructed category and it might even be difficult to articulate category requirements if asked.

Similarly, we have racial categories which vary greatly between societies and over time. They are attempts to organize sets of people by phenotypes based upon perceived cultural heritage

kys reddit

getting hard over a zoo escapee

Even the brightest white light cannot cleanse the sickly green luster of blacked skin.

Even photoshop implicitly shows getting blacked is a one-way street into perpetual squalor.