Is #pizzagate real, Sup Forums ?
Is #pizzagate real, Sup Forums ?
no stop thinking and go to sleep
there are international pedophile rings that involve people with a lot of money, yes, however they probably aren't illuminati lizardpeople that rule the world as Sup Forums would have you believe
Nothing to see here
Yes. Gas the kikes!
Yes. It's pretty sick. They use the children and then kill them by torture.
Yes. In fact, if someone refuses to research this and understand the reality of our situation I immediately lose all respect for the person. Man up and come to grips with your slavery.
>as Sup Forums would have you believe
Literally what, nigger?
My handkerchief has a map on it that's pizza-related. Can pol help me find it?
The broader idea of our world being run by narcissistic psychopaths who are child molesters is true, but the idea that Alefantis is the ringleader is probably false.
Think about this if you don't believe it. Who would want to normalize shaving body hair, the bodysuit/shirt underwear combo, and twerking which is not cultural appropriation because it was derived from the stance of a falling toddler who was learning to walk?
Ever wondered why orphans have a bad rep for being ill tempered and often end up in jail? Look up the molestation stats on orphans.
Now imagine that the government tracks every move we make on the internet and if you are high profile enough, every move you make as a person. How would they continue to get away with the level of child abuse and molestation that we are seeing in the news for decades on end without any big busts involving high profile people? The answer should cause riots in the streets like those in The Dark Knight Rises, but most just call it Fake News. Sad!
>but the idea that Alefantis is the ringleader is probably false.
Who ever claimed this? I was here from the beginning and that was never a claim. Everything else you posted looks pretty good, keep up the good work user.
Do pizza shop owners end up listed as the top 50 influential power brokers in DC unless they're trafficking children?
oh the news media tried to deflect by saying that conspiracy theorists were trying to say that Alefantis was running pizzagate out of the basement of Comet pizza.
The rest is true though. Rumor has it that the original elites were selected by the Hull House in Chicago in 1889 to normalize wage pay given that the slaves were set free. The powers that be were pissed about this and punished everyone for the loss of the South. No one would have done this without something to lose so they blackmailed some child molesters and set them up as captains of industry.
Also, the job of the news media is to keep tabs on the government for the Vatican. They select news people based on the thought that they are speaking truth to power, but they are really just spies that don't know they are spies. Dueterte may be crazy, but is correct sometimes.
opinion on this? you seem to know a bit more about the history of the Vatican connection then I do
also that ID lol
This. A 5 minute look is all you need to be convinced. If you don't think it's real you're hopelessly brainwashed.
No mention of the (((Zionists))) I see.
pizzagate is a debunked conspiracy theory that was debunked by the science which we all fucking love. For more information google Debunkers debunk pizzagate and use the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button
I dunno but the people who investigate it turn up dead.
nope. an outsider looking at the proof would get genuinely confused how anyone would come to the same conclusions of the conspiracy theorists.
when it started I genuinely thought it was being made up by the left to portray trump supporters as zealot morons who would believe anything.
lol I didn't notice the ID until you mentioned it. Luck of the randomizer.
The graphic is pretty accurate, but the bottom level is not quite right. The Vatican should be on their own at a deeper level. They are the end of the levels. They run the world with the exception of a few countries.
People like to point the finger at Jews on here, but the Jews are not the problem. Sure some of them are part of pizzagate, but there are a lot of goyim too. Also the Rothschilds do a lot of good around the world. It is in line with the Vatican, but it is mostly information control and narratives. The banks are somewhat under their control, but there are so many of them that the money people claim they have is spread out over hundred or thousands of them.
Be gon with ye kike
I'm guessing that you're going to believe what's next, user.
ask skippy what the words pizza and dominoes have to do with stained handkerchiefs
>he still refuses to answer
>do the powerful elite participate in human trafficing of underaged people for sex?
>were ritual killings and child molesting happening at two d.c. pizza shops?
No. That's fucking stupid
>could said shops be used for grooming victims, and merchandise exchange?
Absolutly. Alefantis is a suspect charcter who has very powerful connections for a simple pizza maker
Yes, next ask "why are so many pedophiles Jewish?"
Is anything real? By the time you process what you've seen, it already happened.
I like this one. It shows that people in the advertising world know what is going on.
the rothschilds are explicitly mentioned
>creepily eating pizza
Oh, the slimy fuckers.
>the real master of the darkness
404 in 5....4.....3....2.....1.....
Wrong eye color
Red pill me on this guy
When i glanced at the thumbnail for some reason I interpreted it as a digital amalgamation of obama and Senator Weiner.
Why does this gay man have so many babies?
debunked...Skippy answers a question
Owner of Geffin records. Runs practically all the shady shit in Hollywood and beyond.
He recently came upon some of Gaddafi's hidden billions, but he has the map and will soon have it all.
Look into Hillsong Church. They're quickly becoming a scientolgy-like cult, but Christian based.
I don't think so. But even if it is, it doesn't matter because unless they can find a victim willing to testify nothing real will ever come of it.
>pedophile rings don't matter unless someone can testify
Yeah, fuck all those childrens' lives.
very good question
Why do i feel like this posts means trump will expose these bastards for pizzagate?
Captcha avenida bureau
Thanks for the heads up user
No, it isn't real. Pizzagate was a master-level troll by an user/group of anons that fooled a wide swathe of gullible Sup Forumssters who want to believe they are doing something positive for the world by unraveling an elaborate pedo conspiracy that involves most of the typical Sup Forums spooks: government, Liberals, Jews, the wealthy elite, and pedos. Upon examination all of the evidence appears circumstantial though, and one really has to reach to make some of the connections. Much of it has also quite obviously been cleverly manipulated to support the wider conspiracy. Unsurprisingly most of it leads nowhere or to deadends but Sup Forums thinks that just means evidence of a coverup. Whoever put together the conspiracy did so in such a manner that it would always be open ended so it could never be solved, which is ultimately perfect because that means there will always be believers since you can never point to irrefutable evidence that it either does or doesn't exist. I couldn't have come up with a better troll if I spent a lifetime working on it.
Why is it constantly slided? Because Sup Forums is filled with literal bots(and also shills) that slide threads by seemingly real conversation, provocations and baiting.
nah just nutjobs on Sup Forums being delusional as usual
I betcha think ya hawt shit dontcha
Will podesta bring ethical child porn to the US?
this, this thread is making me so sleepy wtf
Yes and the mere mention of it brings shillfags who get paid pennies to protect childkillers.
You poor leafbro.
You racist shitbags are un-fuckin-hinged
No. It has been debunked by multiple trustworthy sources including Fox News.
You are all just easily manipulated by fake news propagated by the alt-right.
Go to sleep user.
My wife's son was Satanically raped by Skippy in the Comet Ping Pong basement, and I can assure you, #Pizzagate is real
Lol so much this right here dude.
The MSM has debunked the crap out of that stuff. Even mentioning it in public will get you ostracized from your social circle... As should happen to anyone who mentions crackjob right wing conspiracy theories smdh and lmao
Proof is in the pudding. The simple fact of the matter is no credible evidence has been put forth thus making this whole pizzagate thing one gigantic meme. If you ever ask a pizzagate believer "why aren't the Podesta in jail?" the typical response is "s-shill" or "p-pedos are gonna h-h-hang"
It's all truly pathetic and pedantic. Whenever some investigator makes a thread, I urge you to skim through out, it's literally the same posts, same pictures, and the same people posting day in, day out. This leads me to believe they are spooks/cointelpro used to make legitimate human trafficking investigators look unhinged/crazy.
Someone post the blocked image an user found
We will never know since the bullet went through a wall and hit the server. Lucky I guess.
you trying to make clownposting the new sleepyposting?
>This leads me to believe they are spooks/cointelpro
Wrong, the reason for this is to keep the topic relevant and use it as a jumping off point for the newfags looking. But you already knew that didn't you, clown.
It seems even Alefantis doesn't know if there is a basement or not
What's going on here?
Nothing weird about this bigots.
Why is this even a question at this point?
My guess is yes. But its kinda like the boogie man. Do you believe?
Pic related constitutes proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
I'm getting sleepy.
Detailed proof:
Victoria Justice being surprised by Dan Schneider behind the scenes at Nickelodeon.
Yes. Where is Ben Swann?
This shit has completely ruined pizza for me. Have pizza for supper, automatically I think of pedophile rings. Got a onesie with pizza design on it, don't even wanna wear it or see it cuz it makes me angry/sad/disgusted.
Then again, i got on this ride from it's birth on Sup Forums. Dark fucking world anons. Some real good vs evil shit.
Haiti is a shithole anyway.
>I say it's debunked.
>Therefore it is debunked.
What a fucking pedo fuck.
no, and all the hate against dan schneider is schizophrenic nonsense
her mk ultra programming is preventing her from remembering the horrible shit dan "givin' jamie a baby" schneider has done to her
Speculation, but yah that does seem like the most likely answer. Some sort of conditioning to force her to act that way either around her 'handler' or when she sees a videocamera.
How come these images are so hard to read that when I open them in a new tab and take out the (m)mobile they 404?
fuck off frank
>Some sort of conditioning to force her to act that way
Remember this?
This is inside, under the ping-pong tables.
Comet performances are "for all ages"
You be the judge.
Unfortunately it does seem plausible. DESU it's pretty depressing
That's fucked
Here's the solution.
somebody knows what "cumpanda" means for these freaks?
Oh god not that...
>is pizzagate real?
Of course