We have to come to an agreement

>We have to come to an agreement.
>all, of us
>we must if we ever actually want to be free of (((Them))) "it" or "they"
>whatever that means to each of you, that being another thing to agree on.
>stop the fighting, the larping, the baiting, and the shilling.
I know that last one, we will have fun weeding out.

What do we do Sup Forums? World?

I would like to start by saying, I am honestly serious about this.

We need to have discusions where we lay out what is the best most ideological way to move forward as a species.

We need to look at all the peoples of the world in a practical and logical way, using all the races strengths and weaknesses,
Figuring out what sort of life each person would be happiest, and most productive in a positive manner as possible.

So, help me out Sup Forums, fill in the blanks for this first discusion.


Unique traits/skills:
Want to do the other two in this thread, or make seperate ones?

Other urls found in this thread:


Implying black power activists aren't chimps and hate white people.


Maybe they are, but not all of them.
But to say that none could be productive and happy is assinine. How do we get to that point?

Can someone photoshop OPs image so the last frame is a human holding hands with a chimpanzee

sage for rerashing the same thread.

??? No, first time I have ever done this huemonkey.




>implying blacks can help doing something productive but being slaves

That is a start. Maybe shun?

>>We have to come to an agreement.
No, we don't.

>>we must if we ever actually want to be free of (((Them))) "it" or "they"
Those muds don't want to be free of the Jew because the Jew is not threatening their existence.

>>whatever that means to each of you, that being another thing to agree on.

>>stop the fighting, the larping, the baiting, and the shilling.
Fuck off, race traitor.

>What do we do Sup Forums? World?
Save the White race with White people.

>We need to have discusions where we lay out what is the best most ideological way to move forward as a species.
That Whites stop caring about non-Whites.

>So, help me out Sup Forums, fill in the blanks for this first discusion.
Get over yourself, faggot.

Can we talk about National Bolshevism for real or is it stilll meme status

>Can we talk about National Bolshevism for real or is it stilll meme status
You're a judeo communist. die.

>That is a start. Maybe shun?
Non-Whites don't even belong in White countries yet you want Whites to get out hands covered in shit?

What's next?

Saying that there's nothing wrong with faggots and "based" Jews?

Thats not a nog - its a fkn white guy with grease on his hand...

Unique Racial Bonuses:

[Every Man for Himself]
Whites may rapidly flee a neighborhood causing opponents to lose real estate value. Alternatively whites may rapidly enter a neighborhood to force out prior inhabitants.

Whites earn good reputations with other races faster and these reputations decay slower with time

[The Western Spirit]
Whites have a bonus of 1% to secondary non-physical stats such as charisma and versatility


Blacks may slip into the shadows easier, allowing them to escape enemies at night

[Nimble Fingers]
Blacks have increased ability with knives and short swords

Blacks may activate an alternate form allowing them increased agility and faster movement speed

And here is an example of what we need to weed out.
The shill.
Paid to push an agenda or sow discourse so that solidarity against them cannot happen.
Note this one.

Look at me
Look at me
We democracy now

niggers are a liability, not an ally

That first one actually kinda does apply lol
On the blacks side.

>And here is an example of what we need to weed out.
You mean someone who isn't willing to sacrifice their race?

>The shill.
Hey, you're the faggot saying that we need to unite with niggers.

>Paid to push an agenda
But you're not being paid to push an agenda, are you?

>or sow discourse
You're the one saying we need need to stop being pro-White and being pro-humanity.

>so that solidarity against them cannot happen.
WE already have White solidarity against the Jew. You can't even name the Jew.

>Note this one.
And notice how you can't actually respond to me?

Are you saying that there's nothing wrong with homosexuality?
How about racemixing?
Are you also saying there are "based" Jews and other non-Whites?

We vote air Jordans

I stand by what I said. You know it to be true, and soon many will be able to spot you just as easily.

>I stand by what I said.
You can't even address what I said.

You're a coward that can't even stand up to one person's dissent of your "master plan."

>You know it to be true,
No, I don't believe your lies.

>and soon many will be able to spot you just as easily.
You're the only one pushing this anti-White "plan."

gross, no.

The only good thing about black nationilsm is we can use their own ideas and send them to africa.
Other then that we have no business working with them.

Where were you when the Jews destroyed Michael Jackson for releasing (((They))) don't Really Care About Us


(((They))) try to separate us with all the *muhhh theessssee niggeerrss ahhh reeee.

So you're saying that Whites should live and interact with with niggers?


Malcom x has all your answers. 2 allied super powers.

Super power as in aka. National

>Malcom x has all your answers.
Malcolm X was an anti-White nigger that had no place in White countries in the first place.

>2 allied super powers.
Niggers will never and have never been a power.

Obvious (((steamwheedle))) propaganda

I actually think OP has a point. I get the struggle of keeping one's race alive, but autistically hating one another and refusing to cooperate is not going to make anything better.

>I actually think OP has a point.
OP doesn't have a point because OP couldn't stand up to one person disagreeing with him before he abandoned his thread.

>but autistically hating one another
One does not have to hate non-Whites (only for the fact of them being non-White) to accept the fact that non-Whites don't belong in White countries.

>and refusing to cooperate
How can Whites ensure our racial survival if we rely on non-White/anti-White races?

>is not going to make anything better.
Living among non-Whites, mixing with non-Whites, and relying on non-Whites is not going to make anything better for our race.

Here is the problem that whites currently have with other races. Each race excluding whites have support systems and institutions. If whites dare ask for their own support groups and institutions. They are declared racist bigots who desire white superiority. This is an unfair and hypocritical since other races get these things without a care in the world. This is one of the reason white nationalism is rising. It becomes more clear every day that the other races are hypocrites. Who only wish to support their race and not the society as a whole.

Personally, I would be happy with either of two solutions. One is allowing whites to create institutions and support groups for themselves. Or eliminating any racial institution or support group entirely. The unfair and bias treatment against whites are unacceptable and we are not tolerating it anymore. Until this issue is addressed, cooperation among us and others will not occur.

Kill niggers, do we agree ?

No, everyone should be against jews. Not together against jews.

>Personally, I would be happy with either of two solutions. One is allowing whites to create institutions and support groups for themselves. Or eliminating any racial institution or support group entirely. The unfair and bias treatment against whites are unacceptable and we are not tolerating it anymore. Until this issue is addressed, cooperation among us and others will not occur.
The problem with that is it doesn't actually save the White race from the genocide that is currently happening. Because either Whites would be allowed to speak out for our race but not allowed to pass any pro-White laws or Whites wouldn't be allowed to advocate for our race and still wouldn't be allowed to pass any laws.

>No, everyone should be against jews. Not together against jews.
OP's probably one of those faggots that start threads saying "What do we do to fix niggers?"

The non-White races are not our fucking problem.

I am not arguing that this will single handedly fix our race's problems. However, it will either give us a platform to discuss these issue. Where they will be taken seriously by others. Or two it will shut up the other races promoting anti-white propaganda. I am well aware of the low birth rates amongst whites and how that is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. There are several solutions to this problem. A problem that should be discussed among whites and whites alone. Creating support groups for whites will not fix all our problems. However, it can certainly help us find effective solutions to our problems. Majority of other racial institutions are the ones promoting the death of the white race. We either need an official platform to challenge them on. Or those other racial institutions need to be eliminated.

>However, it will either give us a platform to discuss these issue.
pro-Whites will never be allowed to discuss these issues while the media is controlled by an anti-White group.

>Or two it will shut up the other races promoting anti-white propaganda.
If anything, it would increase the anti-White propaganda. Just as the liberals have ramped up their insanity due to trump, the anti-Whites would ramp up their insanity in the face of an actual White push against White genocide.

I don't mind coordinating with niggers as a voting bloc, should they ever smarten up and get wise to the kikes but I'm not fighting beside them. I give zero fucks about them, their heritage or people. The best version of this story is one in which they are mercifully given a place to go extinct and any political gains made in concert with them will not be taken as evidence of the ability to coexist. It is wrong for us to live among one another and I am not lifting a finger to help them achieve their sovereignty. Focus on whites and let the niggers sort themselves out.

Black man here. I have given up hope of any practical cooperation. Most Sup Forumstards are just too dumb and too far gone to understand what real progress would take. The jew has really done a number on their psyche and turned them into impotent basement rangers, but maybe the were always meant to be that. Either way most of them are absolutely useless at this point.


The thing is it doesn't make any sense to free whites from slavery to us while they are advocating kicking us out of our own country.

lol nigger I know that feels good to imagine, to even say outloud but it is wishful and self-consoling. You want to do something pro-active in your own racial interest? Get as far from white people as you can as quick as you can. You put all your money into Nogcoin and that shit is crashing fast.

>If anything, it would increase the anti-White propaganda.

I disagree, the reason they are so effectively promoting anti-white propaganda. Is because they receive government funding to do so. If you take away their government funding. They'll quickly loose the ability to promote anti-white propaganda. Like I said before we need to either demand these groups to be eliminated. Or we need to demand the creation of our own institutions that WILL receive all the benefits that other racial institutions benefit from. We can use that said funding to create our own propaganda to support our cause and to combat the other institutions. Btw never allow the other side to shut you up about your rightful concerns about your race. If it means we must take to the streets then we will take to the streets. It may sound crazy but our side is currently winning. After all, Trump is in office and right wing values are sharply on the rise. The Left is losing ground and they know it. This is why they are behaving so irrationally. Their idea of the future is no longer a certain reality.

kill all nignogs

Lowest tier of bait available, please Shariablue harder

The thing is, where we go the government goes. There is simply no way to change the federal government without us. The gov and us have a special relationship.

national socialism is the agreement ..?

theres no black people on pol

Globalist shill. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil.

No, man, we gotta fix ourselves before we fork on foreign policy towards Israel. Assuming that we can instantly unite under the hatred of Israel is absurd, anyone left wing wants nothing to do with whites involved in identity politics.