Did the armenian genocide happen?


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It was an Armenian mass suicide, trying to blame the Turks.

If there was an Armenian genocide, how come there are still Armenians?


Just stop a moment and think about it, how could they have killed so many Armenians in such a short time and hidden all the bodies. The Nazis needed far longer, supposedly had a far better infrastructure including roller coasters and masturbation machines and still barely beat the numbers given for the Armenian genocide! Where are the mass graves, the dead people, why are there still so many Armenians today?



Okay, what's the Somalian take on the Armenian genocide? How could they kill up to 1.5 million Armenians on barely two years when the Nazis needed from 1933-1945 for barely six million. This is despite superior German engineering that saw everything from machines masturbating Jewish inmates to death, to an entire rollercoaster throwing them into ovens automatically and rooms where they'd be electrocuted en masse and giant electric chairs!


no one will get this comment

Same as the Holocaust? Didn't happen but it should have?

I don't have a take on the genocide, i just find it funny that you three turks have the same opinion about it.

Sup Forums denies holocaust with a mountain of evidence to back the genocide up
Sup Forums denies the armenian genocide with a mountain of evidence to back that up

>of course it happened and da joos were behind it

Well rule of the majority indicates they are right. Sorry Armenia.

If the Holocaust happened good, less kikes in the world. If it didn't that means that Hitler wasn't extreme enough, and we have more work to do.

That’s one liberal I want to break

>somali education

finally an honest opinion

i'd smash though


How come people only care about dead history when we have real time current event to focus on?

I bet her pussy is rotten and smells sour af

Tell me more about your Grandfather who got gassed 8 times, i need some laughs.

The dönmeh did it

>be ottofag empire
>shitty empire in ruins participating in a world war
>losing all battles
>no infrastructure, no manpower, no equipment, no medicine or food
>somehow genocide 1.5 million arm*nians in one year

tldr: no

it's more fake than the holohoax

Here we fucking go

The word genocide gets thrown around a lot and you need to understand the nuances of the situation. The armenians have been living inside the Ottoman Empire for a very long time, peacefully I might add..until they back stabbed there host and colluded with the Russians. They started it and the Turks finished it, simple as that really.

Yes, the Turks murdered Christians for scapegoat purposes.

I'm a noob, why won't they remember other bad things Turkey did? Why Armenia all the time?

Russia gets a long litany of the smallest misdeeds

Okay tell me Schlomo. How could the Turks have killed 1.5 million Armenians in just two years. TWO YEARS. They're afterall backwards savages, no?

Germany had:
>Automatic lore's running on rails, dumping entire Jewish families into ovens while still alive
>Giant electric chairs on which they fried hundreds of Jews at once
>Rooms with electric floors
>Masturbation machines that ran 24/7 and masturbated Jews to death
>Nazi guards riding on motorcycles throwing hatchets at inmates drinking from the wrong glasses
>Much much much more
Yet it took them 12 years to kill a measly 6 million. Explain this to me! One of these two simply dies not make sense!

nice try jamal
nope, my grandmother was a survivor of babi yar, but that didn't happen too amirite?

Yes Turk roach cock Armenia pussy genocide

>how could backwards savages kill 1,5 million people in two years
The answer is hidden in your comment. Now go on and act like you were just pretending to be retarded to save face.


fuck off turkoglu, look it up

Western Armenians, Pontic Greeks, Cappadocian Greeks, AND Assyrians were annihilated wherever the Turks could reach them. The scale of this evil is just horrific. Jew whining is a joke in comparison. Entire dialects and subethnic groups perished. Dozens of priceless monasteries and cathedrals were gutted. Awful business.

the armenian genocide never happened just like your fantasy holocaust

dumb kike

Tell me about it, i want to laugh at the shoah.

imagine being this much of a turk brainlet?

How many did the rwandans kill with clubs and machetes in just a few weeks again?

It's not about having the coolest toys, it's about willpower and drive. Now go make your dreams come true.

>calling anyone dumb

Your "hollohoax" shilling has no power here

I understand your frustration with the jews. Such frustration which leads to wanting to laugh at the demise of others.
Quite edgy indeed, greatest ally.

>Did the armenian genocide happen?
yes, but the numbers are drastically inflated
yes, but not done intentionally

>Oy vey bad goy!

Fuck off kike, i hope your grandparents still suffer nightmares from the shoah, or maybe they don't because it didn't happen in the first place! You ruin my country, shove faggotry down our throats, and irreversibly change its demographics, and you except me to care about some kikes who got gassed 70 years ago? if the holocaust is real, Hitler did mankind a service.

Fuck off kike. Your kind will once again be killed en masse and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

The worst part is you deserve it and you know it.

armenians were forced to go to syria and lebanon because they were rebelled for their own independent state

armed arabic and kurdish tribes attacked them on route not because religion but for looting

still majority of them managed to arrive in syria

then most of them fled to the usa or modern day armenia (soviet russia)

total death estimates: 20k killed by ottomans mostly armed rebels, 50k killed by tribes, some died of bad conditions and diseases = 100k

this is why there are over 2 million armenian descendant people in the usa and hundreds of thousands in syria, lebanon and egypt

also present day armenian population increased between 1915 and 1922 (first soviet population census)

the facts above are pretty much similar for all genocide claims including jewish one

>equating global jews and israelis in 2018
Your jews? maybe. We are here to stay.
>muh iran
rusty soviet equipment and the prospect of barely 1 nuke can't compete.

>my grandmother was a survivor
that's just called WW2 survivor not your special hooplacost

jews are so self centered for thinking anyone gave so much fuck about you to actuall exterminate you

trust me.. if anyone wanted to kill you all.. it would have been done long time ago without like even a bit of a problem, coz jews are weak ass pussies who literally can't do shit but serve

so when i hear that anyone actually wanted to exterminate you i laugh.

noone even hates you that much.. at least not to the point the you would like people to believe

i mean i really tried hating you jews..

it's so hard to hate cuckolded people who's supposed only sin is being misers and killing some historical character that probably didn't even exist

how can you hate someone as insignificant as jews??

you tell me jew. HOW??

it's like you are really doing your best so people actually hate you..

i mean you are really trying and still people are not really hating you

not more then only to make a jew meme which was prolly made by a jew

seriously.. i would actually love for holocaust to have happened to actually see how the survivors actually be about it

i mean.. seriously.. if it happened.. i'd think the jews would learn the lesson and be like.. lets just get out of spot light forever

i mean wouldn't it be logical for jews to get really really really quite??

i mean can you imagine.. if most of your people would get killed in less then 5 years??

that would most definately scare the fuck out of you.. considering how much of scared pussies you people are.

you'd be like oyyyy vey never again.

so.. it's all in your nature. if it happened.. we'd really never hear from you again like FOR REAL

you'd prolly even drop the jew name for good and convert to krishnaism and hide somewhere in deep china

but nope... here you are talking proudly about how someone from your family survived A FUCKING HOLOCAUST

seriously.. you are not getting the irony.. you dumb ass jew.

Of course not

Even the Mongols managed to kill at least 250.000 Muslims in a few weeks during the siege of Baghdad. It's not that hard to kill a lot of people.


You can try to pretend that you're unrelated all you want, Israel is just a stronghold for the eternal kike, there's a reason its our supposed "greatest ally" even though it contributes nothing compared to our other "allies" while raking in billions of "aid" all kikes are the same, Khazar or Hebrew, Israeli or Infiltrator you all deserve to be gassed.


Fucking gold

Tr*ks created situation in which millions armenians died. So yeah they responsible.

>nobody hates you that much
tell that to the countries that germans occupied which its' people, in yurn, went on the massacre jews where they saw them. I don't expect you to feel sorry for this or even care, i just don't want people to obscure what went on there.
>get out of the spotlight
it's called the land of the jews - Israel. Many jews immigrated here for precisely the reasons you bring forth

Honestly it would be believable if they had said that the Germans had starved all the kikes to death, but i guess that hit a little too hard at home for the soviet people, so elaborate and unrealistic death traps just had to do.

turks are evil

Was your grandmother bolshevik by any chance?

>Did the armenian genocide happen?
that depends on what you call a genocide.

turks being mudslimes prolly killed a bunch of christians regardless of their ethnic background

knowing pusse ass armenians.. they would have fled long before any action would be done against them, so would the pussy ass greeks

you all have to understand that eastern people are not stupid and are easy to get up and go if there is danger

look at the fucking refugies

and there were examples recently in asia with those former soviet republic where they has ethnic conflics and these sand niggers just get up and flee..

they will not sit and wait until they are killed

well.. a couple of armenians were surely killed but not a genocide

do turks want to genocide people??

of course

can they??

hardly.. like with what? with their dicks and butt plugs?

holocause is a little bit more complicated then this

as far history knows.. holocause is not something you can accomplish in a few years.. it takes decades to eradicate an ethnicity

for instance these native americans were holocausted.. not completely but in large amounts

do you see a lot of injans running around?? no
here is your proof of holocaust

you don't see them much

do you see armenians?? fucking everywhere

thus - no armenian holocaust

and no jewish holocaust

and no other holocausts as well

how much bullshit are you people gonna fall for??

hi wafer

You underestimate the stupidity of your diaspora.
They think we can't see them still
Meanwhile every lie they tell whips us into a greater frenzy.
There is a decent chance they will try a hail Mary and go with a red revolution.
They will lose and depending how bad it is people might want to kill you all once and for all.
The other option is they see the writing on the wall and fuck off to Israel leaving us to fight the niggers they imported.
That influx of arrogant leftists will fuck up your next election.
Leftists win
Lower the wall because they believe in love.
Muslims Zerg rush your open wall.

C'mon man you can't be that dumb.
And we haven't forgot your part too

Genocides never happen. It's always a myth. Nobody would ever want to do that to an entire class of people.

Gas all kikes. Extermination now.

Sup Forums cognitive dissonance

Just a meem bro!

But seriously, when are we getting the rope?

Yes, and it was justified. See Kardashians if you don't believe me.

>massacre jews where they saw them
ohh fucking please.. this shit got old in 1945
nobody massacred you otherwise you wouldn't be sitting here

>I don't expect you to feel sorry
there is nothing to be sorry for

>i just don't want people to obscure
what is going on in your wild imagination?? nice try shlomo.. lets just fucking believe in your fairy tales. that would be actually fine.. if you didn't fucking ask money for that shit etc etc. i mean i don't mind you believing in whatever the fuck you want.. just keep it to yourself and keep money out of it

>it's called the land of the jews
you see.. you are clearly insane.

>Many jews immigrated here
i thought you were all killed during hooplacost

too many inconsitencies with your stories shlomo

i mean i don't mind you living in israel.. but it's not the land of the jews.. it's just piece of land given to you by british

whatever the fuck you are larping as no one really gives a shit if you don't make drama about it

if you quitely kill the midslime shit and got on with.. who would mind??

but you made a drama about it and played along the various political agendas

i mean you have to understand that this israel excists only for political reasons and not for so called jews who are not even an ethnicity

anyway.. i woul dget tired explaining complex shit to some dumb larping jew who clearly is way over his head on this subject

you are insane shlomo.. no better then your usual mormon or other religious fanatic

you really belong in a looney bin.. but good for you since you have been useful for political agendas and shit

so play your role as far as it goes.. and then they'll prolly discard your silly people when there is no more need for you.

good luck larping.

What's your opinion on the current Ukraine situation and all the pro-nazi marches/etc?

Germany was trying to run things using camps and keeping things quiet for PR reasons. They were selecting segments of the population rather than wholesale eliminating populations.. They used their targets for work for a while too, and were in the process of fighting a rather resource intensive war at the same time too.

And even then most of the deaths were from entirely conventional means - yes starvation, bullets and deliberately unchecked disease.

The turks literally just went town to town killing people en-masse. Makes it pretty easy to rack up numbers.


inb4 its annudah shoah


I heard it was the jews. Armenians were smart and a threat to them. Wouldn't surprise me.

Find the teeth
No teeth no genocide

this.but i wish it was real

>siding with turks

careful with that edge komshu. it's late anyway go get some sleep or you will be late for work you lazy bastard

I believe it happened to some extent and was perpetuated by some ottoman officals. We could have knew more but sadly the royalty and the remaning officals have ran away. Throwing the blame on us for some reason.