Why did Hitler Support Zionism, but was against Marxist Jews?

Why did Hitler Support Zionism, but was against Marxist Jews?

What did the Balfour Deceleration and The Transfer Agreement both have in common? They both supported the Zionist creation of Israel.

Hitler seemed to do so many things right, NATSOC, restoring his country, but why would he help Zionist Jews crate Israel under the Transfer Agreement? This, the mercy at Dunkirk and questionable military decisions (delaying operation Barbarossa) are what puzzles me about Hitler.

Anyone have any insight on this?

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israel was supposed to be the answer to the jewish question

National socialist believe in ethnostates. Hitler saw no reason why not support a Jewish ethnostate. The reason became fairly evident after he threw out the Zionist banks and they called on all their controlled governments - France, UK, Soviet Union and US, to attack Germany.

When you figure out that you have a parasite growing inside of you I think anyone would agree that asking it to go peacefully would be a favorable solution.

Or at least the Madagascar plan. His plan was to give the Jews a home, just not in Germany.

I don't blame you Shlomo.

But a cabal of German Zionist Jews orchestrated the Holocaust and killed 6m Polish and Russian Jews, so they could eliminate anti-Zionist opponents and gain sympathy for forming the State of Israel, and scare Jews into moving there.

> Anonymous (ID: /JO8pZFV) 01/17/18(Wed)14:01:31 No.157061039▶
> (OP)
>When you figure out that you have a parasite growing inside of you I think anyone would agree that asking it to go peacefully would be a favorable solution.

The NatSoc dream is that the world would be united only in their dedication to the ethnostate ideal and opposition to Marxism/Communism/Globalist Capitalism in all forms.

Giving the Jews their own ethnostate is the solution to their plans and tendencies. It's also the most humanitarian thing to do for them.


Every race deserves its own land from which to draw and prove its worth checkem

Hitler literally is the Father of Israel, Op.
He did all that the Zionist asked to create Israel.
I'd tell you why, but that would spoil the upcoming fun!
Remember, Op! One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews of Europe!



Emil Ludwig had this to say about Hitler in the 1930s:
>Hitler will be forgotten in a few years, but he will have a beautiful monument in Palestine.
Yes, Ludwig was Jewish.

Idk if I would call it a home, as much as a containment zone. If the juden are isolated and contained, and your media-academia-government complex in native hands, with sealed borders, the juden aren't a problem. No jewish money allowed in your country, no jews allowed to visit another nation, and the problem is solved.

Am I missing something here? Is he Jewish? Why would he say that?

[spoiler]they created a jewish ethnostate in the middle of all their enemies with the express intent of being utterly annihilated[/spoiler] am i right?

Hitler was put in place by the new world order. He then turned on them because he had intended to keep Germany for himself after agreeing to Aid in the NWO scheme.

He was compassionate desu he did not punish innocent people, he knows Judaism is run by criminals and did not want to punish the average Jew who was not part of it what do you do when you are at war? How to tell them apart. Best to expel them all. One of the founding members of the SS Emil Maurice was Hitlers bodyguard and good friend and Jew

>Jewish E1b1b yDNA
>Eva Braun
>Jewish N1b1 mtDNA
>Yiddish-speaking, Hebrew reading Jewish Zionist who visited Palestine

Basically since the time of Egypt when the priesthood of Amen became corrupted and were expelled from Egypt (Hyksos) decided they wanted to take over the world and destroy the Aryan Emperium (yes you are also Aryan) to take power from themselves. This is why they created the Talmud as a brainwashing tool. They used their first set of followers that left Egypt with them to genetically create an entire army of useful idiots to do their bidding. I know all of this will sound a bit fantastic at first but if you follow the evidence you will see


It even goes much deeper than this

All of this is garbage desu do not listen to them they are probably freemason shills


Stop listening to Alex Jones

stfu idiot Hitler was a God, so anyway here the short and skinny for people with two brain cells it is not hard to figure out, those with money and power want to expand that money and power Judaism/Christianity/Islam/Race/Communism all this shit is bullshit they create to create people fighting each other to their benefit. The top Jews don't give a fuck about Jews, the top Goyim don't give a fuck about Goyim etc they are secret societies their only allegiance is to others in these societies because they benefit from it. They are the enemies of men and have no allegiance to nay of of us and fuck every single on of us to further their own ambitions. There is only those with money and power and those without nothing else matters, the rest is an illusion

If people want to know what WWII was really about start here

everything you are looking for is here but the path is not quick or easy

I hope you all realize the goal of this game before it is too late, good luck

>Hitler was justified for invading every European country because he was fighting international banki-


Anyone who supports Hitler is anti-white, 100%.

Adolf Hitler: the greatest story never told, that's a documentary everyone should see.

You have to realize Judaism/Christianity/Islam etc are all run by the same people, the goal is to keep us all fighting each other, among more esoteric goals you will not understand. Only when you transcended these labels and become own person do you realize what Moses said I AM. Just be a good person, do good deeds fuck them and their sick matrix of control. Their object in this game is to keep you from looking to see who you really are and what the real goal of the game is

It's complete lies. See

kys I wrote a book about and spent years studying all of this, you a free mason faggot shill and need to stfu before our wizards shut you up

Not an argument, pepe kek retard.

100000% this. The problem is when one race tries to impose themselves globally
If they're shit, let them shit up their own homelands. Not our place to go in there and "fix things", it only leads to a net negative for everyone involved

Hitler went on a retarded rampage for lebensraum. He ruined nationalism for everyone. Sup Forums are retards.

Everyone except Jews

>Why did Hitler want the Jews out of Europe

Gee I dunno cunt that's a hard one.....

I don't need to argue with you I told everyone where all the information is, and no one will understand all of this from reading Sup Forums posts, your goal is to keep them from looking. Anyone that wants to know the truth just start with this playlist

when you are ready for more you know where to find it, we are always here watching, waiting for those looking for us to help you

I don't care. I'm saying Hitler started world war 2 and ruined everything and nothing he did was actually justified. This is backed by historians and anyone that looks at evidence and isn't retarded.

What is the upcoming fun?

hitler took alot of drugs like meth so his thinking was impaired in the later stages of the war


what is that coin?

stop, what you are trying to do is give people your version of truth, that is completely uninformed, what I am doing is giving people information. See the difference? They will decide for themselves what we think does not matter. Nothing you think or believe is real, it is all lies based on lies. There is an exoteric and esoteric reality in this world, and the information given to the exoteric people like you is always the exact opposite of reality so the sources you use and information you have and conclusions you draw from it are meaningless, you are like a child in a conversation about advanced calculus when you don't even know simple algebra


>Hitler didn't decide to invade Poland and kill Polish people and ignore treaties, resulting in world war 2
What a dishonest cunt you are.

you are literally a zombie my friend, completely clueless and you never stop talking when you should be listening

this is why you will fail this test, now buzz off and stay out of other people's way

He didn't. he didn't support the transfer agreement, he didn't think that jews really wanted a homeland, he said they wanted to plan their kike things in that land and have it as a central base.

Avraham Stern tried allying with him and he didn't respond, he really did hate jews of all kind

>Hitler didn't invade Poland
Just fuck off. Or at least provide proof . . . lol.

Stop it faggots, he is clearly drifting attention. Only 1 post by ID.



read Albert Pike