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by the power of grayskull !

>Cyberpunk setting
>Mature, composed protagonist with a heavy past and excellent dueling skills from the very start
>Card games on hoverboards, on a duel lane
>Each protagonist will receive an AI and it'll be their link to each other, just like the Crimson Dragon marks
Where have I seen this before?




It's a comparison, and I'm not even nitpicking.

Goodbye, Yuya

>cardgames on hoverboards
whats next
cardgames on cars
cardgames on planes
cardgames on tanks
cardgames on boats
cardgames on rockets
cardgames on missiles
cardgames on nuclear missiles
cardgames on animals
cardgames on trees
cardgames in space

>cardgames in space
didn't we have one on the moon?


Mechs would be cool

>cardgames on planes

This was already done, though. On a crashing plane as well.

arent flying ballon techincally a plane too?

didn't we all agree to forget about that abomination

In what universe are zeppelins planes? Are you retarded?


blimps aren't planes user

welll.... to be fair, a series that showing you cheating by changes card during duel are tend to forgetable

More like DOWN THE DRAIN desu

Hey guys I didnt watch Zexal or Arc V is it ok to watch Vrains?


Do you mean arc-v?

We're overdue for card games on giant robots

The shows have no continuity


So is Vrains good?

it's had one fucking episode you twit

>two shows can't be awful at the same time
said no one ever

ep1 looks average

If you're lucky you'll get them tonight. If you aren't you'll be getting them Monday, as for VJUMP as usual it releases on the 17th and by the 20th you'll see the Arc-V manga spoilers.

Most of these have actually been done.

It's not even 15th yet

Phantom, why so much ZETSUBOU in your eyes?

What if Aoi wears a Sarashi to keep her Blue Angels down.


Is that a tiddy I see

Baba tiddy.

all I need to know is if she has child bearing hips

its a shame this card wasnt used on Don thousand or in the ceremonial duel

There is no way we'll ever agree to forget about the best girl!

>cardgames on animals
We did have card games on hippos and dragons rather recently.

with vrains 1st episode over, going off the first OP and ED of all series so far where do you rank it?



>hating on GET ON THE DECK
>Jam Project ED this low

card games on crows

>this taste

No but we can forget your shitty opinions

>Knights are attacking VRAINS
>in the real world screens shatter


>he doesn't think zexel is literal garbage
wew lad

I hope Yusaku does a recontract universe, especially now that there are digital cards that can be hacked.
It was hype as fuck.

Kaisei Joshou Hallelujah > Masterpiece > With The Winds > Voice > Kizuna > Believe X Believe

Can't remember all the first EDs

Wasn't everything supposed in CG except the characters ?

Next you are going to say that 5Ds/DM was the best series and only S3 of GX was good.


gx was the best with dm second
5d can stay in the trash along with zexal and arc meme

When will Yusaku become evil?

You don't need to, START > Everything else

It was good and that's why its head writer came back as the head of VRAINS. Your opinion is a wrong opinion

Is VRAINS going to be one continuous story like Arc Shit again or will there be multiple stories like the other series?

First OPs of Yu-Gi-Oh aren't geniuenly ones to get hyped for but



I don't understand how people like literal gibberish

no wonder why the first ep was so disappointing

So much fucking CG in ZEXAL it was so jarring


Just wait for 20 episodes and you'll start getting hints of it

Only in Zexal and after technically.

>Hating Kizuna and Believe X Believe
Truly the shittiest taste
I can respect your desire to GET ON THE DECK though.

>It was successful
>This means it was good

Yoshida pls stop.

cardgames on phones

The first ep was kinda blah. It's really too early to tell whether it'll be good or bad. This is standard YGO fare though. I honestly only think 5Ds had a really amazing first ep out of the YGO series so far.

we already have that with duel links

>Recontract universe was hype as fuck

Fuck you. It was the most tension destroying bullshit in the world.

Honestly, YGO's been pretty decent at having the first episode duels be fairly relevant and not just set-up stuff: Yugi v Kaiba, Yusei v Ushio, Yuma v Shark, etc. Arc-V was the exception with STRONG Ishijima being pretty much filler.

>duel fags

Tons of duels with weak plot and no stakes makes them garbage.

We need moar of Aoi-chan!

I don't care about there being a duel in the first ep or not, I just don't think the first ep was particularly captivating.


I like all of them, just those two the least at this moment.


But that's clearly Blue Angel you posted.

This, I don't mind using the first episode to set-up the stakes, but some of it was just info-dump shit (Yusaku's "As you know, I'm fighting against the Knights of Hanoi so that we can find your brother and my past") that was awkward and forced. I would have preferred saving that stuff to be revealed more naturally and instead having the duel start this episode.


Aoi means blue
Chan means angel

goodnight sweet prince

Oh, god.

The scene with Akira made me cringe so hard that my shoulders caved in with how blatant it was.

degenerates LEAVE

Fuck off.

teppei2.0 and Yusaku scene was pretty bad as well
>this is how link VRAINS work
I think there was too much info dump

The directing was so bad it looks like it took over the the guy that ended arc-v. Lets hope it switchs fast to a decent one at least.

>be Yusaku
>be in VR where I can look like whatever I want
>look like a huge sperg in a jumpsuit
but why?

Who the fuck runs with his muzzarella oppened?

Because no normal person wants to admit they look like a retard, no matter how good they are. It's psychology 101.

Just marathoned the first episode. What did I think of it?

Still not as good as the BB arc in Arc-V.


Fairly mediocre.

I haven't watched a YuGiOh series since 5Ds, but after getting back into the TCG recently I thought I'd give VRAINS a go, and I honestly really enjoyed the first episode. Certainly going to watch this every week.

Its just a word user-kun, no need to get triggered, you can find your safe space over at Reddit.

This guy will end up sacrificing himself to save Yusaku.

How badass is he going to be in doing so?

The CG monsters in that ED actually looked pretty nice, even if it was jarring
that yuya tho...