The reason you want a virgin girlfriend is because you feel sexually inferior to other men...

The reason you want a virgin girlfriend is because you feel sexually inferior to other men. You don't want a girl who has had sexual experiences already because when you fuck her, you're competing directly with those men. You know there's a high chance those experiences were far more pleasurable than anything you yourself could provide and that she did things with them she'd never do with you, and the thought of it makes you sick with insecurity.

Same goes for you guys who worry that a girl has been 'blacked'. It's rooted in your belief in the old phrase that 'once you go black you never go back', and your fears that you can't compete with a black man sexually.

Other urls found in this thread:!po=11.1386

>t. cuckold

Yes. And?

No, I am legitimately disgusted. The right is motivated by disgust, not fear. You know this.
I want someone that loves me the way Sharon Sheeley loved Eddie Cochran, that's all.

It's about venereal disease and the possibilty that the women could already carry another man's child, you retard. Also you can sculpt a virgin's understanding of sexuality.

No, it is because we want a girl with principles who is likely to be a good wife and mother. Next question ?


someone post the marriage stat for user fuck

You're speaking for your own inner passions, friend. You can't know what motivations and desires specifically account for wanting a virgin spouse. YOU a mental inferiority complex, evident in your rationalization. Good day.

kek it's the opposite. If you have the choice, pick the best thing coming.

Only betas settle for sluts.

Didn't this guy die in a fucking sauna of all places?

Nah, I just don't want to invest time in a used cumsock

Also microchimerism

>personal attacks
>nothing to do with politics
>posts dead wog who abused drugs and died from a heart attack
Bye bye

t. roastie with 1000 dicks under her belt

Everyone understands that being a whore is a bad thing, user. You don't need to try an psychoanalyze the people who say it.

Anyone disputing this is a virgin, lol.

Chad here. Any real man knows that you WILL get divorced/dumped if you date a woman who's younger than 25 and who haven't been in a serious relationship or two yet.

Any woman who's under 25 and hasn't been in a serious relationship doesn't know what she wants yet.

They might have been preferable some time ago, but fucking not now-a-days - these days that's suicide.

No, it's a natural emotion that evolved in humans to deal with male parental insecurity so that men wouldn't spend their time and resources raising another mans child

This is the worst LARP I have ever read.

All of you soyboys are going to get cuck'd hard, then will fall into a depression for about a year lol.

Believe me - in 2018, girls under 25 don't necessarily know what they want (perhaps same for average guy for that matter).

our generation has matured way later on than past generations, and all the social media and dating apps and slutty friends etc. confuses them

simply put: if you date a non-virgin under 25 you are going to get dumped. 100% fact. If you don't believe me, then feel free to find out the hard way faggots

literally this, if you date a slut no amount of your own perceived sexual superiority will save you from stds and betaness.
if you are scared that you cant keep a virgin qt interested then that is your own fault not the virgin qts.

Admit it buddy, you haven't brought a woman to orgasm yet.

Type it out cuck

if you're a 25+ male you can easily date a nice, conservative 18 year old and show her the light before she is corrupted with kikism

>virgin qts

you sound like a faggot saying this. Straight up, imagine yourself in a room with guys you don't know, and say 'virgin cuties'. You're going to sound like a desperate and inexperienced creeper.

Think about me when she dumps you because she still wants to find herself hahahaahah.

We're not in Iran you fucking retard.

If we lived in Iran, yes.

We don't, we live in 2018 USA. The fact that you possibly believe in what you posted PROVES that you're a little virgin bitch

no it doesn't and that's not an argument

I understand the social factors at play....and that there are reasons why most women are whores in our society.

But virginity is still good. The only people who say it isn't are whores.... and even they know they're full of shit.


Also you're all gay. I chose a pic of zyzz because I knew your eyes would all home in on it for long enough to read my post. I bet you keep scrolling up just to glance at it again don't you? Keep telling yourself you're just mirin' brah.

Face it bud, you date sluts because virgins are not interested.
zyzz would be ashamed you are using his likeness to shitpost against your fellow man

>But virginity is still good.

Not in 2018 you fucking idiot.

That fucking SCREAMS that she''ll eventually dump you.

She'll get tempted with constant slutty social media, her friends ,her coworkers, everything.


Get a girl who knows what it's like to feel heart broken, and knows how heavy and severe it is to call off a serious relationship.

Fucking soyboy cuck

and? It is expected , why would you not get disgusted by a woman who needs a a sexually apex partner just to commit herself to a relationship? You might not believe it but sexuality for some people are on the second plan. Also you will never see mens opinions voiced in any single media but you would find thousands of articles and stuff about women being displeased about men. Last I checked it was women who were the prominent workforce in whoring business, it is women who wants to be treated like a queen, its her that wants attention. So, unless you are god are a filthy egalatarian commie, you easily would see that these standarts are impossible to meet and women are being coaxed by (((them))) to be whores and label this as strong and independent. You can verify this by observing the mating choices women make, as always they go for “chads” and “bad boys”.

Thry control who they sleep with unless its a 3rd world shithole where they get raped. So in the end they got what they wanted, casual sex with alpha males with huge cocks. However , I do not understand why would they(this also includes faggots like you) still rant about the “beta males” and call them this and that. You got what you wanted right? Why can’t you be content with it or is it that women actually want to suck all the cock they want and then settle down and leech someone elses life.

>implying +25 will be faithful

here take it bro

so im competing with a roiding tattoofag who died in his 20's leaving no children
i like my odds

I've dated a conservative mormon virgin for that matter, kiddo.

everything I said there is irrefutable, to deny that would be ignorant

Actually maybe I could be wrong. Maybe the triggered Sup Forumstards in this thread are all alpha as fuck in real life and have no such insecurities?

Or maybe you're all just in denial.

>t. doesn't know how to fuck a woman properly

Wrong. Women who aren't virgins are worthless for marriage. It doesn't matter if they hook up, or they sleep with long-term boyfriends. They're just less valuable. It has nothing to do with insecurities or your retarded projection. Go fuck yourself desu

>Sexual Regulations and Human Behaviour. London: Williams & Norgate ltd., 1933.
>Sex and Culture. London: Oxford University Press, 1934.
>Sexual Regulations and Cultural Behaviour. London: Oxford University Press, 1935.
>Hopousia: Or, The Sexual and Economic Foundations of a New Society,with and introduction by Aldous Huxley. New York: Oskar Piest, 1940.

>Feldman SS, Cauffman E. Your cheatin’ heart: Attitudes, behaviors, and correlates of sexual betrayal in late adolescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 1999;9:227–252

>Treas J, Giesen D. Sexual infidelity among married and cohabiting Americans. Journal of Marriage & the Family. 2000;62:48–60.!po=11.1386
>"Having more prior sex partners predicted a higher likelihood of future ESI"
>Teachman study correlating number of sexual/cohabitational partners with divorce, using 1995 National Survey of Family Growth
>"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."
>Sexual restraint in relationship correlated with better relationship quality

>Not in 2018 you fucking idiot.

Compromising on that is shortsighted. It's better to get dumped in 6 months than 10 years after marriage.

The last chick I banged had her legs shaking, I'd say that's decent enough.

I know more about women, relationships, and love than you do kiddo.

You're going to have your heart broken by dating an inexperienced girl in 2018. Literally all of your friends would tell you this, if you had any

nice spacing you got there, friendo

A woman who's already been in a serious relationship or two and knows what she wants WON'T dump you after marriage

Here's some more objective facts for you retards out there who say the only reason for wanting a virgin is insecurities. Not that you fucking retards will read them because you'd rather just stick to your comfy world view.

Bullshit. Stats say otherwise.

Marrying a virgin is the surest path to a successful marriage.

You can just tell that this faggot has never gave a woman an orgasm before

hahaha then go find out yourself whether or not that's true brah

If you have a hard on for stats, then I expect you to hook up with a black wife, by the way

not an argument

Notice how the retarded dudebro shies away from facts and projects when confronted. Overall this is a shitty troll, you'd get more (you)'s if you pretended to be woman, but even then your bait is shit.

>If you have a hard on for stats, then I expect you to hook up with a black wife, by the way

>wasting your time with a shitposter

this is you right now

but i appreciate the sources ameribro

Why would I want to hook up with a black woman who has a 50% chance of having herpes, a completely different culture and race than my own and most importantly isn't attractive to me? Fuck off faggot you know you have no arguments against anything I posted so you resorted to baseless projection and an absolutely retarded post. If you aren't trolling promptly kill yourself or read the studies I posted.

White male/black female has the lowest divorce rate, dipshit. I figured an autist like you would know that.

If you're obsessed with and want to follow stats concerning marriage, then you'd need to marry a black woman.

You can't have it both ways, neckbeard

I'm pretty much redpilled on muslims but when I see a muscular guy like pic related regardless of his race and religion I can't help myself but feel attracted to him very bad