>walking through London minding your own business reading your phone
>3 negros armed with a gun and knives block your path
>"aaayyyy white boi, empty dem pockets"
What do?
>walking through London minding your own business reading your phone
>3 negros armed with a gun and knives block your path
>"aaayyyy white boi, empty dem pockets"
What do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Met police twitter looks like South Africa
A recent "youth" who committed an acid attack
Another murder in my once safe and beautiful country.
All these engineers and scientists we keep taking in, the future is bright for multicultural UK.
>what do
Kindly remind them that guns and knives are illegal and point them to the nearest bin.
>h-hey! bin tha-that knife!!
Another non-descript "man". I guess we are lucky they are still allowed to post their pictures and not be called out for their blatant racism.
I would suck their cocks
Engineer has escaped from prison. I feel so safe.
Another sexual assault by a non-descript "man". The comments on these twitter posts read like Sup Forums threads.
How long can the police ignore the obvious pattern? Perhaps they need another non-white recruitment drive.
more acid attacks. We're not even out of January yet.
Someone must stop these Engineers and Scientists.
An Engineer and a Scientist walk up to a man in the UK...
Oh look, gun robberies in London, using a modern pistol with a silencer.
Thank god we banned guns in the UK :)
Try finding any of these stories on the BBC news website.
absolutely love how they have mug shots of most of these niggers already
Tracksuits don't have pockets you nigger.
Impossible. Guns and knives are illegal.
Ask if they have any oil
That will teach the cops to get between a chimp and his bananas.
>tfw broke phi broke
>pockets are already empty
“The Boomers took it all, sorry my brothas”
Finally some diversity, oh no he was a victim.
At least they left a description of the attackers so we can all be safe... Oh well, I guess it would have been racist anyway.
Hand them a typhoid fever blanket and tell them you'll give them tobacco and whisky in exchange for French scalps.
Tell them: fucking do it you pussy bitch, and make sure you kill me or your whole family is going to be dead in a week.
You should have taken precautions for your own safety. It’s your fault you got robbed.
Can I derail this thread? I want to talk about how jews are bad.
disarm and eviscerate them.
I'd unleash my inner JAHANS
I live on the border of Lambeth and Southwark, and quite often have to walk past scary groups of black youths. So far nothing has happened, but I'm on guard all the same.
I was told "empty your pockets nigga" by some big black dude and his two friends, all threatening physical violence but none presenting weapons. I just said "I'm not going to empty my pockets" and threatened to call the police. They ended up going away.
Then I shouted "nigger" at them in the distance. Life is strange but being afraid is no way to go through it.
this. worked for us the first time. if that fails, try giving them hiv
live south of croydon
More acid attacks by an Engineer.
come live in the north, less groids more poles. not to mention everything's cheap
>bot living in the west
poorfags baka
I'm amazed the UK police can still show images of suspects.
Isn't this the same fucking Police department that said they would catch and jail people who say offensive things?
I actually quite like the south to be honest. It gets shit on a lot, but I've had no trouble here and I find it's a bit more open and less claustrophobic than the north
Chemical Engineer
Yes, their twitter is full of black and muslim murderers and acid attackers, but they need to make sure we don't say anything bad about our new friends who enrich us.
It makes me feel sick that they even think they have the money or time to police twitter when these savages are roaming our streets in the thousands.
I'm starting to think our police are actually afraid of these people and they want to divert attention to racism on Twitter because it usually involves arresting a nice polite white man who lost his temper in front of his computer.
This country is fast becoming a shithole.
It's impossible to read the character of negros.
One might give a negro the benefit of the thought, and assume they are engaging with a normal sane reasonable person.
Then, bam. Shanked and raped.
Often with whites you can tell the character and temperament of a person just from their face.
Not with negros though.
no shit, niggers are niggers. we need to put them infront of a firing squad, make an all white world.
Yeah I saw that. Despite Brexit you Brits seem to be in even worse shape than Canada and that's saying something. We don't have the government jailing people for offensive tweets...yet.
wow I didn't know there are too many blacks in england I thought only pakistanis are there
>gun and knives
hmmm no sweetie, these are BANNED in the UK
at least we finally found sargons real dad
Even just mentioning that Blacks commit most crime gets a police officer investigated for racism. They must be terrified to speak out about this publicly.
oi guvna ya tryna ave a donnybrook?
>don't be in London
>be American
>have gun
>shoot anyone who threatens your life
>be free
>Easily observable fact that blacks commit more crime also backed up by mountains of statistical evidence
>"Blacks commit more crime"
>"Don't be fucking racist"
The absolute fucking state of Britain.
Hence the adage
>around blacks never relax
Not like the government didn't publish a report that shows this:
Enjoy the diversity britbongs. Our slave descended niggers with white admixture still act like subhuman animals. Yours are pure jungle murder monkeys. It's only going to get worse for you.