Sex Dolls are Making Women Obso-

>A Challenger Appears
What's good for the goose, as they say.

women want more from men than just physical fucks, things robots cannot give like money and social status.
Men just want a warm hole to fuck, something robots can easily give.
your reverse psychology isn't going to work, sexbots are the future

I'm gonna get one of each and make them fuck.

Only gay dudes and landwhales will use that twink.

The sex doll can't pay her bills while she pursues her dreams of being a professional flower photographer.

Women want the status that comes with men.

These are going to be purchased in gay men. Very few women are going to buy these.

Imagine a world where sexbots make men and women obsolete, and in one generation the human race goes nearly extinct. It's beautiful

> he thinks women are the ones who will buy this

only for sex addict sub human or teenagers.

real men want to pass down their genes.

Does it print money or have status? No? Then women still need men.

sex robots for women are like anti-hypergamy. they're the lowest of the low on the status ladder 'cause they're not even human.
a woman would absolutely hate herself moreso than she ever could from doing the worst things imaginable for a dude if she fucked a robot. because she'd be thinking "how disgusting must I be to have a to fuck a robot, no man wants me"

If anyone will manage to make a male doll thrust, then you faggots are in real danger. No politician or celebrity will need you, and will be back to death sentences for fags.

If women wanted an easy fuck why would they need a robot when they can pick up their phone swipe right once on Tinder and fuck in that same hour

When women can't exchange sex for money and status these sex dolls will just end up as 'good listeners'.

So you are cucking yourself with bots?
Thats a new level of degeneracy, congratulations!

Men like to fuck things, women like to be fucked. One can broadly be solved by robotics the other is a hell of a lot more to do with psychology and other things a robot can't provide.

lol at his fucking barnet

If it's not bundled to free cash then i doubt this will replace anything

Does it thrust or does she do all the work? Perhaps women can enjoy losing weight
Then watch feminists still try to ban female sex dolls

I had a fleshlight for about two weeks. I felt gross after using it and threw it in a drawer. I eventually wrapped it in a plastic bag and tossed it in a dumpster when no one was looking.

Where am I supposed to hide a 6 foot long fleshlight so I don't have to look at it and how do I quietly dump something the size and shape of a human body

It looks like it's a lot harder to create the perfect man's body compared to the perfect female's body.

I literally do not care what women play with or put inside of their vaginas because they are irrelevant to me.

oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy OH BOY

Gonna dust off my rainbow stockings and never leave the house again. Jews win, thank you Jews.

Why are these sex dolls all over my facebook feed?

Living the dream

will only be used by gays


You must be that homo with the pink union jack

You're just mentally weak. I'm going to fuck my sex doll for the rest of my life until sexbots come out, zero fucks given. I'll feel pretty damn good knowing I can come home and fuck her. I'll finally lose my virginity and I'll gain confidence and motivation needed to help me succeed in life.

but can he lift a box?

Women want someone to take care of them. This doesn't work for them.

this. The argument of "a sex doll can't do what a real man can do" actually works in the case of male sex dolls. It's laughable when they try to pull the "a sex doll can't keep a home and cook for you" card as if they would actually do that lmao

You're stronk independent womyn now you don't need to be a "homemaker" what is this the 1950's?! You should be slaving away in the office for Goldstein and earning money, not slaving away at home for some piece of shit man who fathered your children and loves you lmao who would want to do that

>my sides


True patrician

Hey OP,
Pro-Tip: those are dolls made for faggots.

>Sex dolls are making men obso-
>Male sexbots abandons women and cucks men from their female sexbots
>Men and women have nothing left

It would never work unless they can program it to pay attention and buy them shit.

Though there will always be betas to do that

Sex dolls currently cannot compete with real women or men. In fact I doubt they'll be capable of doing so in my life time. They just look like life sized barbie/ken dolls. Even if they do eventually find a way to make them look almost identical to actually people. They'll still just be rag dolls who won't be capable of reacting to you. Or sexually performing for you in a realistic way. I'd bet my money on the future of VR porn. At least until they can create an AI capable of performing sex exactly like a human would.

I've never actually seen one of these in action. I've seen tons of female sexdolls getting run through their paces though thanks to you sick fucks.

cuckdolls? Now I can truly enjoy cuckolding without social ostracising

>lose your virginity to a doll

Is that dick like 12 inches?

I didn't know that dolls had some sort of social status.

Call me when a sex doll can provide the things women actually want from men:

Money, Power, Status and Social Signalling.

Not too many sex dolls gonna be able to take a bitch to a $500 a plate restaurant, buy her top-dollar brand name clothing and jewelry and then be something she can rub in the faces of her friends to try and prove how much more attractive she is than they are that she can get such a 'hot' sex doll. If a sex toy could do any of that, bitches would be marrying their vibrators already.

>implying a woman has the strength to carry around a sex doll
That is for gay men

Yeah yeah... Enough of these comments. He seems to have a huge dick. Do you have one?

if men can survive the vibrator, a sex doll aint shit

>Sticking your dick in a vagina
Yup, it'll count. The whole action is sex.

Women just like to lay down like a dead fish. They wont enjoy lugging that thing around

truly the thinking man uncucking the sex doll race

What about both? Is it adultery if your side chick is a hunk of plastic?

Soooo, a dildo with a gay guy attached. Who doesn't have a job, bank balance or status.

Better make it really good at spanking ass. And probably make it resemble Daddy a bit more.

soooo... it's a product aimed at faggots?

>mod keeps deleting the female sexbot threads
>leaves up this one and the faggot tranny ones as well
Really makes me think.

>women want more from men than just physical fucks, things robots cannot give like money and social status.
not for long, there's a cultural shift happening, the average women is making more money than the average man, what you're saying is totally true for older generations but things are changing fast

>Implying I care

Men are more than their dicks, women are not more than their holes.

Women are programmed to seek domination from real men. A sex doll isnt good enough for their DNA.

Checked and wrecked.


if thats the casee you'd see women entering a "relashionship" with their dildo's

Ehm sweetie, females like big dicks too. He does look like a faggot from a porno though.

and their suicide rate is skyrocketing lmao

>What does a sex doll and a black man have in common?
Neither one can support a family.

>there's a cultural shift happening

Yeah, but not in the direction you think.

Slavoj Zizek would be proud of you

Alright, enjoy your money and cats.

Now you can spit roast the girlbot.


They already have dildos.

They need an ATM with a penis

Awww... please choose a roof building to your liking.

Truth be told, I think partnerships are about more than sex, even for men. Men want someone who will take care of them when they are sick, someone to confide in, someone to share memories, movies and to have fun with. That being said, all of that will still be possible with advaced future fembots programmed like JOI.

Let's see how it handles "Harder, faster" requests from the woman.

If you just wanted a hole to fuck you'd be content with prostitution.

It would obey to autistic levels holding the cunt so hard she is basically being raped then increasing its thrust force to bruise her pussy.

I want one that isn't STD ridden

Good to see them catering to the fag and jew market. They can finally have the hairless boypussy on tap.

>t. roastie with 30 cats

Nigger girls don't give a shit about dick size as long as it isn't tiny.
Now stop sweetie posting.


>Theres a cultural shift habbening

Said the Roman

>implying it won’t be gay lonely guys buying this shit
women have had a vibrator and dildo forever. Plus that crazy machine that you attach a dildo to which rams a woman with different speeds and what not.

women can't do shit on their own you fucking retard, they need us for literally everything, even assisting them in fucking this lifeless doll

I’ve bought several flesh lights and then tossed them away. I fuck hookers and non hookers from time to time, but have recently stopped. I feel disgusted with my self, especially regarding the flesh light. Flesh lights makes me feel like s loser.

The women that will be fucking this will be so huge.

i'm not saying the modern women "empowerment" it's a good thing, i'm just saying things are changing, with less and les guys going to university and i'm not talking aout gender studies, i'm talking about law, medicine and bussines school, a shift in paradigms is almost inevitable, thinking womenwill always search for money and status forma man it's just lazy, the problem is much deeper than that

If women lost weight men wouldn't be buying nearly as many sex dolls in the first place desu. Low tier men are turning to lumps of plastic because low tier women are all three hundred fuckin' pounds.

>crushed pelvis and eviscerated womb

>Men want someone who will take care of them when they are sick, someone to confide in, someone to share memories, movies and to have fun with.
Well, people better get working on advanced AI, because women sure are not able to provide this.

Can you fuck his ass?

you gotta go even farther, have them fuck, film it and sell the porn / upload and gain money from ad revenue.

>have money
>have status
>live in shithole country like burgerland
>no fault divorces, fake rapes, etc. etc

Let us put some numbers to this problem. In burgerland, about 80% of spending is done by women and half of what men do spend is just to impress women. So, 90% of all money spent on hoes. Men earn about 60% of all income, leaving us with the conclusion that a whopping FIFTY PERCENT of all earned income is earned by men and given away to women and/or spent to impress women.

The AVERAGE male is tossing about $2,000 per month away on women. Do you think the average 5/10 guy is getting the equivalent of sex every other day with fresh 8/10 pussy that can be had for $150 a pop? Hell no.

Only the mathematically illiterate are in relationships. The numbers don't shake out.

But those dolls can't lift heavy objects for them, provide financial support for them, provide safety for them, provide child support for them, provide emotional support for them, provide companionship for them.... Women are needy as fuck and require everything I just listed, men dont need any of it, all we need is to bust a nut and we're on our way. Women will get these and fir a short time think they dont need no man, but they will commit suicide when it doesnt work for them and men don't want them.

>cucked by inanimate objects

>t. incel neckbeards who have never actually been with women irl and base their opinions of them off of quite obviously false greentext stories from Sup Forums

>What's good for the goose

Either robots accidentally cuck themselves or we are no longer needed and humanity is erased

