Drumpf is literally Stalin.
Drumpf is literally Stalin
Oh Fuggg :DDD
>Drumpf is literally Hitler!
>Drumpf is literally Stalin!
lmao what's next? DRUMPF IS GHENGHIS KHAN
1st Amendment rights protects the press and the president.
>MSNBC has the right to spew opinion articles about how"Drumpf = Hitler"
>Trump has the right to call them "Fake News"
Why would Stalin call his state owned media fake news?
>Trump is the leader of the Golden Horde
I can get behind this
1st Amendment doesn't protect libel user.
Libel is a specific statement, a falsehood that leads to harm.
>"Pepsi Contains Cat Urine!"
>Printed on the front page of the NYT
>Pepsi sales plummet!
>Pepsi sues NYT because Libel
That was libel
Ex. of not libel
>"Pepsi is a garbage soda!"
>Printed on the front page of the NYT
>Pepsi sues
>Sorry pepsi..... its an opinion. He didn't say anything that was not factually true. He believes you are garbage and that is a matter of opinion.
Arizona is home of "The Church", funded by David Geffen. A child sex trafficking front. This guy is probably associated closely with it.
Him too
And how often did Stalin endure attacks from the press? And how many journalists did Trump send to gulags?/thread
I guess too many people were looking into Hitler and deciding they liked him and he wasn't so bad afterall
Jeff 'sideways face' Flake
Jeff 'likes to walk face first into walls' Flake
Jeff 'frying pan to the face' Flake
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with his face
Literally can't wait to vote for his replacement in 2018.
Jeff 'a little more to the left nose' Flake
The Golden Horde was a sucessor state of Genghis Khan's empire
>Pretty much everything printed about the guy in the last two years by certain outlets has been incorrect on some level
>Upset that Trump choose to go on the offensive rather than defensive
I dunno why so many people are upset about a man that ran on a platform of being a no-nonsense no-bullshit president of which they've never had before acting like this. It was his goddamn prerogative from the get go.
What the fuck is so wrong with Arizona that they give us the sentient DNC puppets that are Flake and McCain?
>Mongolian throat singing president
It has been know since practically the beggining of reporting that Journalists are useually scumbags with an "anything for a story" mentality. I don't see how anyone finds this shocking in the slightest.
>Drumpf is literally Pinochet!
>*falls from helicopter*
Jeff 'Get two lumps to the face with a stick, while Trump gets two scoops' Flake
>msm now trying to appease rightwingers by making their enemies look like communists
we won
Jeff 'So ugly Rice Krispies won't talk to him' Flake.
"He's literally Hitler" didn't stick?
Leftist Media and Rinos have jumped a boatload of non-binary multicultural sharks by now. Clowns inspire more respect than media
huh, that's a new tactic. I guess they finally SHIFTED IT! also Stalin would have never called news fake, Stalin's men in the KGB were the ones writing the news after all. Sort of like how the CIA writes the narratives the MSM pushes today.
Wtf I love corporate media now
I wish Trump was a tenth the authoritarian the (((media))) makes him out to be, then we could see some real MAGA.
>I wish Trump was a tenth the authoritarian the (((media))) makes him out to be
>Drumpf is literally Ivan the Terrible!