Post from your countries, no meme flags allowed (except for pirates and Gadsdan)
We post like it's 1776
Pay taxes
What if your country didn't exist yet?
Post from the geographic location that will later become your country
you were still a colony
nay! fall upon a bayonet filthy lobster!
Hey eses, you may not know it but we got gold over here. Viva la raza
Fucking frenchies get off my Freistadt!
>yfw Ol’ George crosses the Delaware
Does anyone have the version with muslims in it
Fuck the lobsterbacks.
I used to be a Washington supporter but after seeing him murder those Hessians on Christmas Eve like some savage its fun watching him crash and burn. Seriously though we can't let him get his hands on independence.
Hey guys! Have you read that new Thomas Paine pamphlet?
This. What are we going to tell our children when they ask, “Wut did u do 2
stop Wooshangtaun?”
seriously you guys can we just burn new york city to the ground? It's full of un-American pussies anyway
What a lovely day, just watched a convict highwayman having his Skull smashed with an hammer and an heretic burned at the stake in the public square
That propaganda brings my piss to a boil.
Watchu doin pale face?
>Lobsterbacks are forcing me into cuckery
>Have to quarter a soldier in my home with my wife and kid
>Revolutionary war now
Best country, God bless us
I worked in da pit
me da worked in da pit
and his dad worked the shores with a pick
Frog eating Erbfeind gib clay or be removed.
I really think we should stay in the empire. I swear the taxes after we become independent will be higher than they are now under British rule
fuck yo tea, nigel
Hay Guys, let's destroy european colonialism so all the 3rd world shithole that were under control can flood white countries and ruin society! muh freedoms!
>be global empire
>get beaten by a couple farmers with muskets
britcucks on suicide watch
What the fuck? Where the fuck am I? We're not supposed to start exploring Australia until 1788. Faaaark.
[Doesn't exist in Australian]
>hanging the flag wrong vertically
Off with your head you fucking brit
y u invade Quebec in winter
If I'm going to thank Brits for anything it would be Australians.
Niggers are worthless!
I don't exist yet
Yeah! It was amazing!!!
America wasn;t really much of a prospect back then unlike India, we wanted tea and china and Canada supplied more furs anyway.
>oi lad bin that stamp
Fug :D
We really need to send these animals back to their desert lands before some libtard gets a fetish for them and tries to humanize them
wow this place is a backward fishing village and will never turn into a major international port because the qing govt is retarded
ya but why would u want furs from French people dad
God bless the U.S.A.
>what is tobacco
No fuck off out of our country!
(I also dumped the tea into the harbor)
Can't wait till we get a nigger president. Time to go fight the redcoats.
Actually they’re worth a lot
For hats son, good beaver hats.
Worth their weight in cotton.
can I go play at the shore with the irish kids?
Sorry I meant that for:
Oy vey goyim! Join the revolution and die so we can conquer this colony!
>tfw you realize George Washington and most of his generals were kikeworshipping masons.
>"Americans" think they can stop the might of The United Kingdom with a few muskets
This flag triggers the redcoat. Charlestowne will never fall!
>tfw your shitty palmetto tree fort withstands the might of the Royal Navy.
Starve the East Coast.
"By Jove, it appears the American colonies have lost their marbles. I suggest we conquer the rest of the world, chaps, just in case"
>tfw you want to rebel with your fellow colonists but they don't send any help cuz they're too scared of the British ships in the Royal Navy Port
We don't wanna take part in your stupid 'revolution' anyways. Hardly a revolution when you guys keep all your institutions and culture and the only thing that changes is you deny the crown and change your flag.
>He thinks we care
Enjoy sucking French cock yanks your new overlord is Louis
WE ARE FREE to give our country up to Jews, niggers, and faggots.
WE ARE LIBERATED from tradition and religion.
Here you go
>Can the potato niggers join too desu?
Since when are we befriending the savages from the potato farmlands? Get those pope worshipping animals outta here!!! Make the colonies GREAT AGAIN
that is so fucking false you faggot. George HATED Jews.
But son what will you drink? If you persist with that coffee rubbish, you will just turn psychotic and start killing those nice native neighbours of yours.
>gets smacked by a bunch of colonists with muskets
y-y-yeah well we didn't want your shitty taxes anyway. h-h-have fun with frogs. We'll be back to get smacked again in a couple decades.
Yeah, that's why he fought to destroy monarchy, you know, the system whereby you could just say "Yeah, kick the Jews out" and they were gone.
>Shitposts in abbo
I'm glad you appreciate the bants m8, we do it for you.
What the faark am I supposed to huff? Theres no fucking gasoline yet
Wait, what do I do with these scalps?
Was I not supposed to collect these?
#BetterOffIn #Remain
Yo! newly independent colonies guys... Tip from the future, pick your own cotton.
Fuck off, redcoat. I need that money to buy peyote from the local shitskins.
what is civilisation? me only know bunda and uga uga
Damned inconvenient this trouble in the colony, where are we going to send our convicts and lunatics, hey? Tell the navy to keep its eye out for a large island as faraway as possible.
rip the swedish empire
Louis XVI is a fat fag, he's only helping you to fuck with the bongs.
Is the Empire so weak morally as to think we should let the natives live? They are savages who never left the stone age and many are cannibals.
Proof that paddies are inferior.
lol, didn't have a problem with pope worshipers when you were sukcing french cock to get help during the revolution.
>Yeah you can set up shop over here, no problem, we love you guys. We trust you completey
>Hey, Shlomo, what kind of ship did you have in mind?
How many have you got, then, there's a fashion for native American artefacts. Damned if we should let a little rebellion interfere with trade, what.
Who are the best Americans and why is it Anglo-Americans?
Have you read the Declaration of Independence lads? It lists all the pains the Crown has inflicted on us. I feel we're in good hands if we win this war
Your country is Britain. American is not an etnicity.
Certainly cheaper than harlots and I'm certain there won't be any mulattos to deal with later on.
There sure are a shitload of Germans comming over.
I'm sure we will still be majority English in 200 years.
If this post gets digits we win the Revolution
Look like a redcoat to me. Fuck off we're full.
Hey Dutchy, lone me some money, muh soldjahs gots to get payed.
we grew plenty of tobacco and sugar cain in the west indies, it was a shorter voyage, and the US wasn't a threat. The main mistake with giving up on the US was underestimating how difficult they could make our shipping and thinking they wouldn't expand northwards. Europe and especially Germany was always the biggest nail in the coffin, rival navies and air power meant we couldn't maintain our shipping and provide an adequate force in Europe to defend Britain.
Honestly Austrians are pretty cool guys.