In Japan, drug use is extremely low, divorce rates are low, and there are almost no immigrants. Yet the Japanese rank their life satisfaction only about 6/10, which would be one of the lowest in Europe. My explanation is that they arent encouraged to be individuals in their culture, which ultimately results in no one being happy because everyone is sacrificing for the 'common good'. What is your explanation?
In Japan, drug use is extremely low, divorce rates are low, and there are almost no immigrants...
Too many people
too much jewish capitalism
Shallow culture with lots of underlaying degeneracy and completely materialist view on the world, despite occasional traditional religion larping.
They work like ants day in day out. In fact japan has a problem where some of them work so much that they end up dying from exhaustion.
Japanese is a degenerate as fuck country. That is a fucking fact.
They're allowed to have pride in their past.
We are not.
>divorce rates are low
because the marriage rate is so abysmally low
That seems to be a problem with asian culture over-all where they go absolutely bananas with collectivism and unironically consider themselves just another gear in the machine of their nation rather than a person who wants to help other people in their nation, but specifically Japan and South Korea have these depression/suicide/birthrate problems since they've both taken on Western society which makes it even worse since now their concept of nationality is just making as much money as they can.
Thay are an ant colony, no human beings there.
>Japan satisfaction
>Lowest in Europe
I believe it has to do with low testosterone. Have you ever seen a sad nigger? No, they're always smiling and laughing!
Reading comprehension
Dude Japan has a terrible culture, and I say that having several jap friends. You have to follow a million different social rules, if you deviate even slightly you are viewed as a social misfit. Their collectivist culture made them agree to stupid things, like, Pearl Harbor for example. Japan is the only country that has been attacked by nuclear bombs, and they brought that on themselves.
Western Culture is what has made this world as advanced as it is. What countries have this rich heritage? White countries, which were advanced along by white men. We don't need a collectivist culture, we need strict adherence to the western culture tradition.
>What is your explanation?
Their whisk(e)y is fucking overpriced.
japan is unhappy because of anime/NEET culture. That's where it comes from.
So... they have all these disgusting men who have no place in society; and therefore none of the women have anybody to date... So everybody is lonely and miserable.
Looks like his reading comprehension is just fine you dumb nigger. Let's compare apples to apples instead of apples to oranges and compare that 6/10 rating with other Asian countries.
I'm not interested in what makes Japan different from South Korea; I'm interested in why Japan is doing so well but people are still unhappy. And Japan vs European countries is a fine comparison. They're all countries.
First look at who/(((who))) does these studies and what metrics they use.
Their work culture sucks. Work is a really important part of life, and in Japan it is toxic.
Probably because Jap whiskey was memed to high heaven over the last few years
The OECD. And it's self-reported.
Reeks of Judaism
They work their tiny Chink dicks off only to see random white dude bros swoop in and fuck their women.
No religion coupled with a corporatist society of employer feudalism and your traditional Asian weakness. They also have about, what?, 10 corporations that run the country.
outside of white collar jobs Japs have a really strong network of official and informal trade unions. blue collar worker (outside of public transportation companies) have it pretty good.
The hole point of an ethnostate with a homogenious population is to be able to institute a libertarian society with as much personal freedom as possible without the whole chimpout and islamization problem.
Having an ethnostate and still living in an authoritarian society is not going to make anybody happy.
Yeah I guess I'm thinking primarily of white collar jobs.
Japaneses are not actually humans, they are little intelligent monkeys that are good at imitating other civilisations.
you're a colossal fuckwit
In the future they will be used as settens and will be called yapoos.
Low interest rates. This robs everybody so they cannot dream nor pursue those dreams. Since you have a donkey as a memeflag i don't expect you to understand this.
>What is your explanation?
Japan is the world's undisputed leader in sick pornography.
There is no 'my explanation' and 'your explanation'. There's only truth. This truth is only available through scientific inquiry (social science and psychology in this case). If you disagree, you are simply wrong.
Japan has been experiencing economic stagnation for a couple of decaded now. I think it has more to do with this than anything else.
>Pearl Harbor for example. Japan is the only country that has been attacked by nuclear bombs, and they brought that on themselves.
Best goy at it again.
they are all virgins
seriously, we are fucked up poor yet we are one of the happiest people
i blame the degeneracy
not complaining though wouldn't change a thing.
Turns out different countries have different problems for different reasons.
Japan drank the Keynesian kool aid and their economy has been fucked up for decades. They don’t see any returns from their labor. Lots of hard work with nothing to show for it (look at Japan’s gdp) makes people sad. It’s not rocket science.
afaik the 'stagnation' is actually caused by population decrease.
Pretty much this. Not sure why people think it's degeneracy that's the problem. Japs are cool and fun to hang out with outside of work, but as user said, the work they are asked to do is insane.
What the hell is the deal with Japan anyways?
Seem like they are super degenerate and post-modernist, while at the same time very conservtive and traditional.
Their cultural norms are pretty strict. They have this big thing with family and honor. They spend the first part of their lives studying and studying and studying to go to a good school and bring honor on their parents. Then they get a shitty job working 80 to 100 hours a week until they snap and kill themselves. Fuck that...
>they arent encouraged to be individuals in their culture
>everyone is sacrificing for the 'common good'.
How exactly?
This probably the best explanation.
They are depressed because they fap to shit like eroguro all day everyday