OC only, Here's the template
WEG Thread
self bump/ contribution
dumping the shounenshit hate
just trying to warn people away from operhyped crap.
gotta make some for s;g, madoka and bebop too.
>and bebop too.
You made one for bebop, lad.
space dandy*
>disliking something because it's popular
I understand some of these shows are overhyped, but calling them shit is a disgrace to all of anime.
To be fair, I think SC's good point was the integration between modern culture and Edo period, or rather, how he stressed the similarities between Edo Japan and Modern Japan.
This said I think that, rather than being too shounen-y, it was a bit too 'lolsorandumb'.
>it's impossible to hate something that's popular
I like berserk, evangelion, cardcaptor sakura, utena, etc. etc.
I just don't like kiddie crap and someone needs to speak up about these series.
as for good shit
This entire thread, again.
is this what you want you fuckin baby?
>kiddie crap
hang on...
spot on. It's sad really.
not your dear user, but uh, more or less, yes. Most of these are supposed to be making fun of the show or making an over simplified comparison that makes a little too much sense to not be funny. You can sing a shows praise if you want instead, but if you can't put across why a show is good with a simple weg, then you're probably over-attached to it and end up making some kind of zedohemjeelookhowawesomemyfavshowisguise dogshit instead.
If you're going to use a million pictures, it should be to depict the excesses of the show rather than a depict of you masturbating.
And now that I have explained the joke, thus making it no longer funny for anyone, we can quietly let weg threads die in peace.
oooookay dude
WEG is my favorite exploitable template, but I find it harder to find well-made ones lately
Why don't you start making your own?
What kind of "plot-holes"?
I've been making for a while, but they're never very good. Besides, my own jokes stop being funny to myself after a few minutes
to me, WEGs are not the 'laugh out loud' kind of funny, but the 'funny 'cause true' kind of funny. At least, I see it that way.
Besides, it's a good sign that you're not laughing at your own jokes. The converse would be worrisome.
Non of these are funny, what the fuck?
wut, it couldn't take itself less seriously even if it tried
It's Diary Of A Wimpy Kid with sex jokes
Yeah, the best WEGs are those that don't make much sense unless you have actually watched the show
But user, Armitage is cheesy crap
Spot on
my nigga
somewhat related
ah man, really? That sucks
lol upvoted
1 +follow 8)
I've never made one of these but might on animal lamd considering it looks cute on the outside but changes later on
Itt everyone misses the point of wegs.
nailed it
Usagi-man chan is a straight up busta
higashi high... home
least it was before I fucked everything up
not him but armitage is one of the better 80s OVAs. usually just the children that don't like it.
>this whale fog makes it's victims forgotten by all who knew them!
>I must avenge my wife who was a victim of it!
>oh no people are being killed by it this sucks!