>white girls are the most beaut--
White girls are the most beaut--
>coping this hard
Now post an image related to the text.
paki spotted
Would bang the ginger after banging the other one twice.
Do some fat fetish stuff with her ass and maybe give her the claw.
but it's totally fine with you and the other yokels do it, right, cletus? fuck off and cope you retard.
Hello Jamal. How's Sweden treating you ?
>strawmanning this hard
Brown women, best women.
It's all good, Mihai, could you come pick up your gypsies soon? We're getting real tired of their shit
cool burn Bilal
You're just mad cuz both of them said no to you nigger and that was your one chance
too much indian in her.
would happily settle for a women from the mediterranean tho
>getting this triggered by facts
Facts don't care about your feelings
>that look in her eye.
Thats the look she gives you after lying about being on the pill.
>Too much
No such thing
>tfw would start a polygamy cult with them.
whoa there buddy
What’s been the global standard of beauty for 4000 years, is singularly desired by men of all races and is impossible to create without the stuff that comes out of white men’s balls?
post feets and i shall decide
>What’s been the global standard of beauty for 4000 years
Let me guess, the white girl in the photo is the epitome of it? Cope :))
I'm tired of virgin guys. How do I get women? I have a semi reasonable job that pays enough to keep the utilities on and my stomach full, and I have my own studio apartment.
What do I need to do lads?
6.5/10, tells people she's ugly so they'll tell her she's "pretty".