It's ok to be Communist
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Yeah, but Russia didn't have capitalism. Capitalism is the definition of good, so checkmate user.
There was no un employment because anyone who didn't work was sent to a gulag
no it isn't nigger
What's wrong with this? Why should people who don't work have the same quality of life as people who work? Why should society help people who contribute nothing to society?
Commies deserve to be killed. If you can't understand what the economic and social downsides to communism are then there is no point in arguing with someone as stupid as you.
Under capitalism you can choose to work. Under communism you either work in the workers utopia or it's off to the gulag for you
>mfw girlfriends grandparents escaped the USSR to come to Australia
>mfw both grandparents lost most of their friends family during the holodomor
>mfw they lost their homes
>mfw her grandpa lost contact with his twin brother after he was sent to a gulag and couldn't find him after
>mfw I see the pain in their eyes as leftist march in the Melbournes city streets with soviet flags at every leftist political event
I hate commies anons. I want to kill them.
Stalin didn't save the world from fascism.
Russians did that themselves out of sacrifice to defend their motherland.
You don't have a girlfriend, and you've never spoken with a Ukrainian in your life. You're not fooling anyone cretin.
It isn't ok to be a communist. You should be killed.
Stalin ruled until 1953, so this faggot was a teen/20s during communism
Of course he loved it
ftfy again
Most people in Ukraine think capitalism is fucking garbage and wish the Stalin was still alive to put the Jewish oligarchs pillaging the country in prison for life.
>saving the world from the plague by killing it with cholera instead
Why are commie threads so cancer?
People have made the same argument over the Nazis
>i liked it so it must be good
Stalin turned Europe's poorest country into a superpower.
Hitler turned Europe's richest country into a bunch of smoldering ruins. As a result, very few Germans have a positive view of Hitler.
>Stalin saved the world from fascism by being a patriotic, totalitarian dictator operating his country under a one-party system, promoting mass censorship, the liquidation of internal minorities, promoting mass militarism, invading neutral countries, and pursuing an expansionist foreign policy.
Haha what?
>saved the world from facism
oh boy look at pic related
Russian empire was the fastest industrializing nation in the world for decades prior to WWI. In fact, most Soviet collectivization and pseudoscience policies led directly to a stagnation in this development trend. Most notably the pseduoscience of Lysenkoism.
>>Lysenkoism was a political campaign against genetics and science-based agriculture conducted by Trofim Lysenko, his followers and Soviet authorities. Lysenko's theory rejected Mendelian inheritance and the concept of the "gene"; it departed from Darwinian evolutionary theory by rejecting natural selection. Proponents falsely claimed to have discovered, among many other things, that rye could transform into wheat and wheat into barley, that weeds could spontaneously transmute into food grains, and that "natural cooperation" was observed in nature as opposed to "natural selection". Lysenkoism promised extraordinary advances in breeding and in agriculture that never came about.
>From 1934 to 1940, under Lysenko's admonitions and with Stalin's approval, many geneticists were executed (including Isaak Agol, Solomon Levit, Grigorii Levitskii, Georgii Karpechenko and Georgii Nadson) or sent to labor camps. The famous Soviet geneticist and president of the Agriculture Academy, Nikolai Vavilov, was arrested in 1940 and died in prison in 1943. Herman Joseph Muller (and his teachings about genetics) was criticized as a bourgeois, capitalist, imperialist, and promoting fascism so he left the USSR, to return to the USA via Republican Spain. In 1948, genetics was officially declared "a bourgeois pseudoscience"; all geneticists were fired from their jobs (some were also arrested), and all genetic research was discontinued.
>Over 3,000 biologists were imprisoned, fired, or executed for attempting to oppose Lysenkoism at one time and overall, scientific research in genetics was effectively destroyed until the death of Stalin in 1953. Due to Lysenkoism, crop yields in the USSR actually declined as well
Wrong. There were always vacancies and schools accepted only as much kids as was planned to be needed for jobs in future. Though many of the jobs were just fake bubble. My mom worked in retail during communism and said they had this ex soldier guy as a coworker, who would come in the morning, chug a bottle of vodka and then sleep in the back the whole day. Nobody gave a fuck because state would give you same salary whether you worked like horse or did nothing
>It's ok to be Communist
But as we all know Communism is Jewish.
And we all know that the Jews are inherently anti-White.
Therefore, Jewish Communism is inherently anti-White.
So are you saying that accepting a Jewish ideology and being anti-White is a good thing?
Russian empire fucked up its people in so many ways you cant even imagine. Average Russian pleb lived in worse conditions in the 1900s than american black slave in the 1850s. The industrialization made living condition so horrid, that people were willing to give a shot to communism, as literally any alternative looked better that their current lives. But before the revolution, there were countless peaceful pleads, petitons and protests towards the tzar to easen up the system a bit. But he didnt budge. He literally made the bed he was about to sleep in. I dont love commies, but damn, Nicky II had it comming
i like how op is one of those people who fell for all the shills and actually believes this shit so now he is a shill and doesn't even realize it nor is he being paid for it
there are a few books you should read...
who would win?
>millions of dead countrymen
>one old boi
Get the fuck out of here with that shit faggot
My grandfather had a large vineyard in the Ukraine, he was a rich farmer, but worked hard everyday, he was considered as a "Kulak" and guess what, communists took everything he had and murdered him, luckily my grandma and my dad survived. Pic related is someone who usually is promoting this wicked ideology.
Is that Alexa Scout? My waifu with a beautiful coccc
If that guy actually prospered under Communism, it's because he was one of the lucky few who got a comfy job. My girlfriend's parents grew up in the USSR and both were from extremely priviliged families. One was the bakery inspector, and one of the few allowed to even own a car. The other was a plastic surgeon.
Leech Detected
>Hitler tried to save the world from communism. Under his rule there was no unemployment, we had free education and healthcare. He was a great man
Self hating Slavs sucking off Stalin deserve death.
Like I said the last time I saw this picture:
It's easy to talk to people who lived under Stalin, it's a lot harder to talk to the tens of millions who died under him.
who would win?
some fat americlap who has only heard about communism from the propaganda his burger government feeds him every day and the whinings of counterrevolutionary traitors
a guy who actually lived under stalin and experienced his rule first hand
>Under capitalism you can choose to work
work or become homeless. hell of a "choice"
>let's just take the ramblings of an old fuck who was brainwashed by communist propaganda in his youth, in the Soviet Union, at face value
This is why people laugh at you commies.
>t. memeflag
show your flag you larping nigger
Posters go up this Sunday (Jan 21) at night on campuses & public spaces around the world.
Until then the goal is to promote MBMC online to maximize printed posters & feet on the ground.
>Tweet out these instructions / spread them everywhere:
1. Posters go up January 21st at night on campuses & public spaces
2. Bonus points for feminism related areas
3. Don’t vandalize or do anything illegal
4. Translations are available for over 25 countries
5. Only use posters from the official website:
>Copy pasta with instructions + direct PDF links for all countries:
>SPLC condemned MBMC as "hate":
>Twitter started to censor #MyBordersMyChoice after it surpassed #MyBodyMyChoice in popularity:
MBMC promoted by:
>The Golden One
>Millennial Woes
>Tara McCarthy
>LA Werewolf
>Peter Sweden
>Jack Posiobec
>Front page of r/The_Donald (7.8K upvotes, 13 Jan 2018, stickied by mods)
>Front page of r/The_Donald (5.9K upvotes, 3 Jan 2018)
>Front page of r/The_Donald (3.4K upvotes, 15 Dec 2017)
>Front page of r/The_Donald (4.4K upvotes, 9 Dec 2017)
Ignore shills & stick to the plan. Do not use their "brown hand" version of the poster, it's a sabotage attempt.
>muh tens of gorillions of dead kulaks that died despite the russian population increasing hugely under Stalin
Just like how N Korea is a bastion of democracy and full of happiness
Who the fuck are we to question the brainwashed masses who actually live there
Apparently the American, as the USSR no longer exists and Stalin is only remembered fondly by mentally I'll faggots.
>he thinks his own government doesn't forcefeed him capitalist propaganda at every turn
No one cares memeflagfaggot.
Honestly Communism is never going to make a comeback. It's such a huge meme pushed by laughable freaks that no one will ever go along with it.
US did faggot. My parents were Slavs and they couldn't fucking stand being people like you.
my grandparents actually are from the soviet union.
they came to germany to have a better life.
our ancestry is german so they could come back legally.
people didnt starve in soviet russia but it wasnt a great life either.
Then you should love trump
fucking BASED
of course they hated communists, they fled because they wanted to suckle the burger teat like the greedy faggots they were instead of building a better world for humanity
Yeah it was really great, and if you tried to send a letter abroad you were sentenced to 10 years hard labour.
Really great.
>instead of building a better world for humanity
Which no communist has done. You are all, without exception, garbage. I'm not kidding or trying to be edgy when I say you pieces of shit should be killed, it's a basic fact. You are a problem that is best solved with a bullet to the head.
>wanting to send a letter abroad
all fucking commies must fucking hang
No, it's not.
>helicopter meme xD
your edgy fantasies of violence betray your basic impotence my friend
>in all fields
>t. Someone that has no friends
Stalin cocksuckers actually believe this.
>implying that I support Sanders
Sanders is the bourgeois
His supporters think they are the proletariat, but they are NEETs
>pictured: Stalin sacrifices a baby to his Jewish masters.
I mean, I am in the DEA and we're investigating some of your comrades right now. I'm going to give you a little hint: no matter what actual evidence there is, they're going to get felony drug and weapon charges. I've already got the stuff to make sure of that.
Stalin was an anti-semite
He sent an assasin to kill Trotsky (Jew)
Here's another surviver.
Now explain me how Fidesz won the elections.
>Fidesz – Hungarian Civic Alliance (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈfidɛs]; in full, Hungarian: Fidesz – Magyar Polgári Szövetség) is a national conservative and right-wing populist[4][20] political party in Hungary. It has dominated Hungarian politics on the national and local level since its landslide victory in the 2010
at least your punishment is at your own hands
>Stalin was an anti-semite
Why would an anti-Semite have an affair with a Jewess?
Stalin's Jewish Affair
>He sent an assasin to kill Trotsky (Jew)
Did Stalin "attempt to kill Trotsky" because he was a Jew?
lol, how ironic that you bitch about how ebul the USSR is while being a literal corrupt drug-planting rentacop yourself
>again implies he didn't hatefuck her
And yeah maybe
If you faggots just stayed gone, I wouldn't have to do this. I'm also going to kill a few of them, I guarantee it. See you soon.
>Unironically trying to argue for the pros of communism in 2018 after it has been demonstrated time and time to fail at every turn
Literally kys, and saged.
They're not real Communists
Communism has morals, these fags don't
> In 1933, the Soviet government, under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, recriminalised homosexual activity with punishments of up to five years' hard labor.
you're no better than what you claim to hate, you sad little freak
you're an impotent little cuck who wanted power so badly he sold his integrity to a corrupt jew government
>>again implies he didn't hatefuck her
That's the best you can do? The virulent anti-Semite Stalin only stuck his dick in a Jew to hate-fuck her?
All the while that anti-Semite also had no problem surrounding himself with Jews and used them to slaughter the innocent people...
Stalin's Jews
Stalin's Willing Executioners: Jews as a Hostile Elite in the USSR
>And yeah maybe
That's the best you have? A photoshop that has no actual evidence proves that Stalin attempted to have Trotsky killed only because he was a Jew?
>Communism has morals
>They're not real Communists
Stalin didn't ATTEPT to kill Trotsky
He sent an assasin to kill Trotsky when Trotsky was in Mexico
and he succeeded (and the assasin was Mexican too)
Since that version of communism is about 10000 times more popular right now than the shit you are shilling, I'd say you have been BTFO by your own side.
Georgian or person? Pick one faggot. Steppe chimps are subhuman and not worthy of consideration.
The funny thing is that education during Stalin was not free, you had to pay for it, lol. It became free only some time.
>you're an impotent little cuck
You know that insult means nothing coming from you, right? You're not a person.
If you claim "Real Communism has never been tried", you're not a Communist.
That's what modern day Antifags do
>Communism has morals
Oh yeah. Totally.
>after some time
>no unemployment
because being worked to death is proper employment.
because pretending to work and pretending to pay workers is employment