I am a racist here on Sup Forums but in real life not, I am actually a liberal and believe in equality for all.
is there anyone else here who is the same?
I am a racist here on Sup Forums but in real life not, I am actually a liberal and believe in equality for all.
is there anyone else here who is the same?
I'm just here to shitpost, I've literally never met a non-white person in my life since I live in a small Highland town I've never left
no, you're just a faggot
I try to stay neutral towards everyone. Except muslims and gypsies. Fuck 'em.
I feel the same way. And this is coming from a person who lives in California.
I'm liberal and egalitarian to piss Sup Forums off
I shitpost both sides of issues. It's fun to watch people lost over bullshit someone didn't even really mean it.
Nobody even knows what racism is anymore. If it's simply the statement that races exist and aren't the same then yeah I'm racist. If it's hating another race, I only really hate jews, and I avoid niggers and chinks.
Fucking larpers
gay jew
French jew
cousin nigelnigger
may as well be a mexican
I'm not racist but I genuinely oppose black immigration to my country because blacks are african natives and they don't belong to Italy.
I can bear a very small minority but I don't want my country to become africa central.
Hard not to be racist when you go on the uk met police twitter
Believing in equality actually makes you a racist. In the US blacks now have to be given advantages.
In real life, my friends are of all ethnic groups. The only people I hate in public are Jews because it's their fault the rest of us aren't happy.
I'm ENTP-A so I'm right wing when I talk to lefties and left wing when I talk to righties, my actual beliefs are closest to a nazbol but nazbols are cancer
im a racist on here but in real life im nice to everyone. I still dont want to live near brown ppl though.
>I am actually a liberal and believe in equality for all.
no, you just do what you're told like a good little goy because you fear social ostracization. there is no fear of repercussions voicing your mind on an anonymous imageboard, so you say how you really feel as a coping mechanism to deal with the fact that you're essentially throttled by a hopelessly naive egalitarian society of braindead and confused liberals. but it's okay, you won't go to jail for shitposting on Sup Forums. well, at least not yet :^)
Yeah I’m just racist on here because I think it’s funny. The only time i’m a Nazi in real life is when I’m doing roleplay kink with my Jewish wife.
I'm a proper racist on here but very kind and polite to everyone in real life. However, I still hate niggers and mutter stuff to myself constantly about white racemixing whores.
I'm not a racist either, I just hate shitskins and kikes.
I'm usually much more honest irl than here, like 70% of my posts are me defending something I don't believe in to fuel my sick need for mental sparing
same here friend
All post are parody don't you know pol is a board of peace? Also sage
Same for me. What matters to me is what happens in the voting booth. No need to fuck up your whole public/social life, because of some short term goals like a revolution happening over night (too unlikely in our times), like some antifa low-life.
i am a communist in real life
I'm retarded irl too
>I am actually a liberal and believe in equality for all.
What is it like cucking yourself in front of non-Whites, feminists, anti-Whites and Jews?
>inb4 you never post again.
Yes I work in it so go figure
I mean IT