Why are they now witch-hunting people who code in their free time?
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Nobody cares, fuck off, kill yourself.
You know who theybare /leftypol/
can you even read?
Coding in your free time is racist and sexist, you shitlord.
Just is. Don't have to explain this shit to you.
didnt you know? muh poc and womynx are too busy being oppressed to code in their free time
Please explain: WTF is wrong with America? Where did these SJWs come from?
You should ONLY code in your free time. Why join google when you can...
Soviets won the cold war, this is how.
This. We America was busy shooting and bombing 3rd world countries, the Soviets were spreading a mind virus within American academia.
People who code in their free time are probably autists who don't have friends and anything better to do. Would not risk hiring and getting another supreme gentleman.
While America*
>the Soviets were spreading a mind virus within American academia
This is the ultimate redpill. A regime that no longer exists is winning a war against Western Civilization.
That's not what they're saying. All that sentence states is that you can't deduce one engineer to be better purely because they program in their free time. There are other, perhaps more important factors to consider. To compare skill using a single non-determinant factor is irresponsible and doesn't account for many engineers in the industry.
>Considering one engineer to be better than another purely on the basis that they code in their free time is anti-diverse
What do they mean by this?
How can diversity be judged when comparing two individuals? Diversity is a property of a group, not individuals.
Surely, not having a healthy ratio within the company between those who code for fun and those who don't would be considered not diverse.
>Why are they now witch-hunting people who code in their free time?
Because large parts of the left have embraced the blank slate Idea of communism, where humans are inherently equal in all possible aspects.
Once biology stops influencing humans, it is only a small step towards "training doesn't influence humans".
Indeed, if you truly support "inclusive, anti-elitist, spaces" then accepting people of different skin colors is just as important as accepting peoples of different ability.
The correct response against HR retards like the ones in OP's pic is to go on the offensive, and accuse them of bigotry.
The sentence is not saying people who code in their free time are anti-diverse/bad. They're saying that considering this as a quality worth choosing over someone else is anti-diverse behavior. In other words, if you have two applicants, one of whom is black and codes in his free time, and one of which is hispanic and plays Jazz guitar in his free time, you should pick the black candidate, not because he codes, but because he's black.
What is even going on in this thread? All the non sequiturs and nonsense meme-speak is really not helping.
>What do they mean by this?
It is anti-elitism going to its logical conclusion.
>How can diversity be judged when comparing two individuals?
Diversity, means 1. brown 2. non-cis 3. not male.
>Surely, not having a healthy ratio within the company between those who code for fun and those who don't would be considered not diverse.
A totalitarian 100% black state full of f-m-tranies is the most diverse place you could possibly imagine.
Imagine being this bluepilled. This is happening because of jews ruthtlessly furthering their own ethnic interests at the expense of Europeans, in the disguise of various universalist political and cultural movements.
If they were claiming that it's not a relavent, or not that relavent of a factor, then they shouldn't have called it "antidiverse". You're recontextualizing it to something the quote doesn't say at all.
Well, the OP's pic deserves to be a meme in the first place, so this isn't a suprise.
Lets take it to it's logical retarded conclusion:
>Coding in your free time is anti diverse.
It goes without saying that the commies were controlled by Jews.
>In other words, if you have two applicants, one of whom is black and codes in his free time, and one of which is hispanic and plays Jazz guitar in his free time, you should pick the black candidate, not because he codes, but because he's black
Not quite: it's that when choosing between these two candidates, whether they code in their spare time should not be taken into consideration.
In other words, given the criteria, you should leave it up to a coin toss.
you literally can't be racist against white people, don't you get it?
thats what happen when someone wants total control over everything
Not at the end, but in the beginning sure. Of course the jews had massive power during the most bloody periods of the USSR which isn't coincidental at all. However Communist regimes started turning on the jews after WW2 (and significantly; holding back support for Israel) jews flocked away from traditional marxism associated with the USSR. This repeats the old lesson that jews are often far more connected to their people and furthering their own ethnic agenda, even when pretending (or self-deceiving themselves) to be following truly universalist ideologies. This becomes important since these ideologies are heavily promoted to and adopted by Europeans, at their own expense.
You go accelerationist against the intersectionality. You accuse them of being discriminatory against asians.
But more seriously your accusation shouldn't be around white people to begin with.
If this was their intent, then why did they use the very unusual, and specific term "antidiverse".
I hope this policy becomes more prevalent. Great opportunity for me to scoop up some talent for below market price.
are they implying that only white people are capable of writing software in the free time?
People who code in their free time tend to judge others who don't.
But it is anti-diverse to make a blanket claim about people who code in their free time vs those who don't. There are tons of people new to the market coding all day and tons of jaded software engineers who just want to stop after their 9-5. It doesn't mean shit.
LE (((they))) AMIRITE XD XD XD
Right, I'm saying they should not take the coding into consideration. But strictly speaking, black > hispanic as far as diversity points goes.
'meritocracy' is anti-diverse too though, so chosing purely based on skill is illegal
you shitpost but i love how blithely people repeat stuff like this without any critical thought, it's like a religion based around hate laws and being offended
Do you genuinely believe that uncompetitive people are getting into Google, FaceBook, etc.? There's a difference between choosing the more under-represented person between two equally skilled candidates and just taking in as many minorities as possible.
[citation needed]
there are people without a degree working at google because they had the right skin complexion
>Imagine being so blue pilled that you believe there is somethings the Jews didn't do.
What gibbering ape wrote this train wreck of a sentence?
Sup Forums:
>cs degree is a meme, you can learn everything you need without one, companies won't care as long as you know your shit
Also Sup Forums:
>reeeeee people without degrees are getting cs jobs
Give me one example of an obviously unqualified minority person working in a tech giant like Google
Zombies, NPCs, Mindslaves...
>he thinks a degree is worth the toilet paper it's printed on
Don Pepperoni
Source or GTFO
some random idiot on HN that doesn't deserve a thread
You can't really fire people who do it for free, unless you consider it to be a job, so you have to shame them
moot works at Google
>moot works at Google
He is also a white male, so probably got hired for his white male privilege.
Who is he anyway?
Name another industry where you're expected to keep doing your job for free in your spare time.
I'm waiting.
I had an HR person say something similar to me
>I don't like it when people put private projects on their CV it's unfair to people who don't have the time to do them
women can't program
women have no interest in programming
therefore women don't have githubs full of solutions to advent of code or a toy language interpreter or a security exploit they wanted to try implmenting.
They have a black belt in applying make up to look hotter than they are.
And that's why hiring people who actually have experience coding as a hobby is sexist.
This. Fuck the expectation to work without proper compensation in order to be competitive.
I don't care what their reasoning is, but this "you must enjoy programming in your free time" (I literally saw that in a job listing the other day) meme has to die.
I've never met a CPA who does tax returns in their free time for "fun". I've never met a manager who manages in their free time. No plumbers, electricians, or lawyers.
This is a unique issue to software, because they want to exploit dumb kids and get more for free.
You have to die
Liberal inclusiveness is distinctly Capitalist.
That's what Liberal as a term comes from: free market capitalism.
Soviets were conservative.
I wouldn't trust an artist who doesn't enjoy his craft as a hobby.
People see programmers as something of an intersection between engineering and art, so they treat it like another art form.
>That's what Liberal as a term comes from
It is the least meaningful term to possibly exists, it means something else everywhere in the world.
>Soviets were conservative.
Socially certainly.
>I wouldn't trust an artist who doesn't enjoy his craft as a hobby.
What does it mean to 'trust' an artist? What are an artist's hours? I've never met an 'artist'. I've met designers, and the only off-hours designing they did was for side income.
>People see programmers as something of an intersection between engineering and art
That's not even remotely true.
There's nothing inherently capitalist about inclusiveness. Soviets were not the ultimate example of socialism, and perhaps not even an example of socialism at all.
>Why are they now witch-hunting people who code in their free time?
You're worse at framing than CNN, it's obvious the text means that you shouldn't think you're greater than another engineer simply because you progran,
HR was a mistake.
Well, to be devil's advocate, I can see the argument that those who have life cushier than others would have more time to pursue personal projects over those who work more part-time hours to fulfil basic human requirements like food shopping and paying rent.
Because it's usually white men that do constructive and intellectually stimulating things in their free time instead of running around in night clubs and doing drugs like Jamal and Stacey. "Diverse" and "diversity" are now codewords for anti-white, every single time. I've yet to find a single exception to this in any mainstream publications in the last 5 years or so.
Even in soviet Russia, these disgusting blue-haired pigs would've been rounded up by the secret police, taken to a wooded area, and had their heads blow off for acting as anti-revolutionaries that were seeking to undermine the values of the worker, or something like that. These retards are basically nu-Marxists. They operate on similar principles and parrot some of the ideals of Karl Marx, and may even call themselves communists, but they aren't. They're bottom of the barrel failures that have wormed their ways into positions of power, said and done the most unreasonable shit, and they're now surprised that people are calling them out when they try to commit ethnocide (en.wikipedia.org
>its a leftyfag posting the same shit over and over
You are like baby
I like this meme because i am lazy and dont code unless i am being paid
You know all those people that said don't worry about the snow flakes once they hey it of college on the real world they will change? Well they didn't they forced the rest of us to change to them.
It's a reaction to the huge number of fascists/authoritarians in this country
Just look at who they elected
Please do not code alone. Your coding should be done in a group of people: this includes indigenous, black, and LGBT peoples, in order to make your software as inclusive as possible.
Be sure to make them comfortable in your home with a nice Latte!
That's not being lazy, that's how normal people do their jobs.
They look pretty normal other than the fatty.
What nh
Goddammit amerimutts. Stop poisoning the world and fucking get your shit together. Stop playing (((their))) game.
No Trump was the result of the sjw movement not the cause.
fuck off nigger
Derived from this principle is the idea that if you work in your free time, you actually commit an offense against the collective, because you got further ahead than becky
Yes, this measure is 100% communist jealous
What are you even trying to say with that image?
Literally any University that isn't bottom of the barrel shit has quite a lot of math and other theoretical CS classes in it and ticks these points with ease.
It's literally there to filter out those Bootcamp(c) Computer Scientist(tm)
the fact that they had to point this out and that no other engineering degree has these extra requirements means that CS isn't really a good indicator of competence anymore
>Socialist were conservative
>therefore they make their enemies adopt the wrong ideology to fuck them up
How isn't this a proof that the Russians won the cold war? Oh, you thought that cultural subversion was about making the conquered country all prosperous and shit? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
The title itself was never an indication of a person's skills, ever.
It's just that with CS far more universities go the
>u learn js so ur an BSc. progamer now
route because that's what the majority of retards believe CS is. Many universities that previously had absolutely no track record in technical sciences hop on that bandwagon because CS degrees are cheap as fuck for them and nets in unsuspecting students.
You literally need nothing but some dumbfuck professors that aren't worth a penny in the real world. There is absolutely no other cost associated with it as you don't even need computer labs or mainframes anymore because everyone has their own laptop for whatever bullshit they will be taught.
>the huge number of fascists/authoritarians in this country
name one, brainlet
why was this thread moved to Sup Forums
nobody here can code worth a damn and they certainly dont do it as a pastime
Either that's some heavy bait or you are the newest poster on the chans
m00t is the Autist that built this fucking cesspit
My guess is because of identity politics behind the "anti-diversity" comment