What did he meme by this?
What's known about this so far, is it like a press conference where he names journalists or companies?
Nobody knows, wildcard bitches
The winner gets their TV licensing stripped away?
an old man who writes the first thing that pops into his head on the internet.
This is either Trump building up the anticipation to the Nth degree, or some fake shit to fuck with the MSM.
Don't know which.
He’s probably forgotten all about that tweet. Trumpfags in damage control.
He's going to spill the beans on ayy lmaos isn't he
is that correct 65 minutes to go? man whats the time in your country? its 1 AM here then :'(
an hour to go ):
It’s an impromptu tweet from a stable young man. Now all these ecelebs are cashing in on it.
Ey yo hol up so u b sayin the fake news awards was fake new???nah man nah..
What's with all the slide threads going on?
It had best not be shit.
most of the US is still working or just getting off work and waiting a bit is smart so it runs right into the evening news
is that who i think it is?
wellp, ill watch this.
brapp just as hott as i always imagined thanks user
I hope it’s awesome but it probably won’t be
Why hasn't he tweeted anything about it today?
He's forgot hasn't he
That's ominous.
It's just going to be tweeted out, not on camera or anything.
When do we start?
Never, Trump lied.
Trump is incapable of lying.
I don't think it's going to be a big show. From what I hear he's just gonna do a big twitter thread naming people
Pregame show:
>never has he mentioned Israel and the jews and their role in world affairs.
Patently false, he does it all the time, went off on the and yes Soros also counts ya dip
How fucking long do you think infowars would have lasted if he went full 1488? The media would have fucking crucified him, and he would have never have gotten this big.
Trying to run a news site will probably calm you down a fair bit.
>not everyone wants to gas the kikes so they must all be (((Goym)))
neck yourself.
>link only marginally related, gook moot needs to enable sound on all boards
That's pretty funny. I can see that happening IRL within the next three years.
click on the thing, it has a countdown nigger
eh good enough
why is Trump not tweeting about it?
I've never looked forward to an awards show in my life.
What are the betting odds that CNN will sweep the awards?
He will just talk about recent, good developments and baited millions to watch him brag.
I love him, so I'd watch anyway.
>went off on a tangent about jewish mafia and they control uber or some shit a while back
Meant to say this
I did watch his chanel on election night, though I regret not watching young turks from the salt I heard was magnanamous
trump is making sure he wins his own fake news awards by not having them when he said he would. 8d checkers
alex jones's stream was legionary
Shadow banned
Fakest news
love it
>fake news is fake news
me either. trump is fucking lit 100000000% savage 100%emoji
He's either trolling the MSM or there is something more important going on like a national security issue.
he tweeted 6 minutes ago about Bob Dole receiving an honor
Cooking steak for the awards, anyone else celebrating?
>no new tweet about the fake news awards
Not happening
>from what I hear
From who, fag? Unnamed sources familiar with your ass?
>inb4 he names the jews figuratively and literally
>What are the betting odds that CNN will sweep the awards?
We can't really bet if everyone here will be putting money on the same thing user
did exactly same thing.
Listening to:
Cant wait anons.
msnbc is neck and neck tbqh.
>mfw Alex Jones stole IOTBW and is selling tshirts with our slogan.
lol i bet Baron got hold of daddy's phone and trolled the whole world with this
Its Okay To Sell Filters.
Are they still around? kek I forgot about them.
Well to be fair the tees say its okay to be a bunch of colors and then its okay to be human
MSNBC is sillier but CNN is more smug and annoying. It's the air of fake professionalism that puts them over the edge.
This is the future they created, all they could do was mock the manchild and we woke up
Calls out jewish control of the media I bet
Post your face if something happens, that would be my face if nothing happens.
He's us when we're old then?
Those posting that Trump's news is fakenews, is fakenews
in our dreams, honestly.
Comfy song.
what a fucking let down there's nothing happening. fuck this click bait shit
I'm starting to think we got hosed
lmao @ the chat
Leddit retards on suicide watch
It'll probably look something like this.
Whoops, this is really the one I wanted.
That's what you signed up for when you coordinated something through an anonymous website, faggot. Needing to take credit is normalfag thinking.
starting to get sore in the butt
why trump why
when the fuck does it start?
Fuck off boomer faggots Q is a LARP
hes a fascist
>It's a spic talking. fuck off reddit
It's not gonna happen. He's doing it on purpose to try and prove a point. This was "fake news" all along. Get it?
we got duped
mods sticky this shit please.
Where is it Trump? Sup Forums demands an answer
Never. He probably fell asleep in front of the tv haflway through his fourth cheeseburger.
Trump declares himself permanent president of the US, check 'em
Any day now...
Now we have to stand up
He literally just forgot
Everyone is so scared of what's about to happen lol
this would be devastating for trump tbqhf
i'm ready
Theory: he's about to destroy the Deep State and they've executed some desperate Hail Mary plan to stop it.