Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - VTRLND Edition

Groko coalition talks are sealed. The SPD congress will vote on it on the 21th
Majority of Germans prefers now a re-election over a Groko coalition or minority government.
Parliament uniting against AfD, the only party whose members are actually present

>news in german

>english language analysis

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Jewtube videos (commentary, AfD shitposting and aesthetics):

>Kraut/pol/ OP dump

>Einzelfall map,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>old thread

Other urls found in this thread:ün-mit-Hundemotiv/dp/B077NG7B8J

Nice pic, OP

>refugee crimes

Oh don't worry, I wouldn't be surprised if you could have a nice down to earth discussion about the current "demographic" situation here with them. The VS is, after all, the institute that is actually watching all the muslims for extremists. I certainly had an interesting discussion with a police clerk that worked twenty years for the immigrant crimes division after reporting vandalism of my car.

So it happening?

groko inevitable

One of us made it a few weeks ago

It's my favorite, too, user

90% Groko
10% SPD got some balls left

Sind Anons in der Region Hannover oder weiter südlich hier?

The way i see and heard it
>Against GroKo are:
Hessen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Bayern
>Pending (soon probably joining)

There isn't a lot of time, but some more states might rebell against it in the meantime

nafri hunting club when?

Anybody watching Maischberger? Kurz is wrecking that old hag

I agree, we're not radicals after all. :^)
And if they really send a Spitzel to check on some shitposters, that would just confirm the state of Germany.

Don't have a TV, i'm looking for a stream

fuck i totally forgot about that

Thanks for the reminder, totally forgot that.

The NRW SPD is pretty cucked, I don’t expect much resistance from them

Just watch the ARD livestream bra

Trittin is now there to make Kurz look even better

i almost pity the cops by now

Also what happened to Cem?

I think he was just a substitute

its surprising to me
i often visited regensburg for partying and the cops were mostly rural area sheriffs who liked to beat you to a pulp for fun

>having two Greens arguing with Kurz
>the man who became chancellor in the same election the Austrian Greens lost all power


I love how to be a green you have to completely ignore reality.

Does he realize that mentioning the AfD by name is the opposite of ignoring it?
>Schlecht für Martin Schulz: Der mächtige NRW-Landesverband ist besonders Groko-skeptisch eingestellt.

your police are an embarrassment,
do they not care anymore?

forgot article picture

I dont think this moron realizes anything


Its not like the AfD is concerned especially about that too right Trettin? Jesus

This retarded argument again

>Flee from war in Iraq & Syria
>Have to go all the way to Germanistan for some reason

According to the Genfer Refugee Convention we can send them back at the border because we don't send them into war zones. According to our Grundgesetz none of these Fugees are legitimite asylum seekers

Also, bleiben wir erstmal zu zweit?

They have 0 support from politicians and the judges. They are on their own and heavily disillusioned

oh the memories

We will see

Die als relativ harmlos bezeichnete Krätze, die bei uns vergessen war, ist Dank der andauernden Parasitenflut wieder zur Seuche geworden. Harmlos ist die Krätze übrigens nicht, denn sie ist meldepflichtig. Die Erreger, von fremden Rassen genährt, mutieren nämlich, sodass sie für Deutsche mittlerweile sehr oft schon tödlich sind., 22.10.2016: "Krätze ist auf dem Vormarsch – doch in Nordrhein-Westfalen fehlt es an Medikamenten. … Leon Kullmann: 'Die Flüchtlinge sind wirklich wichtig, die Pharmaindustrie darf auf vermehrt auftretende Epidemien hoffen'."
Aber die wirklichen Bereicherungen durch unsere Invasoren, die gemäß Schulz wertvoller als Gold sind, bestehen in den einzigartig neuen Tuberkulosen-Seuchen, wogegen es keine Medikamente gibt.

Unser Tod wird somit exklusiv. DIE WELT von gestern: "Multiresistente Tuberkulose-Keime bei Flüchtlingen entdeckt. … Der über lange Jahre rückläufige Tuberkulosetrend hat sich umgekehrt. Das Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI) in Berlin verweist dabei auf die aktuellen Migrationsbewegungen. Wissenschaftlern am Nationalen Referenzzentrum (NRZ) am Forschungszentrum Borstel ist es gelungen, einen europaweiten Ausbruch eines multiresistenten Stamms der Tuberkulose (TB) mit ungewöhnlichen Antibiotikaresistenze bei Flüchtlingen nachzuweisen. 70 Prozent der Erkrankten sind ausländische Staatsbürger." Meistens erkranken die Infizierten erst nach einem Jahr oder später. Eine tickende Super-Bakterienbombe also. Dass auf 30 Prozent erkrankte Deutsche verwiesen wird, ist zynisch, denn diese wurden von Merkels Seuchen-Invasoren erst infiziert. Unser Sterben bezahlen wir übrigens mit 100 bis 400 Mrd. Euro im Jahr: so viel kosten uns die Eindringlinge. Für die Deutschen ist deshalb nichts mehr da.

Reicht ja für'n Anfang, schaun wa mal, ob sich noch wer anmeldet.

ach mann the war in syria is very very bad
open your borders


Do you guys think we are stupid?
Fuck off

Cem got too problematic after he said something mean about foreigners now that he and his wife got enriched I heard.
Greens might get even more leftleaning double leaders. Which is good, because that insanity is selfdestructive.

Armer Cem, bist ganz ein Cuckalman geworden ;_;

wahrsheinlich nur 3 antifa und drei neue deutschen da

the bavarian police is by far the most strictest police in germany
they have the skills and the equipment to handle shitskins with ease
the only thing they need would be a clear movement order and the backup from the politicians

but they receive none of that because (((brrrreasons)))

You are free not to come.
We dont meet to torch a refugee center man.

Lies den alten Thread, ist voll organisch entstanden und so. Wer nicht kommen will, braucht ja nicht zu kommen.

trittin vs kurz
first argument:
>"strache is SS incarnate"
>do u even try?
>finishing stroke for the greens is needed

Ich würde sehr gerne kommen, wohne aber zu weit entfernt.

Use your brains. It should never happen. BfV, BKA, Antifaggits and (they) are also reading here. You will expose yourself for nothing and be branded. Just... dont

german cops are only playing tough around locals because we pose little to no risk to them
there is a reason cops in, e.g. the US, make use of their firearm at every second nigger encounter
funny times await us friendo

Selbstzensur ist unser größter Feind und (((ihr))) wichtigstes Werkzeug.

maybe we should use a better hub to meet
it sucks but frankfurt is actually the best when it comes to public transport

Treffen können relativ sicher organisiert werden, wenn gute Regeln vereinbart werden.

Im not afraid of Antifa.
BKA/BfV can come for me and be throughoutly dissapointed.

the german cops had a good "reputation" until summer 2014
now their word really means nothing
thanks mergel

Bist du Frankfurter?

A bigger meeting can be planned over time, this is just a small local meetup to see if there's interest at all in this shit-infested city.

no thank god
outskirts of munich

Its not about censoring but about anonymity. if you share rules here, everyone can apply them. Think of the public image of Sup Forums: hackers, nazis, the worst of their kind. KRaut/pol/: german nazi hackers. Do you really want to be branded publicly?

frankfurt is infested with leftycucks, antifaggits, ultras multiculti faggits, enrichers. go visit hauptwache on weekends at 11/12 pm. different world

No photos, glasses get checked for cameras etc. we already discussed this.

The Polizei was already fed up with politicians backstabbing them during the castor transports, the regular leftist chimpouts or when they sent them against the elderly during the Stuttgart21 debacle. If a civil war breaks out both the police and army will not side with the gov the moment it becomes clear that enough citizens want the gov gone. The judges will simply pretend to be neutral and claim that they had to enforce the law, just like they did after WW2. The only thing keeping our state alive is the press suppressing the increasing demand for radical change.


tuuuut.... .... ARSCHLOCH!
geiler clip

i know
had to work there for a year
you should turn the whole konsti into a concentration camp
the nightlife on the other hand is outstanding there

>Do you really want to be branded
Are you afraid ill look so retarded in the Linksunten Gallery that the image of this site will suffer and turn it into reddit?

München ist Kanackenstadt

Gut für dich, hatte aber noch auf wen aus der Gegend gehofft.

yes but didn't your police always operate on the rule that people registered their real name and address
now you have tens of thousands of refugees running around doing what they want without consequence
if you don't have a real name you don't get a consequence
your honesty and naivete was your mistake

Fun fact: Leftists and punks caught by the police in Frankfurt have a tendency to "accidentily" fall down a flight of stairs.

>Do you really want to be branded publicly?
I wouldn't mind, not much to lose. I realize this isn't true for everyone. Quite sad that the new Stasi has made people so afraid of speaking up.
>these guys post in kraut/pol/
>they must be evil nazis
>we must shame them publicly
This could actually backfire immensely if they tried it. Everything I post is legal.

Jede Stadt ist Kanackenstadt

Don't worry, more people will come and if not we'll just drink a beer or two in the next Kneipe or whatever.

i can imagine there are ten blue-haired antifags hanging around the train-station in koeln,
they will probably just attack any short haired german they see

we are winning lads

thats true
shitskins and wealthy fags voting for the greens
outskirts are still pretty based tough
had to borrow a power cord once from my neighbour a few years ago (charming old man)
had a coffee with him and noticed a ss uniform portrayed in his livingroom kek
that would be the primary task of the federal police which have nothing to do with the own state police
>your honesty and naivete was your mistake
not mine my dear not mine....

Hungary parliament confirmed Sup Forums lurker

true. if any user wants to party with normal people go to "Batschkapp". they kinda write on their website that scum isnt allowed to enter. mostly germans there, feels good. lots a lefty, sure, but everyone is drunk and nobody cares

I have to stay anonymous because I will join the AfD soon and want to make it to LT or BT

user, that is kinda my plan. i want to get the german army on our side and use them against the altparteien if necessary. most cops are already afd voters

Can't do anything if the goverment/justice system doesn't acknowledge the problem.

really? i thought that this is some generic antifa shithole
i enjoyed being at the gibson and kane&abel tough

Not in East Germany.

>keine Beweise

No, Mr BKA

Makes sense.
If id become a politician I would be cautious af too.

Don't forget the Pepekrawatte :^)

>muh fake news
>where are da proofs

I thought so, too, but I was never into "party" anyway.

Wenn wir uns treffen soll ich dann was zum Ballern mitbringen? Hab Teile und Schnelles!

ya they have to keep their powder dry,

>Diese Jacke
Hab das gefühl nur Kanacken tragen diese.

Wenn der Whiskey in den Verhandlungen alle ist und du die notreserve in deinem Stiefel abbrechen musst


Ich würde bei so einem Treffen keine Sachen von fremden nehmen, perfekte Gelegenheit für Antifa um die Opposition zu erledigen.

>meeting with Sup Forums autists
>conspirative meeting
>hide power levels
>some user brings chemical drugs

How about that new irish harp-party btw?

Sie können ja vortrinken.

Hmmm, is still an unclaimed domain. Someone is loosing out on a lot of shekels...

the digits remember me :D yes, hessen user here hahaha

hide your powerlevel and hatefuck if identified antifa :D they get really drunk there

digits of truth

Klar. Stell doch bitte Dein Proflbild hier rein, damit wir Dich gleich erkennen, user. Aber bitte in Farbe. Am besten Passbild.

Einzig wahre Krawatte.

Also at what time of day are you asleep or not at home? We need to know this for satistical reasons...

Ich würde auch dort trinken und sogar xtc nehmen, aber nur meinen eigenen Kram oder von versiegelten Flaschen.

>user, that is kinda my plan. i want to get the german army on our side and use them against the altparteien if necessary. most cops are already afd voters
The army is not on either side unconditionally. It depends on who the factions are. Commies and jihadists will also try to grab land in case of this happening.

it's real, amazingün-mit-Hundemotiv/dp/B077NG7B8J

Kommt jetzt der Teil, wo wir für den künftigen Rassenkrieg planen? Ich will nen Panzer. Und schwere Artillerie, zum zerbomben der Kebabblocks. Genau so wie's der Führer gewollt hat: dich gepackt, hoch gestapelt, in der Randstadt. Einfach volle Salve drauf. In zehn Minuten steht da nix mehr und es riecht nach verbranntem Döner mit Asche.

Junge doch nicht beim ersten mal mit fremden.

honestly man i see no future for ireland,
i am putting all my energy into saving germany
personally planning to emigrate to somewhere sunny
utah aviv