BREAKING: Nick “Bandito” Fuentes commits felony computer fraud

Basic gestalt
>Nick Fuentes is fired from his position at America First Media for his childish behavior
>although Fuentes, a minority shareholder, still retains partial ownership of the company, without an official position he loses the unrestricted right to access company property – including social media accounts
>Fuentes accesses company’s main download portal (Spreaker) and changes the password in order to prevent the company’s owners from accessing it
>because control of the Spreaker account is considered a property interest, this is theft
>such behavoir is a felony under Illinois law, punishable by 2-5 years in prison

Stolen Account:

Relevant Section of Illinois Law:

Will prison help Nick work out his issues?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmao holy fuck. I hate the way Nick's been acting but I kinda don't want him to go to prison.

Changing the password on the spreaker account was like sealing the "i'm a huge faggot baby" deal though lol

>Quick give me a rundown!

>lmao holy fuck. I hate the way Nick's been acting but I kinda don't want him to go to prison.
I don't know, man. Cantwell's show got much better while he was in prison. Can you imagine his takes on prison gang politics?

TL;DR: Fuentes changed the password to one of his former employer's social media accounts to prevent them from being able to continue the show. Because Illinois computer fraud statutes are laughably broad, Nick committed a felony in his home state.

What’s his deal? He seems to start shit with a lot of people? Tara, the optics debate, now with his company?

He's extremely stubborn and childish, despite how smart and well-read he is. He's dismissing these valid criticisms of his shit-tier behavior as "haters" and jealousy, even though most of the big names criticizing him have 5x his following.

Like most 19 year olds, he wants to be cool, and he thinks the ironybros on twitter are cool. He's sacrificing his legitimacy for cool kid points among that clique.


absolutely autistic

great post James

Literally who for what?

Watching Nick's implosion has been so tragic.

I had real high hopes for this kid but he has turned into real disaster.

Holy shit! Mike Enoch and Richard Spencer are so assblasted by this guy they don't know how to take him down.

How about have some good ideas and arguments you fucking kikes?


Yeah I mean he's also only 19. It is worth remembering that.

Hopefully he matures over the next decade.

If Allsup goes to ZOG and gets Nick put in prison over this then Allsup should be considered dead to the movement.

>Mike Enoch and Richard Spencer
such a forced meme, neither of those two have even commented on this retarded/gay drama. Nick gets 4k views per live stream, you fanboys need to quit deluding yourselves into thinking this is grander than it is.

He is probablt insecure about the fact that although he has strong traditionalist views (hierarchical, patriarchal, etc.), by traditional standards he is a very low status man. He’s unemployed, out-of-shape, immoral (constant lying and backstabbing), and unable to secure a romantic partner or build a family. He overreacts to any perceived (even imagined) disrespect because he knows deep down that he isn’t yet worthy of respect. He’s just scared that everyone else will find out what he already realizes.

Cfaa ain't no joke, son

>tfw the e-celeb drama has now evolved into armchair legal threats
>we get to see yet another circlejerk by ~5 posters for 300 posts
For FUCKS sake you niggers need to grow the fuck up instead of spamming this board with this retarded drivel. You're clearing the board of happening threads. PISS OFF

t. 100% not a fuentes fanboy

Absolutely not... Do you think I have the time or patience to follow some magapede-tier spic's take on poltiics or catch up on the latest Twitter gossip? I can clearly see from all of the Reddit-posting in this thread that this is a raid.... that's all I'm going to say.

Yeah man I definitely buy that

>25% of the posts feature Redditposting
>truly an authentic thread
Nobody cares about your e-celeb drama you filthy fucking bugmen.

>100% of your posts feature autism sperging
>truly not a fuentes fanboy
Nobody cares that you don't care, but thanks for bumping the thread, even if you saged I'm still replying to you and bumping the thread myself ;)


You don't need to hit enter after quoting somebody to reply to them on Sup Forums... that's not true on Reddit. Hence, when a Redditor's habit carries over to create unnatural spacing on Sup Forums, we call that "Reddit-spacing". It's a sign of somebody who hasn't adapted to board culture. That's not the same as breaking up paragraphs to be more readable. Shills never seem to understand this.

You asked if I cared or not... anyway I know what you guys are like... I'm not going to be wasting my time here any longer but just letting you know that I'm putting you shill fags on notice...

Honestly, I was pretty indifferent to this whole thing in the beginning, but now its actualy getting entertaining

Whatever paranoid queer

Spacing after the quote looks cleaner on mobile

the "reddit spacing" meme has been one used by paranoid spergs for like 2 years now, it's when they don't have anything else to say they just accuse you of being a redditor


>Yeah I mean he's also only 19. It is worth remembering that.
I'm getting tired of that excuse, and he blasted Ryan Faulk. Fuck Nick, I defended him in the past but I don't care what happens to him anymore.

Yeah he’s basically writing a guide for what not to do after you get attention on the internet. Without getting into concern trolling, I really do hope he gets better and is able to work through these issues. He’s a smart kid who is in way over his head.

He has a big ego and is being goaded by the ironybros into attacking white nationalists

James, you can't fire one of your shareholders


Few facts about Nick:
>absolutely autistic
>called James and Matt faggots through text
>didn't do anything wrong
>100% right 100% of the time
If only he were a protestant/anglo, he'd be batting a thousand

Nah, I'm enjoying what he is doing.
Guys try to boot him from the name hes been using for over a year, long before he started working with him, and hes not just gonna roll over. Thats why its entertaining. I wanna watch how this plays out.

I'll be honest, I don't give a shit who is right or who is wrong here. I don't care what goes on behind the scenes and if he was a dick or not. Thats between him and the others. Why should I care?

Ryan Faulk? you mean the literal autistic faggot that tried to go after in James' comment section?

>you mean the literal autistic faggot
Yes, the literal autistic faggot that consistently produces the most effective data and propaganda for white nationalism on the internet. You're not going to win this argument by screaming about how he's gay, he's 100X more valuable to "the movement" than Fuentes. Fuck 'em.

God Nick really needs to shut the fuck up, grow up for 2-3 years and come back with some humility.

As it is, he's well on his way to having an insular little hate-cult within the alt-right that bashes everyone else.

Nick is still a shareholder, until they actually arrange a buyout nothing changes legally.

And for those who think James is being more "mature", America First Media was named after Nick Feuntes' show America First, which had been going long before the business was formed. He made the vast majority of content for the company and brought in almost all of the money. James is not only trying to take his brand but almost all of the money Nick made for them.

Fuck off, James. You are being a massive faggot.

You mean changed the password to his property. None of you know what the fuck you are talking about without knowing what that company's contracts and operating agreements are like.


I have no doubt that Nick is more talented, smarter, brought in the bulk of funds, and offers more value than Allsup, but it is what it is. He can't do this to everyone around him and not expect some sort of backlash. I like him, but there was a line not to cross. He's aligned with the other mutts because at the end of the day, WN is just a meme to him. Blood is thicker than water, for mutts as well. I hope enjoys becoming the next Dinesh, because, "Dems are the real racists", is the only avenue for him after this.


That’s a stretch. He had legal access to the account and is still a partner. Just because Matt and James want him gone doesn’t change his status. His behavior is unethical as fuck and opens him to a legal suit but that’s it. There’s way to much fan boy shit going on with these guys. They are all stupid fucks and people need to ditch them. I was with Fuentes too until he did this.

>they actually arrange a buyout nothing changes legally
Shareholders do not have an absolute right to enjoy company property, particularly minority shareholders who have been stripped of all official titles and formal roles. Seizing company property and preventing the other owners from using it for the business is theft.
>James is not only trying to take his brand
James at more than 20x Nick's subscribers before their two channels merged. James was responsible for the overwhelming majority of the company's initial audience and most of its growth - which he did by advertising the company on other right-wing figures' shows (something Nick cannot do because most people refuse to work with him).
>He made the vast majority of content for the company
Not all content is created equal. A well produced 10-minute video can have much more value (sharable, viewable, more timely) than a rambling 3 hour livestream that restates last week's FTN with papistposting and countersignaling mixed in (i.e. the overwhelming majority of Nick's videos).

im pretty sure there are people like JF who do this stuff without being gay

He has potential to grow and just hasn't got the exposure he deserves. Anyone watching his streams can see he's on to something.

I doubt either is being more "mature" about whats going on. James is just being less public about it.

I guarantee you, stuff is going on behind the scenes that would certainly not make either of them look mature about anything.

Nick Fuentes pays Indians to spam him on here all day. They all talk to each other and bump and reply the thread. fucking faggot spic


>people like JF
JF quite literally goes to Ryan Faulk to learn about race realism. If you can't see that, you don't know anything about the topic. The only thing JF has to offer is his credentials, and while you may not like it, he did try to fuck and produce with some half-retarded spic. JF is a convenient meme.

sorta like you, (((trs)))

nigger he has a phd in neuro biology



well, it's not like he's going to produce little faggot kids. he's also 1/16th black. dont fucking care. can't be too picky and choosey right now. if there's a nigger shooting at sjw's, fuck you if you try to stop him.

reminder that this is all richard spencer being a petty gay soychugger and using his anal army at (((trs))) to go after nick

are these the same standards your gonna implement in the ethnostate :thinking:

you're trying a little too hard

>not versed in all areas of science
so fucking what? JF is useful for certain things and so is ryan. at least try to hide your retardation.

>Will prison help Nick work out his issues?

Like I said, he brings his credentials to the table so low IQ niggers like yourself can subconsciously appeal to authority, because you, and most people, are dumb. Go watch everytime JF is challenged on race realism, he just defers to the alt hypes website, recommends him right of the back, or says very basic truths about genetic drift and divergent evolution. JF couldn't give you a comprehensive run down as to what 'g' is or the difference between a Raven or Wechsler IQ test, much less the various subtests, their heritability, and the data on how they manifest in reality. You're out of your element.

what fucking ethnostate? we're not even close. if we were close it'd be a different story. there's no ethnostate. not now, not in 5 years. we're still battling against fucking pink haired dykes who think they're unicorns and niggers who think they're equal. wake the fuck up. we need as many people on our side as possible.

lol this

it’s hilarious

soyboy downs allsup just doing as told with that blank look in his face


(((trs))) and richard are petty little girls

>he's also 1/16th black
This turned out to be a meme that he wrongly believed.

eli mosley you fat fuck

I'm not saying JF isn't useful mountain jew, I'm saying he's not anywhere near the level of RF.

oh shit. thanks user. i missed that tweet.

exactly it’s not much! so it’s really pathetic (((trs))) and richard spencer felt the need to be gays behind the scenes to a 19 year old neet.

golfclap for yall
based (((trs))) kikes!!!

Nick, it's going to be OK.

When you can't tell the SPLC or ironybros apart from each other

VPN faggot. unfortunately my country doesn't have a first amendment.
>sub ryan lvl
depends on what you need them for.

Doesn't really matter though...Ryan will never reproduce.......what good is ancestry that is as pure white as the wind driven snow if your pure white seed just dies in another man's anus?

He should invitro some woman.

nice forced meme

calling out dot indian jewish grifter from the uk was good

if richard spencer is such a petty faggot that he can’t handle a kid asking legit questions we’ve all pondered...then it says a lot about dickie

Literally who?


James should just have took Nick into a private room and literally bitch slapped him when he first started acting out.


Maybe he donates to sperm banks to make a smart racist army lol
>depends on what you need them for.
Agreed, JFs take down of the find the gene shit with Kraut was 10/10.

he’s not part of anything he’s just a part of (((trs)))

>muh faggot jewtube

gtfo retard

anyone on jewtube is a fake

end of discussion

>here defending a spic youtuber
>muh youtube

You're not very bright, are you plebbit christcuck?

i guess this confirms that this was all an elaborate shill thread

Yikes, he looks sick.
Ironicly, it's likely that Nick's behavior stems from too much bullying early in life and a lack of bullying later in life.

>who have been stripped of all official titles and formal roles
Good luck arguing that in court when the individuals who "stripped him of all official titles" go days without responding to Nick's efforts to communicate about the buyout deal and have not even tried to contact him about the spreaker account.

>James at more than 20x Nick's subscribers before their two channels merged
Those subscribers are on James' personal channel, which James was able to keep for himself because Nick's channel became the company channel.

>A well produced 10-minute video can have much more value than a rambling 3 hour livestream
Are you retarded? Show me where James made well-produced 10-minute videos for AFM. Oh wait, he didn't, those all went on his personal channel while he claimed he was too busy to make content for AFM. "3 hour livestream" is also a blatant lie, what little content James made (most of which was Nationalist Review with Nick) was of similar length to Nick's show.

>that restates last week's FTN
James literally parrots TRS memes and talking points, not Nick.

to wrap up our little banter. I will defend ryan, black or not (thankfully not), gay or not. He's incredibly valuable to the movement. someone holding a real phd even talks glowingly of him. but that doesn't mean i value him over JF or Taylor or anyone else. these are our cream of the crop in moving forward with the movement. I'll save my disparaging comments for the "trad" women collecting neetbux from orbiters.

> tfw Nick gets his legal advice from ironybros on Discord and literally confessed to a felony

>I'll save my disparaging comments for the "trad" women collecting neetbux from orbiters.
A'men brother.

Jesus christ

I don't think you need to worry about him. Ryan is smart enough to not get seriously involved between these two fighting. Yeah, he might comment or such, but isn't the type to get involved.

All he cares about is correcting people being wrong on race, and neither Nick nor James are saying anything seriously wrong about that.

haha, i forgot this thread was about those people. i find both of them annoying. good targets for msm distraction.

>i find them both annoying
>taking a neutral stance

>commits felony computer fraud
allsup, are you really being that gay

Why? How does this directly affect me? I don't know either of these people personally, and no one involved in this kind of disputes EVER acts maturely. Why take a side?

I don't even know the differences between the two. Pretty sure i follow allsup on yt but rarely watch his videos and I saw the other guy debate a jew yesterday or the day before. started with a twitter argument i think. he did well. but really, these are just normie distractions. there's only so much time in the day.

> Good luck arguing that in court when the individuals who "stripped him of all official titles" go days without responding to Nick's efforts to communicate about the buyout deal and have not even tried to contact him about the spreaker account.
As partners, they are all theoretically entitled to equal enjoyment of company property. You might have an argument if he were to, say, post his own show on the company Spreaker page. But, by locking the others owners (who operate the business) out by changing the password, he put the account exclusively under his control and stole it from the partnership. He did this solely for the reason of preventing them from operating the business. The civil court judge is not going to look kindly on this behavior during the inevitable wind-up of the partnership (it’s bad faith dealing), and the criminal court judge will correctly recognize this behavior as theft.

Its better to never get involved in a fight like this. And again, why should we? Why should people get involved in a fight between two people they don't actually personally know?

I have my opinions about the content they produce, but I never let that make me feel like I actually know these people.