We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children, why wont the rest of white civilized world cooperate with us?
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children...
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>why wont the rest of white civilized world cooperate with us?
The (((ones))) running the show aren't white and don't want a future for whites.
hell yeah!
you nigger know where is your place
Poland is so based and fash, just look at our sick 1.3 birth rates, the migration rate and our economy. We are the future you mad germanic boi?
Look at us. There's your answer
Cause honestly what it seems like is that people here, including me, have nothing else important to do sitting on their fatasses except complain about
>muh race
It's so trivial it's funny
>1.3 birth rates
Because we prefer to have kids outside the country, you leftarded traitor.
>makes 3 seperate replies
>to same person
>in a row
>and uses a memeflag
>Because we prefer to have kids outside the country,
yes so based and patriotic.
>you leftarded traitor.
A true nationalist needs to see the fault of his people. Poland is full of faults, and being deluded like OP is one of them.
This entire place is a meme, what else should I do?
leave faggot
Please keep the brown hoard out Polska, I'm seeing too many of them here now.
>commies out
>population 28 mn by 2050
I have a recipe for you
Go commit suicide, you know you want to. The future is looking pretty bleak isn't it?
Poland has a total of 3,200 jews in the entire country, less than .01% of the population. The last time Poland kicked jews out of the country Nixon was in power
Polish people are incredibly antisemetic and when a jew tries to tell them to do something they automatically assume it's a trick and the correct response is to do the opposite of what the jew says
Speaking for the rest of us, 'ahem'... we think you're scum.
The fault is that we need a common enemy to group us together and start working for the common good like we did in WW2. We must have this grind on mentality 24/7 even when Istanbul becomes Constantinople. Poland works best under a dictatorship like with Pilsudski.
They are coming back with claims , act s.447
Duda a shabbos goy
Bolands, provide me with more polish cinema to watch.
I've recently seen:
Day of the wacko
Fire and sword
Silver Globe
Sanatorium pod Klepsydra
Psy (are the sequels good?)
What else should I watch?
Miasto 44
Bitwa 1920 (Poland vs Commies)
Siege of Vienna american version
Wyklety (cursed soldiers NSZ)
Reminder that Poland has special laws for Jews to own land.
Pan Tadeusz: The Last Foray in Lithuania - 1999 is quite good
Kikes are after the gibs again!!!
Poland didn't even exist when it was under soviet and german occupation. Why don't they fetch their claim to them? Poland owes them NOTHING!
Who is Russia?
Because of russian aggression people joining militia, learning how to use guns and so on.
Our military budget is skyrocketing, we buying Patriot and cruise missiles from US. Aegis ashore will be built in 2019.
We literally gearing up for total war.
little belgium bitch who's tax money goes to cover up notorious child sex trafficking rings and other off the wall crazy cover ups like the brabant killers. Get fucket waffle
Coming from a mutt.
I might not agree with them, but fuck, your kind are the last to open their mouths on the subject of being scum.
what about manufacturing job for poles?Or foreign shops like Biedronka at every corner?