ITT: 10/10 bodies
ITT: 10/10 bodies
10/10 eyebrows and hair as well
both of them
Her voice ruined everything though.
I don't suppose you could spoonfeed me
Adagaki Aki
This is just brappy
this is too big
This is pretty good
Jesus, they aren't that big actually.
All 10/10.
2nd from left is 11/10.
This is your daddy now.
>not knowing about IT
>2nd from left is 11/10.
You mean far right.
My brother
That's a scottish fold.
Prison School, but this image is from pretty faring the manga.
not the most flattering image of her but yes she's a 10/10
Agreed, her voice is the worst. Your pic is nice but I hate her pointy elbow in that art, my pic related toned it down a bit
Names don't matter
She's literally perfect.
>Cutting the toes
Truly, we live in a world without Gods.
That's a fat cat.
I do agree 2nd left is 11/10.
Why did you post a blank image?
Just ignore her missing leg
>God Tier:
>Great Tier:
>Good Tier:
>Shit Tier:
The one on the right. DFC.
Shit taste as usual, tripfag.
Ok, I'll start.
>Your pic is nice but I hate her pointy elbow in that art,
Wew, never noticed that shit.
perfect until the 3dpd painted nails
You is 11/10
Can't see ghosts? ;)
Is she really that big in the show itself.
You two have shit taste, her voice is great as is her body.
She's perfect.
Fluffy tail.
Stay pleb.
Even without her body in the picture you know it's perfect.
>normie shit
Sadly they don't show her like that because she always wears clothes, but Mirai said at one point Ai had watermelon-sized tits or something like that
2humst'd've is not an anime.
Her body is a miracle, her voice is worse than a nail scratching a blackboard
no bully
It's quite the opposite actually, whenever feet is having a perfectly fine discussion with itself, ass and tits have to autistically screech about.
What? It's my favorite picture of her, look at those hips.
I like her face. She's so round and puffy.
Further reference
yes bully
>Even when discussing bodies, PTSDguy can't help getting triggered upon seeing someone with glasses
I pity you.
>her voice is great as is her body.
Only if you're deaf.
I just came to this, so I'm going to have to agree.
>flat pancake ass
>blandest face possible
>hair too short
>just fapped
>first thread I see on catalog
there should be notifications for these kind of things, lads
I disagree;
more like 10/10 years old
I came here to post this.