>be mentally ill tranny
>be traitorous criminal
>believes in open borders
>believes in abolishing cops
>also commie sympathizer
>is running for maryland’s state senate
Who the fuck will vote for this thing?
>be mentally ill tranny
>be traitorous criminal
>believes in open borders
>believes in abolishing cops
>also commie sympathizer
>is running for maryland’s state senate
Who the fuck will vote for this thing?
This story has been a psyop from day one. Totally manufactured.
He's the left's Roy Moore.
I'd vote for her if she let me fuck her boipussy.
Maryland is full of shit tier leftists. Wouldn't surprise me if she won. Leftists would in a murderer if it meant having a homosexual in office.
vote in*
>a man charged with violating the espionage act who thinks he's a woman, wants to have a position of power to change legislation
mental illness along with being charged with a crime should be cause for denial for government position
He could definitely win the democratic nomination, but would definitely lose the general election. Even faggot Maryland wouldn’t stoop that low. This could be a good thing.
lol - this stupid little faggot isn't going to upend anything - for fuck sake stop reading "internet" nonsense - it's scribbled by liberal art school faggots, cross-dressers, and ugly fat jew chicks who never got laid and hate men because they can't figure out how to look pretty.
Isn't that the case? Why can he run if he was convicted?
i have no idea, i also thought that was the case, but i guess democrats are changing the rules to suit their needs again.
>implying you shouldn't vote for him to further push the "happening".
if nudes or a porn tape leaks i will vote for her
Maryland has no law against felons running for public office
T. Delawarean
>believes in abolishing cops
If he gets into power I'd support that. How else would you just walk up to him and kill him?
Reminder that mainstream libprogism is just a milder version of this.
I still find it amazing it chose to run as a democrat candidate, considering it was a dem prezident who got him btfo for whistleblowing. Not saying the republican neocons are any better since they started the whole thing with the patriot act, but if it was me and I wanted to still become politically involved I'd run as independent. But then agsin I'm not a mentally ill faggot who obviously got mkultra'd durinv his time in jail.
I'd vote for memes, lulz, and desu he'd probably get more done do to the celebrity of his name rather than some no name democrat that waited his or her turn.
we already had a trasgender politician in our cabinet like 10 years ago ,where are our the good goyim points?
Commuted sentence means the conviction stands. Manning can't vote, let alone run for office.
Weimerica is on 4D chess levels of jew subversion. This fag should have NEVER been allowed into the military in the first place
let alone deployed
let alone have access to ANY databases
let alone databases with important information
let alone say it's a woman in prision
let alone get cosmetic surgery for it
let alone NOT get the death penalty
let alone get a pardon
let alone have a nigger president
let alone be covered positively in the media as a tranny afterwards
let alone have jew servants like John McCain block banning more fags and trannies from enlisting in the military, given this one is a traitor
let alone run for elected office
Jesus tap-dancing Christ its too much to NOT be a psyop at this point. Can we at least shill for it so it rips apart the democrat party come midterms?
this thing
He'll lose the general if he gets them Nom. Niggers aren't going to vote for a white tranny.
so, any ms13 guy can run for office in maryland?
Yes, Baltimore might as well be run by MS13. They would probably deal with the niggers better than the current leadership kek.
honestly i hope he beats the dem in primaries since it might make the dems lose the seat entirely
No, he.
Boipucci is what the senate floor was made for
Am I the only one hoping that he wins the Democratic nomination? I feel as though that it would help the GOP candidate win and could help shed some light on the DNC voters preferring criminals and the mentally ill.
>Not a single post with his real name.
His name is Bradley.
Spread the word.
Idk; the fact that they would even consider him will be enough for most people. Him losing will drive away even more faggots making the DNC all the weaker as the fags try and start their own party with Bradley at the helm.
I choose to believe that OP isn't a good goy but rather a decent person weakly trying to use reverse psychology to get us to support manning.
If I could vote, i'd support manning.
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Yes and if they weren't brain dead spics they would probably win in places like Montgomery county outside of DC, that place is basically Little El Salvador.
>democrats first female president will be a man