Sup Forums is now a daycare for the disabled

>Sup Forums is now a daycare for the disabled
How does this make you feel?

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I'm old and longtime married
but I feel genuinely sad for people like the guy in that jap wiafu box commercial
I'd shoot myself

I hope my insurance covers medically prescribed waifus.

Hey guy i got a disease!

Think of the parking

gibs when?

Is it still a failure if I never tried?

literally who?

AutismCare when?

It really isn't that bad

Does this mean the SSN will have to provide me with a furry waifubot when they come out?
'cause if so I'm pretty fucking stoked

well if the cure for gender dysphoria is just letting them do what they want on the taxpayer dime.

Guess my healhcare is gonna be paying for escorts from now on

not bad kraut

yeah? And what are they going to do about it?

Whatever happened to the survival of the fucking fittest?

does this mean I can collect disability money just for being a neet?

>tfw can go to the GP to get a prescription for a prozzie to be taken to

Great. State instituted D I V E R S E trap girlfriends.
If you dont fuck them you go to gulag.

So does this count separately from the gay disability, or do I get a twofer?

What is the treatment? Will the government find me a wife or lifelike doll waifu?

Gibs me my state-funded waifu pls. I'm disablered.

>Inject third world people in communities.
>Women get sated with attention and sexual pleasure from those invading men.
>White man fail to find a partner because they're considered boring and the state already takes care of what they can provide.
I want reparations for this social engineering.


give me free money

even more so

Is incelbux going to be a thing?

Holy shit the incels won

Prescription for "just b urself"

treatment ineffective please change my meds

>Democrats pass law for mental illness background checks upon purchase of a firearm
>Incel disorder inducted into DSM by APA
>Beta Uprising canceled
How do we stop the UN from unleashing the beast system by turning everyone into wanton sluts and whores?

mix well with alcohol

>NEETs could literally file for disability now and live off welfare
oh no...

this is how estranged the sexes have become. i guess we all know who is responsible for this

Jokes on you i made my own sexual partner and she is perfect.

wtf is "barmy"

Where do I collect my disability welfare? I love me some welfare.

i want gibs.

alcohol just makes me content with being single for the duration of being drunk, it doesn't help me get women

>He thinks that will stop us

Just you wait

Another option could be giving people "hooker stamps". It would be nice.


> Being this ignorant of gunrunners in America
user I-... If gun laws worked Chicongo and Detroit would be peaceful places.

Sometime I'm sad
Sometime I remember of how it was with my best ex.
Even at time I felt bored, like I wanted to be alone.
Drink and smoke weed go for a bike ride at 2 in the morning, get in a fight without having her shitting bricks, wank back home without having to perform and care about the orgasm of someone else.
I enjoy myself, a bit too much, it became a habit and I don't feel the need to socialize anymore

Beamers of peace inbound
Roll coal

It's not our problem they are failures of capitalism that they constantly need new customers.
>muh sexual partner
Yeah well, you can have that and have babies, but what they don't want you to have is healthy long-lasting relationship, since that again doesn't produces enough. 1 long marriage isn't enough goy, you gotta have 10 of them and hire 1000 lawyers.

Sweet do I get gibs for being a conservative in a libshit city?


In czechia, we have service called "sexual assistence." Its basically overglorified GFE hooker service for cripples or retard, i.e. people that cant get the gf. Ive read a bit about it and it seem those womyn who work as such try to put themselves on some moral pedestal, saying that they genuinely help unfortunate individuals. Also apparently its not just about fugg, but she is also supposed to give you feels, hugs etc. This thing is kinda knew. I know its paid but I dont know if insurance covers it. As I said its aimed at people that are heavily damaged physically of mentally. Maybe this can be even for NEETs one day. But I dont know why normal hooker shouldnt be sufficient

But they won't admit that trannies are mentally disabled? Bullshit.

I feel you. I'm reluctant to enter long term relationships because I feel it's exhausting. I go through periods, especially when I have a crush on a girl, where I would want to get married. But that goes away after 2 days and comes back a week later and then disappears again and so on. I think I'll start banging hookers because I'm too lazy to waste time hitting on girls.

we need to abort more niglets. Money spent wisely.

holy fuck yes we can lock up incels now

20cm dick, but no one to share with fucking sucks man.

Reporting in

This whole thing is from October 2016, but whatever.

>"It puts a stake in the ground and says an individual's got a right to reproduce whether or not they have a partner. It's a big change."

Jesus Christ.

I'm conflicted on my feelings on the decadence of our institutions and organizations. On one hand, it means we have been utterly brainwashed and it's sad to see. On the other hand, maybe destruction of the current system means a new and better one will take its place.

You're sad, and low IQ, and a shill

Neetbux when?

Damn. I'm still in a relationship but this is me. She is pretty good though and let's me do as I please

Why is there always this push amongst EVERYONE that people need to have kids?

Is 9 billion people not enough on this fucking planet? Only responsible and level-headed people should have children, not just anyone.

And that means white people, pretty much, and no, I'm not being racist.

Typical jew shit, "forget everything else and just give us more slaves for our greed pig growth model that will turn the planet to a steaming ball of shit to make us richer."

Idc I got my switch so fuck u Mario is fun

Fuck bitches. They aren't fun

oh, what a coincidence that disabled people may not own guns

does this mean I got to park in the handicap spots now? I'll take it

>Sup Forums is now a daycare for the disabled

More like the whole of Sup Forums

>Sup Forums is now a daycare for the disabled

exactly, this is what they are attacking - so, what will they be doing exactly?

It's so that migrants and low IQ Africans can claim disability when unmarried and claim more or any welfare without needing to look for work

so this is a run up to massive tax funded whoring, destruction of family unit, motivations and PURPOSE of life
and this nigger rebecca perring - 100% she did not name the people behind this
you sleepy fucking fat ugly cunts, wake up