Mob Psycho 100

Chapter 99.2 is out on MangaONE.

Dumping the raws.








Normal popularity.


That's it.

Alien sex confirmed.

Is Serizawa planning on being relevant for more than one chapter this time?

I hope so.

I'm counting on you, translator user.

inukawa scored

>The dog boned


>ywn have a space harem
Why live?

Thanks, user.

What is up with all that salt meme thing?

She's cute. Who is she? Should I pick mob again?

Long ago in a distant land, people kept falling sick because they didn't consume enough sodium. Of course ancient people being ancient people, they decided to blame sickness on demons. And then they discovered salt and started sprinkling it all over every food they can get because it tastes fucking amazing. Soon the diseases stopped because they have reached adequate nutritional balance. And hence they believed that salt can repel demons.

Tsubomi-chan you baka

>I-I l-like you, Tsubomi-chan!
>Please go out with me...
>I'm sorry.
>Oh, did you want to know why you're no good?


goddamn I love ONE's 'suta suta's

That's really a thing that the anime fucked up, tsubomi doesn't look bitchy and strong willed there.

Mob should just get with reporter girl

Translations when

Tome, Emi and Mazato are all better than Tsubomi. Even Asagiri would be better.

look at Serizawa's pure smile

Think Ritsu will appear before ch.100? or ever again

I fucking hope not.

Basically this

Murata drew her better.

>qt lil bro
>hope not

This, I'm not supposed to want to fuck a middle-schooler but I'm willing to make an exception here

Well, she's not the "idol" of the school for nothing.

Season 2 when?

I'm glad I never got too deep into an shipping in this series, I'd just be disappointed anyway.

>Even Asagiri
But she's clearly the best one.

Cool shit

>seems popular
>not popular
I thought those were supposed to be the same

>I like you. Let’s go out together…

>I’m sorry.

>I guess I should tell you why?

>I’m not interested in y…
>Sorry for being rude!!


>There’re still that many left?

>Those are mostly guys I don’t even know…
>What a pain…

>*turns around*
>What are you doing, Mob-kun.

>If you’re looking for Takane-san, she’s not in the classroom anymore.
>Ah! She went home!?

>Right… She went home. Welp, let’s call it a day. Yeah! Can’t do anything about it, no no! Let’s try again next time…

>She’s at the back of the school building.
>The back of the school building? Why is she there of all places…

>While you’re busy taking your sweet time here, other boys are confessing to her.


>I-I-I got to go.

>Even if you go now, you’re gonna get rejected.

>Right now, she’s in the middle of rejecting all these guys.
>It looks like the assembly line of some kind of factory.

>The mass production of broken-hearted boys in the back of the school building, or something.
>You’re gonna get swallowed up in the flow and rejected too, Mob-kun. If you go there without a plan, you absolutely will.

>Do you think I should cut my hair?

>Why your hair?

>What kind of man do women like?

>(He has certainly progressed since he started his muscle training.)

>Alright, I’ll tell you… But I’ll take something in exchange. An autograph, please.

>There are a few passionate fans of you from the remaining members of the Psycho Helmet Cult.
>Aaah… Okay, if that’s all you need.

>First, be gentlemanly. Manners are very important when it comes to female classmates.
>After that, you need to be a man of high calibre. Someone she can rely on, who’ll listen to her problems, who will even accept her shortcomings, who will give her the impression that she can discuss anything with you…

>If you can assimilate all of this,
>You may be able to deal with Takane-san.

>Deal with Tsubomi-chan…?
>Yeah. It seems like most guys only like her for her appearance, but…

>This girl is certainly hiding her true feelings.
>It’s up to whether you’re able to deal with her true colors or not…

>I seriously don’t know what there is to like about Takane-san, though.

>Because she doesn’t look like she trusts anyone. She probably isn’t interested in other people.

>How would you know that?

>If you look at how things usually are, you can tell. I mean, why can’t you understand?
>It’d be best if you would remember to observe other people from a different perspective sometimes. Right, Mob-kun…

>What there is to like about her?

>I see…
>So you couldn’t answer that question nor go to the back of the school building…

>That means you won’t do your best at work either.
>That’s a problem, Mob. You’re bringing your youth to the workplace…

>It’s perfectly normal for a middle schooler to fall in love based on someone’s appearance.
>I understand that you want to believe that you’re different but after all, men are simple creatures.

>Am I right, Serizawa?
>Since I never went to school, I can’t really relate.

>But there must have been a girl that you liked, no?
>Nope, none.

>Hahaha… At your age, hiding your embarrassment is certainly a problem…
>…Eh? No wait wait… Seriously?

>I’m envious of you for having someone you like.
>Regardless of what anyone says, if Shiego-kun’s feelings don’t change,

>Then those feelings must be true.
>It’s okay even if you can’t quite express them, right?

>That’s it!
>That’s exactly what I wanted to say.

>>It’s up to whether you’re able to deal with her true colors or not…
Tsubomi confirmed shit

>>But there must have been a girl that you liked, no?
>>Nope, none.
Serizawa confirmed purest boy.


Also even more bait for Serizawa shippers

>Day 2: There’s no day or night on their planet.
>Since I didn’t bring a watch with me, I didn’t know how much time nor how many days had passed. Trying to guess terrified me.

>They organized a welcome party for me. …This was probably a party, right?
>It’s a matter of course but most of the food lined up on the table was stuff I’d never seen before. Most of those things were still moving. I only ate those that weren’t.

>Something akin to a dance began, I was invited to stand on top of a pedestal in the middle of the room, urged to start a weird dance, and they took a lot of pleasure in my performance. Against my better judgement, I got carried away and took off my clothes, I kept dancing until my strength ran out and I blacked out. I only understood it afterwards but the food I ate contained something close to alcohol components.

>The next morning, I woke up with kiss mark-like things all over my body and I couldn’t think of anything.

does this make him the most unpure or

It makes him a harem protagonist.

Do you think maybe an alien will come back to drop off a halfling to it's father?

I hope Mob realizes he's only in love with the Tsubomi from his childhood, not the Tsubomi that is now, and because of this he chooses instead to be her friend, leaving it open ended about whether or not that friendship flourishes into something else. It'd be a good lesson -- that you should love someone for who they actually are, not the image you have of them in your head. But to be honest, I'm only saying this because I want Mob to get a boyfriend.

I want to see Teru again.

I was going to post cute Mob, but you obviously do not deserve it

I hope he landed somewhere.

>We haven't see Teru since then
Fucking hell

fujoshits out

still in the broccoli with dimple

Seriously. It's like an innocent childhood love is lost upon these fools.

>implying boy's love isn't the purest and most innocent form of love

He'll be back but impure.

Can't wait for the spinoff that's about Inugawa's half alien children.

Honestly I hope it goes toward Mob seeing Tsubomi's true personality rather than just the front she puts up, and then him dealing with that, as for whether he can still love her despite her probably(?) bad personality, or whether she starts to pay more attention to Mob, I don't know, but it'd be more interesting.

We're really just going to end on 100 aren't we?

We actually did something similar on purpose in modern times.

In some third world countries, women were having problems with pregnancies due to lack of iron in their (poor) diets. While we have shit tons of cast iron leeching supplements we could give, many women didn't a) didn't really see the need or b) weren't using them effectively due to lack of education/understanding

So what did people do? They started a superstition/tradition

Introducing the lucky fish. It's an iron fish that you place in the bottom of a pot, designed to be leeched off into soups/meals you make and increase their iron content.

>actually getting down to business
>Harem protagonist

It sure seems that way, why would the alien arc get cut so short?

It's pretty sad.Was hoping a few more characters would get more development.


I'm not ready for it to end already.

Happy Birthday Mob. Good bye MP100 thread.

what a pimp!


good shit