Why do conservatives hate the environment? Why do they want to destroy the rainforest?
Why do conservatives hate the environment? Why do they want to destroy the rainforest?
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I don't see how they hate the environment, considering that they want to move humanity to space, which is the universal environment. They also want to promote sciences that examine the environment, rather than promoting sciences that shun it and try to keep it at a status quo (protip: nature is in a state of flux).
>support the free market
>support the environment
you get to pick one
oxygen is a jewish proxy to destroy the whites. open your mind sheeple
Why do the left not talk about over population any more? Surely that is the on thing that will help the environment?
Answer me that then we can discuss the right.
False, retard.
not an argument
I remember watching this movie in 4th grade and popping my first real boner.
Daily reminder that Richard Nixon created the EPA
Not always mutually exclusive.
No need. You statement was false at face value.
The vast majority of conservation efforts that actually work are conservative. Liberals tried to hijack that with muh global warming after their demonization of hunters (very prominent conservationists with a much better idea about wildlife than city leftists) failed.
>Other than the (((Green))) parties the other ideologies that openly try to do what's best for the environment are National Socialism and Fascism
Pure coincidence.
The fairy girl could get it any day
Why do shitlibs from ecological disaster areas want to tell other people what to do about the environment?
California has destroyed a majority of it's habitat and its water conservation is a travesty. Oh, and they pump smog into the air and dump trash into the ocean.
What I can't figure out is why any shitlib has any reason to talk whatsoever about the environment.
Rednecks with guns that pay for hunting licenses are the ones conserving your game and habitat, not screeching hippies.
>Not always mutually exclusive.
taken to their logical ends they are
>No need. You statement was false at face value
you have to prove that.
Have you been to a rain forest? There's like hundred of thousand creatures that wants to kill you not to mention the diseases.
Heh, I was too young for that when I saw the movie, but I did wonder why a female would have such short hair.
I keep trying to redpill people on the fact that Canada's liberals want to triple it's population by 2100 (via immigration) yet claim to care about Canada's carbon footprint and pollution. Every person living in Canada has a much higher footprint than those from almost anywhere else. It's innate to living in a fucking tundra with vast space.
Take a drive along any California freeway.
The native plant is the Brown-Coated Cardboard Box.
So much for environmentalism.
Guess we'll just shut down energy production and let China and OPEC fuck us to death.
>not being an eco-fascist
Jews and niggers are bad for the environment. Just another item on the litany of reasons not to like them.
If everyone else would get the fuck out of the way, maybe we could progress fast enough to save some of the earth while we still can.
((cuckservatives)) hate the environment. They worship only money.
>prove a retort to a claim lacking argument
A couple years ago the Rainforest snuck up behind me and crouched down. The the Environment walks up and shoves me, and I go tumbling over the Rainforest and onto my ass. R & E just laughed and laughed; they're nothing but a couple of bullies. I swore that day I would destroy the Rainforest and the Environment. I fucking hate them sage
There's a high energy expenditure to heat that many living spaces. And I'm guessing your building codes don't require to make every building super-efficient right?
We don't. I'm a conservative (Civic Nationalist, really), and my priorities are Science and Technology, Environmentalism, and Education.
>Why do conservatives hate the environment? Why do they want to destroy the rainforest?
There is no short term financial gain in protecting the environment, and long term thinking is beyond the conservatine's cognitive abilities.
TL:DR - greed.
A Leaf that should be spared the rake.
The genetic hygiene of your nation should be a major environmental concern. Look at what non-whites do Haiti and China and India
This is a good point. Although environmental issues are one thing that usually keeps me from supporting Conservatives, this specific Liberal hypocrisy annoys the hell out of me.
Environmentalists need to learn how to align themselves with hunters as they are some of the most staunch proponents of environmental conservatism.
Honestly if conservatives went hard towards environmental conservatism I think they'd be a tough ideology to beat.
There can't be any jews if there isn't any oxygen.
we dont want to destroy the rain forest, there are alternatives, but (((some ))) people wont allow it. also,
ferngully was a great movie
fuck off cunt
And the liberal in his concrete utopia is actually doing anything about it?
Yet it's lefty city retards that pollute the most and cut down the trees.
Sounds like projection to me when they talk about le evul hunters and farmers.
>Don't want to give billions to bullshit Al Gore-esque programs that don't actually help the environment
I fucking love the plant and want it to be in the best shape possible, but 99% of all pro-environment shit is garbage.
When we finally take India and China to task for their shitty wrecking of the planet, we'll talk, but start with the ACTUAL problem first, we're way the fuck down on the list.
That's fair.
Do a back of the envelope calculation. If Trump stopped immigration the US population would stabilize. By how much would the carbon foot print, pollution etc decline? The data is simply phenomenal.
The real question then is that if the left cares so much about the environment and this one thing (which would also have other benefits like social stability etc) if viciously attacked, what is thier real motive?
Trump cares more about the environment then the left simply because he has a policy that will reduce carbon more than any leftist tax or initiative.
Greed and shortsightedness are human traits, not unique to conservatives.
I'm posting this from a bathroom in one of the building pictured.
The building may surprise you.
Source on this data? I agree to an extent, but I'm not entirely sold on that.
For the most part I still consider myself Liberal, and I keep on trying to explain that tough immigration policies directly benefits other Liberal policies like health care and education, but it's a tough battle to win. Unfortunately Liberalism is now a shit show and I'm no longer welcome because I'm a white male.
>Why do conservatives hate the environment? Why do they want to destroy the rainforest?
When did you stop beating your wife?
Why do non whites hate the environment? Why do they want to destroy the rainforest?
Muh classical liberalism. M8 just face it your basically a right winger now in most eyes
Who hates the environment? The white race is the only race who gives a modicum of a fuck about the environment. If white bleeding heart liberals care so much about it dont tell me, go tell the hordes of chinks, arabs and indians who dump their sewage and irradiation directly into the oceans and cut down their forests with zero sustainability
Liberals just want to virtue signal about the environment from their urban concrete jungles. Conservatives actually set up programs to preserve wildlife (e.g. Ducks Unlimited, tree farms) because they live around it in rural towns.
don't need a whole thread
It's so true.
I'm optimistic enough to believe it'll work out. For myself, at least. Being white is great.
this, most of the destruction of the rain forest is done for subsistence farming. It doesn't have an ideology, they're just desperate people in shithole countries doing what they have to do in the moment to not fucking die for one more season. But shitlibs can't acknowledge that, because criticizing colored people short circuits their fucking brain for some reason so it's easier if they can imagine that every problem in the world is caused by equal parts globalmegacorporation apathy and singing evil monsters voiced by Tim Curry.
Simple. Do per capita C02 or any other emissions. Then aggregate it up for each less person based on hypothetical net immigration scenarios. That would be the environmental savings.
Obviously the figure would be much, much more complicated - i.e. income, profession, consumption, previous consumption etc. I am working on writing something up on this for Oz to publish or at worst put on a blog.
>For the most part I still consider myself Liberal
yeah same. I am an environmentalist siding with the right on immigration for obvious reasons i.e. the most important graph in the world
The intersectional left red pilled me though on the very positions that they refuse to debate like my (white male) culpability in the criminality and low performance of other races etc. I am now a nationalist race realist environmentalist left winger - and I think they have lost me forever now, three really is no going back..
Once red pilled there is no going back -my guess is that the left is hemorrhaging educated professional males like me and you right now.
Is that fucking Fern Gully? Haven't seen that shit in years.
Because gullies are dangerous and ferns are fucking gay.
Because Tim Curry is a fucking bad ass and I wouldn't want to be the good guy to his bad guy.
Conservatism has been hijacked by far right loons who stick their heads in the sand and insist that everyone else is communist.
Honestly OP, neither side cares about the environment, if liberals cared they would be working to torpedo population growth and the gain in power of countries like China. The problem is as white countries get less white liberal platforms align more with nonwhites although as I mentioned before, international kikery essentially transformed liberal parties into pseudo humanist neoliberal globalists.
When's the last time a democrat spent real time on the environment? They are all currently raving about Haiti being a shithole.
Population capacity is dependent on the means of production. The population limit in 1950 was lower than what it is now.
For the sake of playing devil's advocate, one issue is that someone can point out that you're suggesting that each net Mexican immigrant is a net rise in emissions which may be entirely true, but it's disingenuous to also not mention that there are enough uneducated, over all toxic white people also reproducing at unsustainable rates in this country. Yes, you can look at charts and say that on average Mexico, Africa, India, or China all may have MORE unsustainable, but that does not mean that white people aren't also growing at unsustainable rates.
Of course that opens tons of new avenues of debate, but I think you would have a better publication if you don't fall into the trap of only giving modern Liberals ammo for their ideology by being slightly accusatory of Mexicans. Although, you know, I'm not the kind who thinks the immigration issue has anything to do with race, but that's just the game you have to play.
You're one of the good ones leaf.
"Population capacity" does not take into account that although these densely populated areas are technically alive, their standard of living is dismal and mental illness is rampant. The definition of "population capacity" is vague as hell. It completely ignores sustainability in the long run.
>I love the environment
>that's why we should have zero Western oversight in the most vulnerable regions while we encourage the local population to breed like rabbits while also spreading propaganda about how they're living sustainable lifestyles
I actually want an extremist conservative environmentalist party to take power. We need to save the earth, not to appease leftists but so we can deliver her onto our children. Also it doesn't matter how much we do if we cant stop china, the fact that they aren't being denounced by every eu country proves that leftists don't care as much about the environment as they let on.
The controlled opposition in the Republican party hate the environment because it gets in the way of their donors making more money. I personally despite what we've done to our planet.
We should exterminate all of the blacks and hispanics to make more room for the environment to flourish.
To save the environment we must genocide all of the brown people who are polluting it.
If you disagree you hate nature.
I was thinking this too. A part of me believes a short cycle of environmentally-focused tyrants would do us well. A strict application process for reproduction would fix the world's problems in a few generations, but we can thank the Nazis for being cunts and ruining everything involving anything slightly fascist.
Actually, most environmental disasters are linked to Democrats. The last one was under Obama's EPA when they poisoned several states with mining waste water.
Conservatives clean up their messes. Libtards blame folks and leave it for others to clean up. Lazy socialists.
Because jews hate everything that is natural
I believe it's a derivative of the Dunning Kruger effect. The closer someone is to the problem, the more aware of the issue they are and how it works, and the more capable they are of creating a solution.
Unfortunately for shitlibs, they buy signs with naughty words of them and punch horses when they should be planting trees and quit dumping trash on the highways.
How about we push out in to outer space like we're supposed to?
>Muh erf
As much as I support the cause, you have to admit it's all a bit of a pipe dream. I love the optimism and vision, but it's not doable enough that it fixes this issue.
Thorium is the future.
>but it's disingenuous to also not mention that there are enough uneducated, over all toxic white people also reproducing at unsustainable rates in this country.
I take back anything I wrote about you being educated. You have an opinion about white TFR that is factually wrong.
>Liberals ammo for their ideology by being slightly accusatory of Mexicans
I wont mention race or COB, but it dose depend on data available. The research will be consumption based using secondary data sources. Immigrants actually use up a heap of resources (that is why the rich like them) as when they first come they need to buy/rent houses, cars etc so there is an initial spike then tailing to the mean resource use. My hypothesis which I suspect is right is that simply restricting immigration will save more C02 etc than any multi-trilloin dollar carbon tax.
Nature la degenerate, our mission is to tame it( but not destroy it) hostile and unbeauty creatures and parasites( bugs and crawlers) must be exterminated forest need to be trimmed, the macrofauna messa to be trimmed. The end goal la to aesthetically reshape nature,
Making it something similar to what you have in the Tuscany Hills or in Spain.
Polar and cold forest are slightly different since God made them more ordinate and less infested.
Ask Haiti, who destroyed their forests so much you can literally see the national border from space.
Why don't you? Jungles are full of spiders and shit you nigger
> considering that they want to move humanity to space
False, at least in the US. US conservatives are by and large christcucks that want to move humanity more closer towards the apocalypse to fulfill the prophecy that some crucified middle eastern man will fall from the sky and take them all to paradise.
>promote sciences that examine the environment
Conservatives don't promote science in general. They can't even agree that evolution is real.
>promoting sciences that shun it and try to keep it at a status quo
It's more about letting nature take its course rather than maintaining the status quo
I don't. I'd like to replace all black and brown people with trees.
We don't. We just don't believe in impoverishing ourselves for globalist wealth distribution schemes pushed under the guise of pseudoscience like global warming.
By the way, do you know what is required for rainforests to flourish? Warmth and CO2.
"Population capacity" means fuck all since the Borlag revolution and and pending GMO revolution. The world could support billions and billions more people than it does currently. That is not the debate most environmentalists like me make. We want room for nature and biodiversity too and we also want game theory to be applied to the nations that have TFR above 2.1 instead of the current policy oif the west being a overflow valve for shithole countries.
Why are Democrats so stupid that they have to paint conservatives as villains instead of having a debate in good faith with them?
>lets go around killing all predators, insects and cutting down anything unaesthetic i'm sure this wont dramatically fuck over the ecosystem.
What the fuck Italy this better be shitposting
Yeah. It is fucking astounding how retarded the environmentalist on the intersectional left are. I fucking hate them for being so dumb. Many academics in the field that I talk to know what is going on but the left is their religion so cant see their own culpability in what is going on.
Well, educate me. I'm more trained to be a mathematician, so yeah I don't have every fact and figure on every race memorized by heart. You have to understand, I have lived in numerous rural south and urban north US areas in my lifetime and have seen my fair share of Caucasian filth. I admit it's a bit anecdotal, but you're going to have to give me some evidence otherwise.
All I'm doing is imagining the potential counterarguments and backlash you'd receive and suggesting you construct your argument accordingly.
All rightists are contrarian edgefags because it gives them attention in a world that is breezing past them.
After citizens threatened to kill him.
But you want to do that too, you stupid faggot. You just want whites to "breed more". The result is the same.
The free market.
Why don't we invade the countries deforesting the rainforests and dumping all of their trash into the world's oceans to make them stop? Oh, no, that would be inhumane, and it's their right to be bad neighbors and hurt the environment.
Because they're christ fags who think the natural world is just there to be exploited by humans and that the apocalypse is going to come any day now so who cares. They're also shamelessly corrupt and will take money from lobbyists for whatever cause.
The most common line of argument I tend to see/hear is that the US/white people/whathaveyou are partially if not completely responsible for a lot of this. As in, the consumer demands of capitalism and the profit seeking corporations are the prime encouraging force of this behavior, and what's more, white man and capitalism are inseparable.
It is at least partially true, but it's pretty foolish if you ask me.
They don't hate the environment, they just think humans are more important than it.
Well there is your problem. Math does fuck all for understanding the social world. You should have done stats.
>White TFR
whites in the USA have a TFR of 1.7/1.8.
If left alone it is a collapsing population.
>White filth.
If you want to have an opinion about the mean population behavior then you need to look at mean statistics. The mean shows without question that the white mean is much lower criminality etc than blacks hispanics and amerindians mean.
You must be bluepilled as fuck to have a STEM degree but then not question leftist narratives.
FYI if you are STEM, it is your responsibility to ensure that your narratives align with reality because it is implied that STEM people have made a contract with the world to understand it as objectively as possible.
The other option is that you are not white so there is that.
/out/ here. please kill yourself you fucking greasy guedo
lef wing pepl like eviromen.. me no like...
liberals have completely ruined the environmental movement and turned it just into another commie liberal movement. Until about 1990 the percentage of conservatives who considered themselves environmentalists was about the same as liberals. then the environmentalists slowly started getting crazier and crazier so now there is a pretty big divide. Once there was no big environmental issues to oppose they started going after basically every little thing they could think of.