Obama is 6'1"
What Now?
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Barry has those Robert Downey shoes on.
Apparently so is his tranny wife
So is the awning on his hot dog stand in Hawaii.
look at him chin reaching
trump is clearly 2 inches taller.
He's wearing wedges it's easy to hide with a longer hem
>Melania being the same height as Dad
You’re not even trying anymore, Shareblue
>tfw the 70y old diet coke chugging burger eating fatman still has better frame than the mixed raced manlet in high heels
Trump is taller, his shoulders go above Obama's, I think Trump just has a hunched/lowered head frame, which gives the impression that he's shorter.
The real question is how tall is the dude on Obama’s left?
Not Biden. The other guy.
obama is lying
look at obamas shoes
>What are high heels?
Jeb is 6'3"
You are so red pilled...
They look like the same exact shoe
look at the original pic, obamas end much higher up
Yeah, he wears them so Michelle does not dwarf him.
I swear, super tall people are autistic. 6"2 is the cut off for normal.
Super tall people are either stupid, or full autist.
I'd take "normal height" of 5'10 or 5'11 or 6" over the risk of anything taller any day. Height comes at a cost. The cost of intellect and longevity. Moreover, after 6"1 or so, proportions start to become skewed. Golden ratio no longer is applied. Super long torsos and short legs or vice versa. Small fingers and big hands. Nigger-tier eye spacing, and so on.
Also, big dogs die much earlier than small dogs. I've owned about 15 dogs from childhood up until now, and the biggest ones, like the Wolfhounds always died the soonest.
kek pence is just staring with hate at that tranny...the man can spot out a fag anywhere.
t. manlet
Ever heard of angles?
Why the fuck is Obama smiling? There's no way it's genuine and that he's fucking happy that Trump was taking his place.
He's probably screaming inside his head the whole time FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!
Or he was thinking it was all some kind of dream and he was humming to himself that it wasn't real.
it's his legacy shot, the fair moderate leader next to drumpfler
5 men and 3 women. When will the patriarchy end?
Average height is master race. 5'9 to 6'1 any taller and you are setting yourself up for health problems, and any shorter nobody respects you. If manlettism and lankletism were benefitial, there would be more huge and tiny guys than there are average guys.
Nah, Joe is asking him if he can crash on his couch because he doesnt want to leave
Nice try manlet, women are 5'10 now. Everybody knows 6'1 is the cutoff for manlet status
A simple google search will provide Trump's height at 6'2. He's an inch taller than Obama.
I don't remember Jeb having a beard
poor little orange boy. he's so fragile.