Sweden preparing it's people for war


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oh shit

Oh yes!

Are they gonna give their soildiers "don't shoot me" bracelets?

You mean "its people". "It's" is a contraction (it is), what you mean is the possessive form (its).


spic bants

Been in Swedish news for weeks. Load of bullshit by the government to frighten people for easier control.

I would fight for a diverse Sweden, it is the future afterall


Who will they be fighting against?

man your dumb

I heard that enemy already started with hand grenades.


the eternal nog


Doubles of truth.

>preparing for war
>with russia

I don't speak spic

I talked to a buddy who is in the swedish army about this the other day.
>no big deal
>not in case of an actual war
>just so people are prepared since the the supermarkets would be empty in 1-2 days if no ports were open to importing food
He seems to think its no big deal at all but he always doesn't think importing millions of sandniggers is a big deal either.

which of its people?

The contraception of 'it's' isn't not 'it is', you wouldn't know that though because English isn't your first language. Really wish you Europeans would learn our language better if you're going to use it all the time. Its really irritating.

great and with their modern forces being so small I bet they think that we'll handle the fucking fighting again.

Well good thing he wasn't speaking it you embarrassment

Dude stop embarrassing us

How Finnish people are even allowed to exist is mine blowing

i seriously don't see Russians bombing a bunch of civilian swedes, why are they even worried. They might take over your government which is weirdly ironic currently, but still


You mean military coup.

They’re not going to fight Russians, they’re going to fight Muslim immigrants.

>isn't not
kekerino my pecorino...

>mfw sweden manages to kill off all their mudslimes by forcing them to enlist and sending them to a meat grinder against russia then when they are all dead shake hands and thank Putin.

They're desperately trying to shift the attention off of the rapefugees towards the big scry RUSSIA. Russians any intel on when you'll take over the gay streets of Swedistan?

racism and misogyny

>Sweden is preparing for war
>...but the Swedes don't know it
What did they mean by this?


>sweden rises

lmao okay yeah sure

Because Finland stronk.

the government is honestly considering using the army to fight the gangs (the brown hoards)

Apparently the Russians are more dangerous than the Muslim invaders which are tearing Sweden apart.

That user is a fucking cellardweller that hasn't left the basement for a week or two.

Make sure to upload lots of vids and pics

What sort of weapons does Sweden even have? I know they sell some neat stuff over seas like rocket launchers, but they haven't been at war since 1814 or so. Is this more Russia madness?

Funny, since our media hasn't mentioned about this sorta shit yet.

Swedish PM does not rule out use of army to end gang violence

(Reuters) - Sweden will do whatever it takes, including sending in the army, to end a wave of gang violence that has seen a string of deadly shootings, Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said in Wednesday.


Let's say for a second that Russia was actually about to nuke us and we HAD to go to war.

Do you really see a scenario where we win?

Scenario 1: The West beats Russia. Russia is forced tranny propaganda, gay marriage, and nigger racemixing shit. The West is overrun with more niggers until every last one of us is le .56%

Scenario 2: Russia wins and we all end up living with a bunch of drunken Turkish Mongolians. Any dissent gets you sent to a mental hospital where you are experimented on like a lab rat.

We're fucked either way

Oh okay. Good luck fighting the Russians

Im guessing we use the same weapon systems as we sell?
But I highly doubt there will be any war. The Swedish media and government has cried wolf (Russia) so many times now without anything ever happening.

What are they gonna do? Hand out please don't rape me bracelets?

Yes. I don't see why russia would attack. Unless it's selfdefense. They have accused Sweden and other countries for "hybrid war" which Margot Wallström refused to comment on.

Sweden can’t do shit to Russia.

Oh sorry, are we in the timeline were Finland is still part of the Swedish Empire? No? Oh maybe thats why?

>bantzed by mexican
how will Sweden ever recover?

Do you ice niggers up there hate each other like balkanfags?

I never said we could, but why would Russia attack in the first place?

If we weren't backing NATO they'd get fucked in a matter of weeks.
Tbh it'd be a good thing, just look at how well of the nations in the iron curtain turned out. They might not be economic powerhouses but they are cultural powerhouses.
An economy can change for the better through peace and time, a culture can only change through bloodshed.
(Ex-Iron Curtain nations) > (Ex-Allied Occupied Nations)

Wouldn’t it be logical to attack Finland first?

Why do you people believe your media?

They’re obviously brainwashing you.

Preemptive strike and occupation for you to not join NATO.

Nah, Ive got no problem with other Scandinavians. But they hate us Swedes as if we had the plague. (which we more or less have, the moslem plague)

Lol like sweden or any other scandi country will fight the russians.

Their plans literally rely on us as a shield against ivan,if we fall they will surrender without a fight.

>Wouldn’t it be logical to attack Finland first?
Yes but is logic really Russias strongest trait?

>Why do you people believe your media?
I Don't. But the majority of the people are too brainwashed to open their eyes.

Sweden will hopefully be the glass of cold water the west so desperately needs thrown in its face.


I'd gladly let Ruskies march through our country if it meant they'd purge the degenerate fags out of Swedistan.

You're a massive retard. I suggest you kill yourself.

Sweden should be divided up between Denmark and Finland. All Swedes taken as bitch boy servants of their superior Nordic cousins.

Sweden is the France of Northern Europe

Meanwhile your government collaborates with that fucking traitor Merkel to destroy Europe from the inside.

I think you mean Norway. Denmark is a shitty, homosexual, continental hipster hellhole. Norway is based.

I'm Norwegian and I would die for Sweden.


I know, it's sad. But what can you do when the majority of the population is retarded?

Norgs are fags, they basically BEGGED Sweden for their country. They didn't even have to fight for it, Sweden gave it to them in their usual Swedish altruism. The funniest part about it is the Norwegians celebrating Norway day like they have something they did - lol

>norway day

> "don't shoot me" bracelets.

Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times.

Denmark is the gleaming light in Scandinavia.

Shitposters create shitty posts.

>Sven btfo by Paco
How will they recover

Thank you Nor-bro. I would fight to the death for Norway.

lol fpbp

Look at the bright side - if the Nords all get slaughtered by the Russians, they might grow some balls afterwards and learn to stick up for themselves.

Then again there aren't that many of them, so a major war would probably mean the end of Nordic people altogether. Not sure why you guys aren't having more kids?

How long until your nation of traitor faggots give the Muslims their own country in Europe?

>Swedish men are cucks
>only the brown men are useful in a fight
>Russian military kills all the brown men easily because they're led by women and cucks
>Russian military claims Swedish women
>Sweden saved
>Europe saved

>all nords getting slaughtered
>grow balls after they are dead

Don't worry, we've made it before, and we will make it now.

...by a single bolt of lightning, Armageddon has arrived.


blabalbalba ahmed europe lost
blabablrb balba blaba faggots traitors










They will nuke you. End of story.

I appreciate the support, but would Finland defend Sweden? I seriously doubt that.

but this time they just gonna bomb you back to 1940s

I dunno, let's just hope the Russians wont be blasting this from their loudspeakers while attacking.
Swedish anal devastation would be real.


>Russian aggression
subtle way of saying niggers and mudshits

>taco niggers vs meatball niggers when

you boomers and your fucking nukes, it isn't that simple

Then the fools just have radioactive swampland filled with deranged mutated Finns.
Who is going to be laughing then, huh?

>this autistic yelling
You don't think I know America is doomed? Lol you think it's bad now just wait 20 years. The majority of white people in this country are over the age of 50-60. They'll all be dead soon. What do you think will happen when all the old white people who were holding political office and positions of management are dead? SHTF. I don't plan on being here.


Lay off the whisky

Yeah, even though the Swedes and Ruskies tried to erase us from the planet for 800 years we are still here.
It's mine blowing alright.

The west will fall to the eastern horde. Face it. New Middle ages awaits us.
Russian are basically fino-ugric people + slavs.

So be concerned about your own fucking country instead of Sweden?

Finland doesn't have any tech