Numbers Don't Lie Whitey
Africans Are the Most Educated Immigrants in US: Report
Indians-Americans are.
They go to colleges in fucking Africa!
Would you drink tap water in Africa?
Would you bareback a village girl in Africa?
Oh but no, African Colleges are probably top fucking notch you terrible terrible baiter.
>Would you bareback a village girl in Africa?
Thanks to PrEp I can!
>Numbers don't lie whiti
No but niggers do
>Africas > Meximutts
Imagine your IQ being lower than an Africans. No wonder South America s a shithole.
I don't normally stick up for nigs but that poor girl has so much fear in her eyes. Some nigger extremist rapist probably snapped the shot before he raped and beheaded her...why must the innocent of this world suffer so? Oh well, part and parcel of life among niggers and Islamist.
>most educated
Just because you have to repeat second grade three times doesn't mean you are "more educated". It doesn't work that way.
Mfw anyone with any intelligence whatsoever leaves Africa for America. As a result, the only people who stay to try to improve the country are fucking retarded.
The cycle continues.
that's hot
pol being mad at.. facts. what's new
Normal immigrants are usually pretty good, they're smart enough to do it legally and also appreciate the opportunities given more than actual citizens. But then they have kids and mingle with nigger culture and they're ruined. We will never attack nigger culture directly with OPs because we integrate too much of their culture here (saying shit like thot, what the fuck is wrong with you?) while also demanding that noone think about it and only think about genetics. The success of nigger culture is the #1 threat to our future, turning whites, spics, blacks and asians into violent thoughtless thugs.
Numbers don't lie
>They do when they're written by The Root.
We're hurting African countries by taking their best/smartest people
All the more reason to send them back
Here you dumb faggots
You must be mistaken friendo. This is Sup Forums and we love BASED black men here.
>I can cherry pick African Countries but not per capita starter pack at the "Root".
Africans are the best educated? African Americans are the least educated. For the sake of Africans, stay in Africa.Coming to America will cause you to become less intelligent.
They're shit.
That's great. That means we don't need to take them anymore and they can stay in Africa.
Wrong; women are incapable of not feeling pleasure from vaginal sex. Nature has hardwired any pussy stimulation to be enjoyable for them (even more so for the negro woman). Look it up. Its in books. Any talk of rape harming women is just to guilt you into giving them more money or political power.
They are not smarter. The Jews pad the stats by getting these niggers into colleges to play sports. They bs their way through college and it's ok because they can run fast or jump far. Just because these niggers get bachelors does not mean they earn it or even deserve it. I'm getting so triggered thinking about the African nig who would sit in front of me in class, not speak English, speak click click to the other African, and carry his backpack that said "track&field". Don't fall for Jewish tricks.
>Take all the smart Africans away from Africa
>Wonder why everyone is starving
Eating bugs and da poo poo is preferrable to eating at MuttDonald’s.
>nature has hardwired any pussy stimulation to be enjoyable for them (even more so for the negro woman). Look it up. Its in books.
>even more so for black women
I need source on this bruv. Can't find it
Yeah its really bad cause all the skilled workers that can build Africa into a better country run away to make 1st world countries better
Top kek. 30 years in construction. Met maybe two intelligent black guys. So i don't believe you. Fucking moon cricket.
>Smart Africans get the fuck out of Africa and go to the land of reparations and affirmative action
what a coincidence
Because they are of simpler mind any pleasure they feel feels greater / they suffer less from mental distractions. Its akin to how retards and young kinds are in rapture from a game of peek a book or seeing shiny jingling keys
>Only get an elite sampling from a continent
Yeahh, brain drain
How many quarters in an inch blackie?
Slave labor is all you blacks are good for.
Oh,,, wait. Never met an actual african.
Only murican darkies.
Bet you've met more retarded whites then blacks in your life.
So your saying white women get bored during sex?
Also your pseudoscience isn't source
Ya mostly young guys. Trades are fading and most younger guys are stupid as fuck. But my crews will remain 90% white. Mexicans are 2nd smartest next to whites, acrually have a nip who we call jap-o, shit hes one of my foreman.
Good observation Leaf Bro.
>give them money, food and clothes
>wonder why they aren't producing food, clothes or working
>Mexicans are 2nd smartest next to whites
Mexico Number: 6#
USA number: 4#
Indian Americans are more likely to hold graduate degrees.
Are they here legally?
because they’re the only immigrants coming here
They sure are, schlomo, they sure are
Sounds like you're talking about the legal ones. What about the illegal ones and lottery visas?
Oh really
Your people can’t even understand if water is wet.
Sub Saharan Africandms have a mean IQ of 70. You can't get much stupider than that. Fuck niggers.
Effirmitive act lady's and gents