What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
That Border patrol agents are repeatedly destroying or vandalizing food and water left for migrants in the Arizona desert by humanitarian aid groups.
It’s illegal to encourage illegal activity.
>Humanitarian Aid groups are repeatedly disrupting the ecology and natural habitats in the Arizona desert by leaving food and water for migrants
this is the best thing I have heard
Why are we cuddling illegal invaders?
There are two main groups doing it. One of the two groups is doing it wrong, littering and leaving things in the desert that hurts the ecosystem. The other group is doing it correctly and is leaving water dispensers in the desert which leave little environmental trace. The water dispensers can stay, the litter cannot.
They're saving lives.
That water could be poisoned.
The food could have razor blades embedded in it.
These sickos need flogging.
They should arrest people who do this
What if someone where to put out these water bottles with cyanide dissolved in?
Just saying.
>Humanitarian Aid groups are repeatedly disrupting the ecology and natural habitats in the Arizona desert by leaving food and water for migrants
Well that's not true, what if the food and water is left in arizona desert for those guys who had too much to drink and passed out, and then their friends thought it would be funny to drop them off in the desert so when they wake up, they'd blike "wtf where am I oh no I'm going to die", and their friends will jump out from nearby like "hahha punked, mitch/steve/donald! We are such rascals" and then they hug it out and leave, but then the friends smoke a sick sativa hybrid after they leave their friend and take off because they thought a tumbleweed was a police offcer and they all have good jobs and would get fired if they were caught drunk and stoned pulling shenanigans in the desert so they just fuckin take off, totally forgetting their friend.
I mean that guy will have to wake up, and if there aren't any food or water supplies buried nearby he's gonna die, and what for, you know?
actually they are luck that someone didn't "accidentally" poison that water and the pro immigration groups may be sued
coyotes and buzzards need to eat too.
It's like these people were never taught to never feed the bears.
Fuck your water bean shithole water gtfo of angrywhitemenistan
I hope everyone who leaves illegally (and maybe legally) finds their death. Our country will NEVER prosper if everyone is trying so hard to get to the united states. They're giving us a bad name, they're ruining our neighbor's economy and they're leaving their motherland in shambles
>There are people, out there right now, who's entire job is basically encouraging illegal immigration by leaving food and water for them.
I love you bean nigger.
i agree. they should arrest the (((humanitarian groups)))
>humanitarian aid groups
i bet you three fiddy its a some soros backed sham group leaving supplies behind.
>That water could be poisoned.
now there's a neat idea
poison it with scopolomine so they dont die but instead wander off in the desert in a delirium and evenually die from exposure
Just leave some bait supplies and leave a note to turn it into a scavenger hunt, and the scavenger hunt ends directly at a border patrol main office
t. Bugs Bunny
Are you crazy?! Don't fucking send them off on a vision quest! What if they figure out the meaning of life and attain the happiness and richness that's only guaranteed to a select, initiated few?!
Fucking moron.
>The water dispensers can stay, the litter cannot.
No, they should go to. The more beaners that die, the better.
Good lads, they're doing their country proud.
Just put salt in it.
They should just salt the water, open the packages so the coyotes and armadillos and shit eat it. Then when Gorge the wet back stumbles upon the cache thinking he is saved he gets to see a bunch of fat wild critters enjoying that food. Eventually the animals will learn that the caches contain food and will seek them out and destroy them on their own initiative solving the need for the Border Patrol agents to destroy the caches themselves.
You know how when you go to a national park and they tell you not to feed the animals because it creates a dependency and incentivizes the animals to come into contact with humans more?
>(((humanitarian aid groups)))
>>(((humanitarian aid groups)))
>(((humanitarian aid groups)))
>>(((humanitarian aid groups)))
>(((humanitarian aid groups)))
>>(((humanitarian aid groups)))
>(((humanitarian aid groups)))
>>(((humanitarian aid groups)))
>(((humanitarian aid groups)))
>>(((humanitarian aid groups)))
>(((humanitarian aid groups)))
>>(((humanitarian aid groups)))
hey rabbi, whatcha doin???
You're fucking wrong you retarded fuck environmentalist fuckface.
A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a federal felony when she or he:
* assists an alien s/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or
* encourages that alien to remain in the U.S. by referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any way, or
* knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions.
>humanitarian aid groups
That's a funny way of spelling "human trafficking groups".
Leaving food out there attracts insects
Aren't the people themselves vandalizing the desert by leaving trash/litter in the desert for the migrants?
i take it you dont know what scopolamine is
>The other group is doing it correctly
Anyone (((helping))) the invaders are subversive kikes breaking federal law, and they should get killed on the spot by the Feds.
I take you don't understand a joke?
Truly our border patrol are the best of the best.
Fucking MMO gaymers
yes but they had 'good intentions' so it's ok
those containers could hold salt water
Buddy, if you think you can't do a vision quest with scopalomine, you do NOT know what a vision quest is. I went on a vision quest with a quart of vodka and a box of tylenol pms for fuck's sake. I stood there and argued with God about the subtle difference in taste between red m&ms and green m&ms, fuck.
This is great to hear, God bless border patrol agents and their families.
they'd just spit it out. you need to get them to consume vast quantities. scopolamine is effective in mg dose range so 20-30mg doses per litre you souwldnt notice it.
side effects include
Dry mouth
Dyshidrosis (reduced ability to sweat in order to cool off)
Tachycardia (usually occurs at higher doses and is succeeded by bradycardia)
Urticaria (hives)
Pruritus (itching)
plus delirium and hallucinations. it's perfect
Aiding and abetting a criminal is a crime. Border agents are doing the right thing.
Why are they stealing rations of poor innocent people! This is disgusting! Enough is enough, repel Trump-Pence
Its against the law to aid criminal activity. Its not about littering you dense mother fucker.
Drumf is finished he will never win 2020 with s**thole comment!
Ha, you lifeless virgins, there is a special place in hell for bigots
Holy fuck the kikes are at it again. I would love one day to see the Jewish niggers and Ethiopians impregnating their kikey Ashkenazis and Khazars to get a taste of it.