>ITT: Shit boomers say
I'm a red-blooded American and I love Israel, and if you don't like that, you can just giiiiiiiiiiit out!
>ITT: Shit boomers say
I'm a red-blooded American and I love Israel, and if you don't like that, you can just giiiiiiiiiiit out!
Boomer here.
I am tired as fuck about all the complaining and finger pointing that you worthless young people keep aiming at my generation. At least we did something.. took chances, and sometimes failed. You all need to get out of your parents' houses get a job and grow the fuck up.
That's right fellow boomer, these entitled millenials just need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and go shake some hands!
I can't wait for the day when the last boomer will die
Amen brother
We're not going anywhere. You kids are an embarrassment to my generation. I can't believe how truly bad the younger people are.
I hope the boomers start dropping dead from the flu this year, you are all fossilized and decrepit.
hurry up and die
At least we got out there and did something..made our way in the world without our helicopter parents choosing every move. You kids have it much easier than you think.. you just think you have it hard because you are conditioned to a ridiculously easy life.
Racemixing is bad
Yeah then you pieces of shit ruined the united states with your short sighted bullshit.
Great job letting communists infest every university and allowing open boarder chain migration you fat piece of shit.
I like the Boomers that think 'muh russia' is still some super enemy and has KGB agents everywhere in Washington and they think the world is like a Tom Clancy novel.
Those ones are just adorable. They make standard baffled boomers look like geniuses. (Since baffled boomers can at least detect something is wrong)
Hey there boomer billy. How much did you pay for your first home? 14 times annual wage? No?
Then STFU.
That's actually the point.
Boomers gave up on liberty.
Now everyone else has to pay for this
To the commenter accusing my generation of open borders and letting communists in. I think that's a little extreme. There was some immigration of the best and brightest to america during my time, but we want and need that to keep our economy strong and dynamic. Also, the less skilled mexicans didn't take jobs that americans wanted.. they largely took jobs to no one wanted to do. The young people coming up with all these excuses is ridiculous.. don't blame others.. blame yourselves.
Like too, but you stinking socialist hippies ruined the economy, trashed the value of the dollar, regulated all but the deepest pockets out of business creation and trashed our Contitution.
You let Jimmy Carter get elected, not going to forgive you for that one. How's the misery index going, were you odd or even?
Me too - then you little shits will all starve to death.
Your pal Trump is kicking out the Mexicans. You should get a job so when we -do- die someone will still be here that knows how to work.
It all depends on your perspective. My generation was about opening doors and questioning the establishment, and I think we were good to do that. Keep in mind, things were very oppressive and unfair in the 50s.. my generation questioned all of those stupid rules and started to turn them upside down, for the better. It's like the young kids these days just complain and want it like it used to be long ago, but trust me it was an oppressive time to be living in and the social mores and rules were way too strict.
>Western History is "problematic"
My anti white boomer professor.
>without our helicopter parents
Found the issue. Helicopter parents pushed the kids to be commies and still making decisions for them.
Helicopter parents (boomers) die off from age we can fix the problem. For us that broke free from the entitled boomers, we'll no longer be fighting against the entitled boomers and their shit off spring, just the shit offspring without their helicopter parents. So easy to wipe the floor with these parentless man-children at that point.
How many of your friends died from alcoholism?
I think boomer parents might genuinely be the worst brand of boomers. Spit out kids with no intention of sharing your wealth/power in life with them solely because of
>muh bootstraps, muh work ethic
And who raised our parents? Hmm...
Thank god for H1B visa exploitation and outsourcing of job overseas thanks to the killing of businesses via regulations and taxes to support boomers' dying asses. All without much care for the generation that has to clean up the shit stain left all over the floor from boomers willingly bending over to grab their ankles for their gibbmes. Not like anybody wants those jobs or needed those jobs lost to overseas outsourcing or H1B rackets.
>At least we did something
Yeah, you've let the kikes ruin america and world completely.
Who said 50s? Have you not seen the images posted here? They're all jack booted goose stepping 30s and 40s.
God damn, boomers can't even see the images posted on this Chinese cartoon gaming board clearly.
Step aside boomer, let a real generation show you how it's done. If I was you I'd be trying to get on our good side.
This generation is not going to work until the boomer politicians legalize cannabis sorry we can't all be functioning alcoholics.
Hopefully they kick out the illegals that are able to avoid regs and drive down wages that have to change the boomers' colostomy bags. Will be hilarious listening to the old dregs on how, "at least Pedro dealt with my shit and I didn't have to pay xer as much."
Nope - it was about 8x my salary when I bought my first home - and it was 9.25% APR. For a fixer-upper that was falling apart. There are more affordable houses now than there were then at half the lending rate. Your're just a whiny litle bitch.
>Millennial's are lazy for wanting the same thing we did and should work harder than we did to get the same things or else they are lazy bums riding our coattails.
Back to shit boomers say.
>"God bless America! I am a proud American! Let's help Israel!"
>"I'm a proud white man. That's right, half Irish, half French, a quarter Dutch, one eight German and 100% Polish"
Look, I think the Boomer pox has to do with the
rigid and sterile environment you were raised in, so I don't necessarily think that blaming everything on you folks is appropriate.
However, you ought to learn to appreciate that most of your grew up among peers who looked and felt like you. You weren't forced to share your childhood with hostile muds. Don't feed me this bullshit that everything you went through was worse than the shit we deal with today. Our culture is a sewer and you let it happen.
>8x my salary when I bought my first home - and it was 9.25% APR
So let's try $100,000 at 9.25% APR for 30 year loan. Big shitty house in safe-ish part of city or even the burbs at that time.
Total Interest Paid: $196,163.15
Total Paid: $296,163.15
In economy not ruined by boomers and their communist policies and openness to illegals to make things affordable for entitled boomers. Then boomers becoming protected class cause can't fire the old cunt for being useless, that's age discrimination.
Now $175,000 at 4.5% APR for 30 year loan for tiny shitty shotgun house in shitty part of city 'cause only thing available on market at that rate (200k+ if want the shitty burbs)
Total Interest Paid: $144,211.75
Total Paid: $319,211.75
In economy ruined by boomers and their communist policies and openness to illegals to make things affordable for entitled boomers. Then boomers becoming protected class cause can't fire the old cunt for being useless, that's age discrimination. So fewer jobs thanks to H1B scams, illegals, and boomers making themselves a protected class.
Damn Eskimos were on to something by putting old people out to sea. What waste of resources. Why couldn't boomers be awesome parents like their parents were to them?
Nice work, you got the boomer-speak down perfectly my dude.
The trick is you have to apply for w.e exists for 1st time buyers. You get a significant cut in the amount you have to put down. THEN you apply for a 30 year mortgage because you technically pay less a month for it. SOOO essentially your getting a cut from that as well. NOW you want to pay a significant amount more every so often and put it into capital. Essentially you turned you 30 yr mortgage to a 15 yr one with the same benefits that would come with a 30 yr . Buy homes from boomers who can't afford it even 40 yrs after paying into the home and letting it go to shit. They might have bought it before the neighborhood spurt up and left the house as is...expect shitty sidewalks , expect ancient wallpaper. and EXPECT them to want market price for a good house (ready to go ) in the same neighborhood. Boomer scum love to do that