Be 11 year old Muslim girl in Canada

>Be 11 year old Muslim girl in Canada
>Claim you were attacked by a man with scissors because you were wearing a headscarf
>All liberals (including Justin Trudeau) virtue signal of course
>Turns out you lied, it never happened
>Huffington Post now claims we owe you an apology (and not vice versa)
Have liberals gone fully insane?

Other urls found in this thread:

They've been insane for a while user


>Deserves an apology

>For lying

Liberals never cease to amaze.

no no no... no

i wish they were insane or stupid, if they were they would occasionally do something right by sheer probability alone.
Liberals (at least those in high power) are evil and know exactly what they are doing.

>going to huffpo ever
Dont give that shit site clicks ever

Archived version here

>The man was Asian

The entire Asian community should apologize to the girl.

Do these retards actually believe the shit that comes out of their mouth?


>Have liberals gone fully insane?

First point: They are not liberals. Liberals value liberty, and American "liberals" take every effort they can to impose their vaguely Marxist worldview on the entire nation. This makes them much closer to what we call Social Democrats in Europe, like our PvdA. There's a reason our leftist cunts couldn't get enough of Obama's chocolate cock. Because their wants and desires are identical to those of American "liberals"

Second point: They were always insane. Social Democracy is a form of Marxism, and ultimately it aims for a totalitarian one-party government that has the authority to tell you what to think.

>Implying liberals ever was sane

Yeaa, when did we assign this level of attention to child's stories? They're just dumb kids after all, they always lie.

>Mom... my gymnastics doctor keeps putting his hands in my vagina and butt, is this normal? Aly says he does it to her too.
>Do you wanna win the Gold or not bitch?

Gold in what? Fisting?

they don't care abouth "truth"

lie lie...

Then Finland should do it first

If I ever go batshit, these are the people I'm gonna go after.

I can assure you the normies are kekking over this one, at least where I live.

Everyone's just sort of been waiting for the narrative to fall apart.

>the man was Asian
Chinese or camel jockey?

I dont understand. How is it even possible, what is fucking wrong with people, how can they reach this conclusion. This life and humanity in general is a big bad joke.

>kids will be kids don't take them so seriously
>unless they're transgender then take them 100% at their word

Ethylene Glycol is a chemical often found in antifreeze. Untraceable. It's lethal at about 1.7 ml per kilogram of bodyweight, or about .7 mililiters per pound, for Imperial measurement folks.
That means you need about 4 oz of the stuff to kill the average adult male American, or 136ml for the average Euro. This is not a lot of liquid.
Ethylene Glycol is sweet-tasting, and many antifreezes add a bittering agent to keep kids from drinking it... But many don't. Particularly the stuff made for industrial use. It is often used to kill animals because they won't detect it as something dangerous. It kills through massive destruction of the kidneys, and if treatment is not received early, death is very likely.

Undetectable in sweetened coffee or sodas.

No joke, I'm moving back to Russia from this stupid shit country.

Just a prank m8

Was she charged for wasting everyone's time and lying to the police?

Nothing to do there. I am also from russia, never go back, but uk is shit. Lets go to Japan or Poland, tho poles they hate russians but I dont care.

I pray to Jesus everyday that Islam will win.
Cry faggots, cry.


>added two inches of anti-freeze to a bottle which had an inch of cola left inside it
What a fucking retard.

I think many of you are forgetting the fact that she is an 11 year old child ffs. She can't nor should she be held accountable over this. The best part about this story is that it thankfully didn't happen.

I pray to Kek everyday that whites will win.
Cry faggots, cry.

It doesn't matter anymore.
The only salvation for them at this point is


>"""our fault"""
>"""look at ourselves"""
>"""fellow x"""
Liberal women and kikes exclusively talk like that to deflect blame from themselves, and to convince others (almost always white men) to act against their own interests.

They're right, the media deserves to apologize to the public