JoJo thread

What was the point? Was it just to make the whole race plotline completely meaningless at the end?

Does part 8 do anything better than 7?

when does the Rohan OVA come out?

Just finished Part 6, holy crap that ending was both so sad and great at the same time. Despite being such a dick about "happiness", Pucci was a pretty top tier antagonist and Jolyne was honestly such a great character. I thought people only liked her for being a girl before reading it, but she's so much like Jonathan and her combat with Stone Free is great.

All the characters in general were great, the only issues I had was FF's regenerative abilities for Jolyne in YoYoMa and the Heaven's process (DIO's bone and Sports Maxx, tree stand and sinners, green baby), but I loved the whole part in general.

This is my rating now:

The race was never the point of the race.

More cute girls

good taste

part 6 is based
but now prepare to jizz non stop since both SBR and JOJOLION (so far) are amazing

>The race was never the point of the race.

It was really about the holy corpse.

that's some good joggin' for the noggin
it's about Jesus

Patrician : 1, 5, 7
Plebeian : 2, 3, 4
Contrarian : 6, 8

fite me

Better plot (for now), better girls, better minor villains.

>Part 5 better then anything.
>Part 2 being that low
I had no idea those kinds of people existed.

Parts 2, 4, and 7 are the plebian trinity.

I love 2 but I enjoy the rest more, it's not that I hate it; and 5 isn't that bad, it's definitely enjoyable

So did Johnny ever fix his legs in the end? That was the only reason he joined the race right?

you missed the joke

his stand's ability was incredible luck
he was the one person who got a stand and never learned of the corpses existence, which was lucky because it meant he was able to complete the race without assassination attempts
he was also the only stand user who never even really found out about the existence of stands, and no one ever found out that he had a stand (which prevented people like the president from watching him)
and then when he only got 2nd place in the end, it conveniently transpired that the person who got 1st was killed, meaning he 1st place instead

he had the STRONGEST stand power because it possibly influenced events he wasn't even aware of in such a way that he would succeed

For me it would be
7>8(so far)>6>1>2>3>4=5.

yeah, did you completely forget this page?

He starts walking after he kills Valentine.

It's easy to forget because it isn't made a big deal of. Even Johnny himself says that in the end it just kind of happened.

Yes and yes.

Give me more new stand ideas

Hey Ya! doesn't make the user lucky. All it does is encourage you and give you minor advice. Pocoloco was just incredibly lucky on his own.

a stand that can turn any hole into a functioning butthole.

Reminder that Kaato literally did nothing wrong and didn't deserve all that happened to her.

The kid she "killed" was already braindead by the time Jobin brought him to her, because Jobin accidentally fried his brain in self-defense after the little prick tried to force him to set a girl's house on fire, and when he refused, he tried to set him on fire. The asshole was a frequent bully to little Jobin and forced him to steal Kaato's underwear and take nudes of her. The son of a bitch deserved what was coming.

And Kaato only buried him so she wouldn't have to give up her life to save Jobin's and could be able to watch him grow up and raise him. She only wanted Jobin to be safe. It's likely that Norisuke knocked her up and forced her into marriage without previously telling her about the Higashikata curse, just to get an heir to his fruit throne.

Also, when people dug up the bully's body and discovered Kaato's DNA, Norisuke did nothing to help her and cut her out of the family, even telling his kids she was dead. Since he knew the kid was bullying Jobin and didn't give a fuck about it, it seems likely that the reason he hates Kaato so much isn't because she buried the kid, but because she didn't kill herself and follow "tradition" like his own mom. He wanted to control every aspect of her life like he does with his kids and grandkid.

Kaato is the true hero of JJL, Norisuke is a giant douche, if not a straight up villain.

So does it mean that it's the worst stand in the history of Jojo?

The point of the race was jesus, not the race itself.

I thought that during his period of incredible luck told by Enya, he gained a stand, and that stands ability was ALSO incredible luck
because in the beginning his fortune telling said he would be luckiest on THAT month in which the race started, but the race covered way longer than that as they go through seasons, so his luck would have run out by midway through the race unless the stands ability was also luck

Araki himself has confirmed that the stand does nothing in his Stand Book.

Its better than Cheap Trick at least.

cheap trick and superfly are probably worse

Not at all. I'd totally want a little friend with the voice of Andre 3000 to ride my back and give me advice.

That's respectably good

oh well fuck me then

>It's likely that Norisuke knocked her up and forced her into marriage without previously telling her about the Higashikata curse, just to get an heir to his fruit throne.
Hell of an assumption there.
>Since he knew the kid was bullying Jobin and didn't give a fuck about it
You don't know that.

Well, I guess notorious B.I.G. too. But Hey Ya still has to be the worst in it's universe.

I dont know man, he gave pretty good advice most of the time.

>voice of andre 3000
Where does it say that?

I think that'll make the SBR anime harder to do.

I loved part 6 but honestly it felt a lot more flawed than other parts. I mean every part has its issues but they mostly managed to cover themselves up. The fights in part 6 were often just lame and considering fights is the biggest selling aspect of jojo it's pretty big
Agree about the ending. The plot was fun and the biggest one since part 2. You have a wild ride ahead of you with SBR so you better get ready

Do not want.

>he doesn't even get to enjoying being able to walk again for that long before getting ROCKED.

Best mom indeed

My headcanon

He could walk for a long time he still got married and raised a kid, until he died of course.

I like your headcanon

It was ten years. Was he even crippled for a year?

Was it really 10 years after SBR before Johnny had to sacrifice himself? I thought it was only like a year or 2 after the race he married that Japanese chick and had their kid.

He was 19 in SBR and died at 29.

Yeah, there was stuff like her Kevlar webbing saving her in the Whitesnake dream, yet not using it later when confronting him and Manhattan Transfer guy. That stuff didn't really bug me too much though, suspension of disbelief and what not, to each his own. Most importantly, I can't wait for 7 user!

Tsurugi was telling the flashback story. He must've learned it from somewhere. Given how he talks about Norisuke telling him the story of how his mom died, it seems that Norisuke must've told Tsurugi about Kaato. Jobin couldn't have since he has no memories of the event. Kaato herself probably couldn't talk to Tsurugi for more than a couple of minutes or else her phone would be discovered in prison.

Norisuke must've figured out all that happened there at some point, and despite this he still hates Kaato. He does seem like the kind of guy to turn a blind eye on Jobin being bullied. He openly tells Joshuu how pathetic he is in the Milagro Man fight and other times, and even if true, it still seems kinda harsh. He doesn't bother trying to help him with the Milagro Man. Also he does come short of threatening Tsurugi to let them into the bunker, granted Yotsuyu was attacking, but there's a sorta "emotionally exploitive" feeling to it in my opinion.

I approve of this

Who would win in a knife fight.
Hey Ya! or Cheap Trick?
pic related

I guess I forgot, it was a long time ago I read the early chapters of part 8.

If you had them both, would you be able to survive?

Norisuke doesn't really do anything about Joshuu's blatant issues.

Hey Ya is obviously best stand, without it he never would've won

>Cheap Trick fighting Hey Ya! like tom and jerry
>One to kill you and one to save you

How could Norisuke figure it out on his own? All he knows is that she killed some kid and she's not denying it either. Given her insistence that Jobin did nothing wrong she's not going to say he had anything to do with any of it.

The flashback does start out as Tsurugi telling it but it segues into something else with most of it being stuff Tsurugi couldn't possibly know. It's like how the Kira and Josefumi flashback started out with Damo telling it, or how the old man told Josuke about Johnny.

Norisuke doesn't care for Joshuu very much. I guess because he already has an heir and Joshuu probably shouldn't have been born (Kaato didn't have Joshuu until after she sacrificed the kid)

It still seems strange that Norisuke dotes on Gappy, an amnesiac stranger with no obvious relation to the family, much more than any of his other kids.

Norisuke is suspiciously absent in the entire flashback until Kaato is hauled off to prison. We have no idea where he was. For all we know, he might've seen Jobin getting teased at some point, and then after Kaato's arrest could've figured out that Jobin was being bullied and the kid Kaato sacrificed was the kid who was bullying him.

Also, King Nothing seems like a fairly useful stand to have when investigating. It's also possible to use it for spying capabilities since it allows for handy limb detachment and it seems to have a fairly decent range.

Yes But Valentine's philosophy was that the person who pulls the napkin first detirmines the course of events.

Pocoloco meanwhile did not try to detirmine events, merely took advantage of all the other "detirmination" around him and looked after himself.

He came second, he was "second" to "pull napkin".

And won, thus defining The American Spirit that manifested by The Corpse as one of self focus and good luck. because SBR was a giant Tortoise and the Hare aesop

Meanwhile Araki probably thought " I love Eddie Murphy! Let's make a funny black character XD"

Question, is Araki racist?

Why are you so sure he knew it got so extreme after the kid got expelled? For all he knows it was just a planned murder.

>It still seems strange that Norisuke dotes on Gappy, an amnesiac stranger with no obvious relation to the family, much more than any of his other kids.
That's not true at all. He is colder towards Joshuu, but that's not exactly uncalled for. Look at his interactions with the others.

Probably not.

I don't think so but there's this weird fucking scene in part 6 where Jolyne looks over her shoulder at a caricature-ish fat black chick eating a banana.

Pucci still a best.


pucci is literally worse than vampiric Dio

things i dont understand in jojo

1) how did the face swap thing work with kira and kosaku

2) what the fuck happened in philadelphia with d4c and johnny getting shot and killed


Jojo obviously has a lot of out outlandish and weird character designs but I just cannot get over Norisuke's hair bubbles

>constant threat throughout the entire part
>always relevant to the plot
>progressively becomes more powerful
>has a clear cut goal

How can you have such shit taste?

>has notably strange hair
>birth name is Josuke

You could get away with this shit 10 years ago. Also in Japan they're much more playful with this type of shit

link please I don't remember

Tsurugi straight up says Jobin was being bullied, so he must've learned from somewhere.

It also says that the boy had a contusion in his brain, but this didn't kill him, it probably contributed. Norisuke, a stand user, who is also aware of Jobin's and Kaato's stands, would likely figure out Jobin burned the kid. He might not have know it put him into a coma, but he was aware of what happened enough to relay the info to Tsurugi since, as I said, Kaato was in jail and Jobin didn't remember anything. If Norisuke didn't figure out the boy was bullying him, Kaato must've told someone.

Also, it's weird Norisuke is treating his teenage daughter like a toddler. Even if it's sweet, Daiya is certainly spoiled enough that she sees nothing wrong with raping Gappy. And when Norisuke sees this, his gut response is to blame Gappy even though he's aware Daiya can remove memories. Out of context it would look pretty much like Gappy was about to fuck her, but he's aware of Daiya's stand and abilities enough to warn him previously.

Post best JoJo


>edgy self-righteous cunt
>bland 'pseudo-intellectual puppet master' personality
>too much of a pussy to tell his brother that incest isn't wincest
>prefers to literally restart the universe over getting his shit together with Wes
>is a devout priest yet does stuff like hires mobs and assassinate people
>worst design
>worst stands

Pic related is niggerucci when superior main villains (Kira, Valentine, Bossu ect) stand before him


Did you completely forget Cinderella?


>Tsurugi straight up says Jobin was being bullied
Yes, but he was being bullied before that night the kid was going to force to burn down the girl's house. There is no evidence anyone other than Kaato and Jobin ever learned of what exactly went down that night.

>who is also aware of Jobin's and Kaato's stands
Is he though? You don't show your assholes and all that.


1) he forced Cinderella to swap their faces while Kosaku was at the salon
2) we observe 3 different universes at the same time. In each universe Johnny is killed by a different person. Yet somehow 3 people in the park were seeing different people for some reason. Does that mean Valentine brought them from different dimensions just to fuck with Gyro? I have no fucking clue. Maybe the original idea for D4C was to merge universes or something

Based Araki


They need to get around to it canonically one of these days.


She's holding it like she's about to stab someone with it. Amazing.

I'd think Norisuke would know his family's stand abilities (except Joshuu possibly, who only acquired his recently, and maybe Tsurugi) but he does warn Joshuu of Kaato's stand before he gets a chair to the face. Jobin, Hato, and Daiya have had stands most of their entire lives, so he's likely aware of their's as well. Daiya doesn't even really keep CKB much of a secret anyway since she has those creepy memory chess pieces.

And the opening narration of Blue Hawaii states that the family is aware of Speed King, but only that it increases temperature a slight amount while hinting that it's powers are far greater. And Norisuke could even be aware of that as well since he probably never bothered with it too closely. If he knew Jobin was being bullied and also had a motive, and the bully had brain damage, I doubt he'd investigate it much further. He's even reluctant to investigate Jobin being in the smuggling ring, and still refuses to believe it after Gappy shows him the video, but does send Gappy to the fruit expert. As his favorite son, and heir, Norisuke really doesn't want him to be evil so he'd ignore his involvement. He could still know what happened through guessing, but wouldn't admit it.

Tsurugi is aware of the family's stands as well, since he warns that the whole family has them.

>two trees
This has to be photoshopped

>And the opening narration of Blue Hawaii states that the family is aware of Speed King
All it states is that not even the family knows its ability. There has been no evidence of anyone in the family other than Kaato and now Josuke knowing what the stand does.

Kaato says she murdered the kid herself and Norisuke has no reason not to believe her. After all she was a victim too.

Wonder what their kids will look like. Will their kids be rock humans? I can't imagine Rokaka ingestion and subsequent fusion will do nothing to Gappy's sperm.

Since his balls are Kira's and Josefumi's, how is that gonna play a part in Yasuho's pregnancy? Will she have twins with weird defects? Will one kid be Kira's and one Josefumi's? Will they be chimeras of all three? Will she even get pregnant? I figured she could, especially with twice the sperm cells, unless Gap doesn't really have sperm.

Will he ever stop cumming with 4 balls

My biggest issues were killing best girl Foo Fighters and Pucci's first stand (Whitesnake) being way too fucking powerful. It felt like Araki just wrote it to be super broken so it could advance the plot.

It would probably be like Giorno where the kid has genes from both dads.

Oh well

I think Araki didn't really like F.F., mostly on account of her never being mentioned again after death, not being reborn, and being forbidden from appearing in the games.

What a silly thing to take away from their death