>land of the free
>literally the least free country in the world by the most objective definition of freedom
What did the USA mean by this?
Land of the free
Niggers arent people.
Fill Japan with coons and lets see how you do.
>more than Russia
the fuck? USA disgusts me
Stfu, 2 nukes weren't enough
t. potato nigger
in Russia nothing is illegal, except getting caught
That's what happens when there's no oversight on prisons and the criminal justice system. I used to work security at a prison in charlotte NC. You wouldn't believe the shit I've seen. The dirty fuckers running the show would do anything to keep people coming back. So much corruption in the police force too.
Did you know states are sued by private prisons if the state doesn't fill a quota on prisoners? And guess what, the prisons have the resources to win these legal battles. It's sickening really.
I know you guys like to say "nigger nigger nigger" but there were plenty of whites treated the same way.
I just looked up St. Kitts & Nevis.
The country looks pretty fucking gay, it has a Berkley Memorial and a Labour Party HQ. I am more insulted that they are side by side with the US on something, than what that actually is. This jap just rustled the fuck out of me.
crimes per 100,000 in rwanda is probably 5x worse than america, they either are too scared to arrest them cause they would probably be hunted down for it, dont have enough police or they are corrupt and dont arrest them/take bribes, or not keep accurate criminal records
Half of those don't have niggers. The other half don't have jails.
>counting niggers
fuck off racist!!
If I were you I would be a racist.
I don't see the problem. Criminals have no place in society.
t.english teacher
OP shows true reddit colours
high population of niggers + a police force that actually does their job
Brazil and other shitholes have a ton of crime, but their police/courts are incompetent and corrupt, so criminals either never get caught, or they escape, or they get let out of prison more often.
Go home English teacher.
Pic related, BTW.
At least I don't go to jail for expressing my beliefs.
The US has a ton of prisoners because we have tons of niggers, and also good cops.
We're also the 3rd-most populated country, so that's where the sheer volume comes from.
China doesn't have many prisoners because they literally shoot people in the head for petty crimes like drug trafficking. Also, it's likely that China just doesn't report the actual amount of prisoners they have. US government agencies, private satellite imaging corporations, and charity groups have all noted the existence of secret prison camps in China - that's likely where a large portion of their prisoners actually go, and the government hides the info from the UN.