There will never ever be an anime romance remotely as good as this ever again and the creator had to go and fucking kill it
This makes me extremely angry
There will never ever be an anime romance remotely as good as this ever again and the creator had to go and fucking...
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>slutty main heroine
it looked like shit
I'd trade any hopes of Eva 4.0 getting made for a "complete" version of Kare Kano with Anno at the helm and an actual conclusion.
get out of Sup Forums
*blocks your path*
a sincere show, it looked as it was.
Good taste.
Eva rebuilds suck anyway
I need this
>watch this based on Sup Forums's rec
>quickly realize it's joseishit
what is this a house or somethin?
Who are you quoting?
>is really a 3d slut
thank goodness they don't make this shit.
This will never get redone and its a damn shame, but as it is now its unwatchable garbage.
Funny though that Anno comes off of NGE and decides to pick up something like this as Gainax's very next anime
I never got this, sure it looks rough, but barely worse than Eva or any other 90s anime.
This anime was shit. It focuses too much on the side characters and slice of life bullshit then expects you to care because they make it serious in the end and then it doesnt even go anywhere. I even tried to read the manga and got through, I want to say 7 fucking volumes (possible exaggeration but sounds right) of reading about stupid side character bullshit. It was so unbearably boring, I was so angry I felt the author was milking it by the time she started focusing on the main couple again, I was done giving a shit. Would not recommend/10.
The side characters are interesting enough for you to care though. And of course the manga is shit that's why everyone's mad at the bitch author for camcelling the anime.
dude most of it is barely animated
the colours are way overexposed too
Why can't you love this meme animal?
>There will never ever be an anime romance remotely as good as this ever again
That's blatantly untrue. There are mediocre romcoms every season.
>watching [s4s]-tier animes
Thanks to Anno's eye for composition, I'd say it even looks better than average during his run, even if the animation quality is nothing special. Of course, after his departure it's (literally) another story entirely.
Once 4 is out, Anno won't be working on anime anymore.
Who are quoting? It's shoujo.
it would be shit
When does Anno stop working on it, like the episode? Is it worth watching it after that?
Post more Miyazawa.
The only satisfactory option would be to timetravel and stop the production from going to shit in the first place. No remake could suffice.
The last episode he directs is episode 18, the one where they have sex.
Imaishi directs 19, so it's worth watching.
The rest, is meh but you might as well finish it.
18 i think
if you want but 18 is an okay if slightly unsatisfying stopping point
>Imaishi directs 19
Also one of the best episodes in the series.
Yeah maybe I'll watch it soon, it's like the only animated thing Anno's done that I haven't seen.
Isn't Female MC a slut? And didn't she cheat on Male MC?
We heard you the first two times. You can stop now.
She doesn't in the anime; didn't bother with the manga, so I wouldn't know.
Go read the manga, it's superior. In every fucking way.
The manga isn't canon.
Are you fucking retarded? The manga is the source material. It's more canon then the anime.
What? Who is this bitch of an author? Why does everyting she touch turn to shit?
It's not. Really really not.
Some Sup Forumsnon said that CLAMP got buttmad with Anno because of his directing. So expexting Anno to direct karekano with CLAMP's approval is, sadly, nothing but a pipe dream
Whaddayamean the creator killed it?
Use the spoiler tag if necessary, please
>barely worse than Eva
Your mom dropped you on your head didnt she?
>Whaddayamean the creator killed it?
Bitch thought it was too funny. Not even fucking joking.
Would have made an amazing 13 ep series.
CLAMP has nothing to do with it.
Anyway, the only reason the show it good is because it deviates from the manga stylistically, so complaining about the later episodes is stupid.
CLAMP isn't the original author
whoops, I guess I got my cables tangled.
So, is the manga worth a read?
Well, it's different. More dramatic.
>So, is the manga worth a read?
imo no
I thought that she got prego with mc... Did she fucked someone Else?
I don't think so? I haven't read the manga completely, just looked it up for closure but I'm pretty sure she's still with him by the end.
I liked pic related. Though for the most part I tend to stay far away from romance anime due to all of the misunderstands, pseudo NTR and other forced bullshit that comes with the genre.
no its not
the manga is a fucking edgefest. Anno should of had his way with the anime.
This really needs a fucking BD remaster. Gainax make it happen
the only bearable romance anime are:
spice and wolf
and that's it, prove me wrong Sup Forums
I was just thinking this same thing, the DVDs are atrocious
Honey and Clover is alright. I also rather like Maison Ikkoku
>prove me wrong
Lick my balls with your shitpost
blogpost on why the rips were so hard to do if you're interested
On 2x speed and ignore the second season then sure.
Second season just goes into super tropey misunderstandings, no progress and useless side characters.
Yeah that's the one I read and I've been mildly upset about it ever since. To my understanding none of the existing encodes address the issues nearly as much as the author of that tried (and failed) to, is that right?
DO people actually believe this?
Did she cheat on him or not
Honest to god bullshit. There can be much better encodes that the shit we have now, the proof is/was on nyaa too.
The problem is this encoder only did the first 4 episodes.
i just mostly forgot about that season, what even happen in it?, i don't remember
No, what the fuck? Who started this stupid rumor, they're completely faithful to each other throughout the entire series.
Obsessively faithful, in fact. Arima is literally a rapist.
Wasn't this Manga fucked up?
Didn't she get raped?
mods please ban this faggot
the male MC got really edgy, really fast to the point of psychosis. He eventually forcefully raped her, which got her knocked up. But everything ended up somewhat happy in the end.
but the manga has a ridiculous amount of pointless drama. The anime isn't perfect, but it is far superior to the original product
>i don't remember
Same bro, off the top of my head:
>Some new chuuni girl was introduced.
>Sleepy senpai got more lines
>MC's dude-bro got a haircut and tried to get with sleepy senpai
>Cheerleader chuuni and blonde-pigtail chuuni shipped
>Literally no progress in relationship after 6 months, not even holding hands.
So much potential for the series after such a refreshing ending to the first season.
I don't see how it's bullshit, it sounds that that blog post and the guy who did the jackoneill encode agree that it's an ungodly pain in the ass to work on. I wonder if there's any unskilled bitch-labor involved in the project that I could help with to convince him to undrop it.
People only cream themselves over this because of Anno. Barely anyone finished the manga because it was terrible and Arima a super shit.
>Barely anyone finished the manga because it was terrible
That's why people want more of the anime
Anime Arima is best boy