True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #533

Pulling up from the Crypto contraction! DOW close over 26,000! MSM acts disappointed when told POTUS is in excellent health. Graham & Durbin try to manipulate POTUS on DACA. Sloppy Steve Bannon testifies in front of the House Intel committee (Mueller subpoenas Bannon). Feds looking to arrest California local ans state officials for breaking immigration laws with "sanctuary cities." German and Austrian chancellors tout EU border security. PM Theresa May appoints a "Minister of Loneliness." North and South Korea plan on marching together at Winter Olympics. POTUS to Davos Switzerland to force Globalists to deal with the emerging Capitalist Right! Plus Gab shoutouts and Radio Graffiti.

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Hopefully this time he doesn't spend 2 hours on Bitcoin and Stocks.


Changed my name to match my ID


Yes, user, that's exactly right!

Ronald McDonald Trump

The Yellow Buttstalker of Texas

CIA Production Notes

Rate my Templetonsona

Kail Al Necrow


>I'm white man, sun burn within 5 minutes of going outside I tell ya

Did Ghost just admit to being a nigger?

Hurry up and do bitcoin and stocks already its almost 5:00

Does anyone have the "Engineer, please fuck my wife" pic?

Did anyone else just hear cans?

Did... did anyone else just hear Ghost do an accidental half second of cans.wav?

He was shuffling around in autistic glee and waggled them





FUN Gineer


Ghost also said he would eat his broomstick if the DOW stays above 20k.

About time Ghost talks about the Commodities not almost at the 2nd hour

>you don't need to harass them or say anything to them
>but you do need to harass them by insulting them to their face
Never got the logic of that.


He corrected himself later.

Did he?

Good god I would be so bummed if ghost was a nigger.

You think Ghost is upset?

Do you think pro wrestling is a real fight?



Shoot fights do happen.

Vader vs Hansen...

Yeah I get it but you also get my point.

God this episode has been shit.

He's definitely a fucking nigger lover at the very least.

fair enough.

What do you do while you listen to Ghost?

shitpost or vidya

I get on my Gab
I look at my Gab
I check out my Gab

Playing War of Rights right now

Lift or vidya

Drink. Maybe eat chicken if shoutouts are good.

I always thought he just kissed ass to pander to the audience.

Good choice.

That game looks fun

Do you guys agree with what Ghost is saying?

I have not played it since October did they add anything of value?

dude knows his cryptos, that's for sure.
Yesterday, every crypto was down except 42coin
Then this morning, while the bloodbath was still happening, he predicted most cryptos would be up by show time. He nailed it

Little Rock 2.0 Crisis MAGA Boogaloo when?


I bet Bmar's gonna use this image in like 2 shows time

He's worse than that. He literally turns into a fucking NeoCohen just because it's Trump doing it.

Hell yeah it is.

We've got three new maps, Pry Grist Mill, Pry Ford, and Nicodemus Hill. A new Union regiment, the 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry (dismounted). WOR Cam (headless camera that allows you to fly around the map). And player count has been increased to 100.

Sigh.. Ghost gets that there is a war on whites but still wants to bash so called white nationalists.

>He's worse than that. He literally turns into a fucking NeoCohen just because it's Trump doing it.

Na what has Trump done that is neocon?

Don't tell me the so called strike in Syria?


No, Ghost turns into a NeoCohen. He's calling for Trump to send CIA niggers to topple the government of Iran because "muh WMDs" and to have a war with North Korea. He's literally dripping with Jewish bullshit.

The UK is a fucking joke.

Ahh fuck, wrong version.

>Ghost's UK impression

Brits btfo

>the reason I listen to Ghost is because he's a waste of life and he's entertaining
I can hear the splice now

Oh yeah shit, before RG
Play this pls

well done user


Both Koreas have done this before.

Is anyone else having the right audio channel cutout for the broadcast?

negative it's on your end, but it's not in stereo anyways

commie friend of mine told me a bunch of his commie friends are trying to get the USSR anthem played
don't let them win Sup Forums

>It's another Ghost insults G's personal friends again episode

Machiavelli recommended total fear only if you couldn't be loved, Ghost.

Morrakiu doesn't count because he's a Jewish nigger.

Morrakiu is a national treasure G. Be proud to have known him in this life.


How is the alt-right and "white nationalist" not the natural response to globalization and the anti-white hate session being propagated everywhere?

It is not like there is a moderate place to go in this situation.

If you don't count towards the diversity quota and are hated for your whiteness that is the white being talked about.

I don't get why ghost is so dense about this.

Maybe he is a nigger for christ sake :(

Wow I am glad Ghost has given up on the US.

>alright im done
>spends 10 mins ranting about the ALT RIGHT

Are you even listening to what he is saying

Indeed he is.

And I'm not G you fucking nigger.

>it's another "Ghost think he actually matters" episode



Yeah he said that if you care about white people you need to go to Europe like some la raza faggot.


Amerifag capitalist pig

send me an army knife and a watch if you get the chance

Who's this weback Ghost is ranting about?

Tai Lopez
Total Mexisoy boy

Holy shit SUH MAH DICK!! What a throwback

Boat's doggo died today
RIP Mickey

when will you losers stop shilling this morons show?


That Anne Frank splice wasn't me.

When we hit the 20 year anniversary

If any place needs white supremacists it's Europe
So why aren't you going there to protect white identity?

But I wish that it was.

Oh fuck.

Because I am not a white supremacist.

I just get their views are not total bullshit.

So how are they helping the movement exactly? They seem to just turn normies away who could otherwise be converted

I'm sorry the pregnant Anne Frank copypasta didn't come out more clearly. The computer I usually use to play it is sitting in an AppleCare center with a broken keyboard right now.

>The computer I usually use to play it is sitting in an AppleCare center with a broken keyboard right now.
>AppleCare center
G, we need to talk.