What's wrong with American teens?
Retards. Please kill Americans, I beg you.
to be fair teens everywhere are pretty fucked
There's nothing more disgusting than a filthy shitter that hates his own country. You deserve to hang right along side the niggers and kikes. You're trash.
Yeah but 50% meme is REAL LIFE. Ontop of liberals trying to kill you for being human and ruining your entire life. This country is too far to ever bring back. I hope Russia or someone comes and takes it and murders half of the population.
Bro, you can have this shithole. I'm moving back to Europe, it's worth saving.
They were indoctrinated into hating America and thinking they should be more like Europe.
I guess thew better question would be 'Why do American teen upload displays of their retardation to the internet in attempts at attention whoring so frequently?'.
Maybe he's just a realist and not an overly patriotic dipshit?
By setting themselves on fire and eating detergent?
No, the people in America are literally retards. Like the average person you come across is classified as a retard.
Like your people haven't acted like retards before
> 'Why do American teen upload displays of their retardation to the internet in attempts at attention whoring so frequently?'.
Attention and the escalating nature of internet bullshit means they will go farther than the teens before them.
They are the literal form of memes. Literally. Being "cool" and "hip" is more important than common sense or decency or even better, minding your own business, let alone things like family or morals. They think they are Christian, but they just deceive everyone. Like Jews. THEY ARE ALL JEWS. Add in the ever expanding nigger population and there you go!
>Being "cool" and "hip"
By eating detergent? This is something special kids do. No one think's they're "hip" and "cool".
american teenagers are either meme communists with 15 STDs who eat tidepods for online dopamine credits
obese Troop worshipping idiots who are afraid of any system of social organisation that isnt burger capitalism and drink 20 quarts of soda a day
It's going to be interesting in a few decades when EVERYONE spent time in their youth doing dumb shit on the internet.
It'll be literally impossible to work in any public field without there being highly visible skeletons falling out of everyone's closet. I wonder if we'll simply stop caring so much and become totally jaded against it.
They are GLUTTONS. They will eat ANYTHING. Fat disgusting pigs. Oh dear lord, won't someone
No one with a brain. Aka you or me. But to Americans it's a different story. They think being "highly religious" is putting wine in red solo cups, guitar-led prayer circles, and married preachers.
>tfw literally had this conversation with my single mother
>except the roles were reversed
>can't even blame the destruction of the family unit because her family literally fucked her
>must've known like 10 other women from my childhood neighborhood with similar sob stories about daddy's dick
What even is this fucking country? It's like it actively hates its children at some level.
Everyone hates America, they hate everyone IN America. No one is truly the ideal patriot. And dumbass hillbillies think if you criticize it, you don't belong in it. Fuck them. Hope they choke on a cock.
Even when I drive on the fucking road some idiot is trying to kill me.
Darwinism needs to be proven right every once in a while, plus progressive tolerance allows kids to express themselves instead of guiding them towards success.
Americans also love drugs. That's religion to them. You should see what the adults are doing, OP. They put draino in their heroin and shoot it up. They don't give a fuck if their main heart arteries explode, it's depressing. They purposefully make botched batches that will kill teens and adults to sleep at night.
u jelly?
They’re all brown now.
>The white knight, pro-trump leaf.
>impossible to work in any public field
Why do they need to work real jobs when they can do dumb shit and film it for a living? I honestly think Jackass created a generations of idiots trying to get famous off the back of self harm.
nah m8
>Hurr durr, overused defensive meme response
Fuck off, kiddo. Adults are talking.
America is lost and has lost everything. Nothing is stable here. People divorce, boot their kids out of the house at a young age, do other unjustifiable things to them like shooting a 12 year old up with heroin for fun; then do things like complain at the gas station because they think if they've seen you once or twice they know who you are. There is no privacy. Even in the country. People will call the police if you tweet that you are tired, it's the truth. Not even anything justifiable they do it for fun. True psychopaths. They just caught a serial killer about 30 miles from me, he targetted 20 year old woman with brown hair, and tortured and mutilated them about 10 women so far. KILL THIS PLACE. TAKE IT OVER. BURN IT TO THE GROUND.
Being the only non white ITT I love America. This country has made me rich, so please come to Texas especially near Dallas. My property is begging to be sold for 10x the price
You tell me.
You type like a fucking psychopath.
>Brit talking about young adults
Fucking laughable, 90% of your teens are drunks and druggies that have stds before they're 13
Then there's public school, where Lebron James is a hero and not George Washington. And we are forced to teach children things we do not agree with like showing them trans surgeries and encouraging them to "express themselves in an LGBT kind of way". Then's theres the huge HUGE amount of pedophillia that surrounds the ENTIRE culture.
That's a shitty movie, first off.
Second, it depends on where you go in America. Where I went was mostly just a bunch of people being depressed. However, the last 2 years of freshman that came into the school were all massive faggots.
>tfw you have to have public service announcements to not eat detergent
This is America.
Except everyone in link related
>hurr durr, i know you are, but what am i!?
Wait until you've grown into all nine of your brain cells before engaging in pretty basic discussion, kiddo.
Google it, there's over 50 active huge serial killers on the loose any given day in the US. Like Ted Bundy level.
Yep, pot calling the kettle black. How about you go take a walk outside you fucking insane aspie.
My point is you have no place talking about American teens when yours are worse Nigel
too spoiled,not cared for,not taught how to behave and autistic.
I just came from outside. Went to grab some gas, smokes, and slim jim. As I pull in, some guy from my HS recognized me, and stared like he wanted to beat the crap out of me. Fun times. So I shouted hi to him, he walks over, you know what he wanted to yell about? "That I beat you in high school to get Vice President of the class", dude is on drugs. It was literally insane. I was Student Body President anyways, and that was more prestigious.
U "Nanny State and Failing Police State" K
really can't talk about america when it comes to this shit.
>lel xD fuck muh home i'll just immigrate elsewhere
Go fuck yourself, you're not even human you're just globalist trash.
Can you tell me more about how shitty my country is?
All I'm saying, America earned everything. It's not an accident the people are like this.
Yeah pretty crazy. Cause him and this half-Mexican chick confused our class' high school SENIOR facebook page, that was craeted eons ago, for the Class Reunion page, and autism continued.
I'm telling you how stupid the people in your country are. Not how shitty it is. Learn how to read, simp.
How sad is your life when you play pretend and just say whatever for anonymous (you)s online?
If you did not know, Obama was a false president. That means our lives were compromised 10 years ago. Once you start going through life, you'll see there is no "nationalism", you're ultimately on your own, and under no control. People like the Vegas shooter don't become some "National" thing, but just some guy that went wacko. Move along. And the facebook thing is very real. It's depressing. people are struggling to survive and here are spics and niggers calling everyone "incompetant" and passively agressively dissing everyone because they signed up for something and now have to follow through on that.