San Francisco Open Defecation Map

Liberals = The New Poo-in-Loos?

Pajeets, are you jealous leftists are copying you?

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i had to download that app last year on my visit to sf, shit everywhere, homeless people everywhere, human feces everywhere in the streets, the smell...

Reminds you of home


And you can't come back!

You cant spell Hepa1itis B without H1B

Yes, San Francisco is a literal shithole. I was there on vacation last summer. Please allow me to tell you what I saw:

>homeless streetpunk kids in leather daddy outfits all around San Francisco begging for money so they can feed their pet dogs, who are also homeless. Some kids as young as 5 years old could be seen cruising the strip with dope needles sticking out of their little arms. Gypsy kids wait in front of ATM's to steal your money.

>Tons of homeless niggers sleeping on the streets, usually with diarrhea running down their legs. Smell was so putrid some of them must have been dead and rotting away for quite some time. Piles of human feces swarming with flies all over the place, even indoors at shopping malls and such.

>take a walk with me Sup Forums: Typical day, step outside our my Airbnb and the as far as the eye can see there’s nothing but gooks chinks spics niggers faggots and literal chimpanzees with uzis and Mac 10s shucking and jiving in the middle of the damn street

>”I’m With Her!” bumper stickers everywhere

>Mosque on every corner, more Arabic and African shops than American ones.

>Occasionally Muslims will decide to pray in the middle of street and block traffic for hours.

>Literally like everyday there was some kind of protest in San Francisco usually calling for the “Destigmatization of HIV” so faggots can legally murder each other with their disgusting AIDS blood. these always ended in violence with protesters attacking police and vandalizing everything around them. One thing you'll always see in the city is someone’s car on fire.

>San Francisco has been under a state of emergency for two years now so you'll see a lot of armed military patrolling the streets. This is rarely reported in the national media but it’s very real.

San Francisco has tons of Pajeets, they are probably the ones shitting in the streets.

why does this keep getting posted?


>Always see feral niggers flaying elderly gooks and shooting them executioner style in the street while the gooks are praying to God for mercy. Best to keep walking - California voted to ban pictures and surveillance footage of Nigger criminals in news to not generate more racism.

>Only halfway decent looking white people you will see are Silicon Valley faggots yammering on about “synching devices”, “Apps”, “nootropics”, and other gay shit

>Dangerous illegal alien encampments all around the Bay Area. These are are no go zones where ambulance and police are attacked. Full of squatemalens, MS-13, and zika babies.

>San Francisco is one of the most dirty cities in the world, trash is everywhere, streets smell of shit and piss. Don't even bother taking pictures of anything in San Fran, everything is vandalized and covered in graffiti due to violent protests and rioting.

>San Francisco is very hilly and if you have to walk anywhere your legs will get tired

But don't those ones have jobs? The H1B faggots?

I was under the impression it was the homeless niggers doing the pooin'

visited san francisco when it was called san fierro, can confirm.

What's to stop from taking the occasional dump in the streets? They're Pajeets, it's in their nature.

one solution would be for people to take them into their homes and be model leftists, but even that gets shut down by government (at least in illinois)


What the fuck am I looking at? Please don't tell me SF actually has an issue with open defecation.

Yes its real.

See here:

Tolerant left strikes again.

despite popular belief, apparently mexico has better sanitation system then san francisco...
dual citizenship boyeeeeeeee

Yeah. I don't get why burgers try to compare us with India.

i notice the center of the map is Tenderloin. i have heard stories about this place for years. it's literally the open gaping shitting asshole of san fransisco. pic related.

Prohibiting open defecation is racist. It's their custom.

Respect other cultures, OP.

Ok, tell me the reason why all rich people live in Cali.

According to Sup Forums, this is a shithole

i read this entirely in the uganda knuckles voice and died laughing.

not all rich people live in cali. people have the assumption that because celebrities live there, it's some kind of glittery wonderland, it's not. most celebs have homes in LA and beverly hills, the OC, and other high priced zones that are too expensive for the riff-raff to move anywhere near. they live in these locations mostly because it is an easy commute to their entertainment jobs, as that's there all the movie studios and other shit is. san fran is miles away north of that. it is a disgusting liberal shithole with raving hateful faggots everywhere. i had the displeasure of visiting the area once upon a time, the children are all indoctrinated by psycho militant lesbians and raving faggots, they're all single parents who force homosexuality on their children. billboards promoting faggotry of every kind, etc. i could go on for hours. but either way, 'all the rich people' are not in san fran.

>All of California fits in San Fran

Haha, in the recent season of Stranger Things, Billy Badass character makes a comment about how bad it is for my home to smell like agriculture, which sustains both small town and big city people. And now I learn that its actually that gay sex capital of america, San Francisco, that smells like HUMAN shit. Thats just foul. Embarrassing for them!

I don't think i've ever seen something like that the few times i've been there; it seems to be blown out of proportion.
For the most part the tenderloin is a shit hole filled with homeless people all along the street just standing around. Some of them even have sex in broad daylight.
In other parts of the city, there are mentally ill homeless individuals who seem to be fighting inner demons. This mental instability expresses itself as them violently throwing wooden crates against walls.
Lastly, I saw a guy laying face down on the sidewalk seemingly dead. Not sure if he was dead or not.
Sad to say the homeless situation is severe in SF.

All I know that everything in Cali is fucking overpriced. I attended a conference on molecular dynamics. It was held in Asilomar Conference ground. Spics are all over the place. Water is sacred. And it was fucking cold.

I thought the greenie libshits banned plastic bags from food stores. And the homeless used to shit in the plastic bags and throw them in the bin. Now theres no shopping bags so they shit on the ground. Its so bad the council has to wash the footpaths daily or disease will spread.

visited San Francisco once, never again and have urged family and friends not to go.

Tenderloin, Mission, Haight-Astbury and around. Fuck me lads. Streets are FULL of seriously mentally ill people + homeless. On a given side of a block there could be up to 10 people who need putting away. Open wounds, maggot infested feet (yes really) on display, street-shitters, SHART-IN-MARTs except they forgot the Mart bit, open injection, open crack smoking, some with kids, non-stop rambling, crypto-mentallists (chatted to a nice lady at the BART and after 4 mins started screaming CIA at my face), shit in the street, pissing openly.

The most fucked up things are

1. This is the centre of town
2. Natives literally manage to blank these out completely (even when being touched) and in no way comprehend what is happening and how it is not normal in the slightest.
3. I have lived in big cities all my life and in no other country have I seen the pure concentration of seriously mentally ill people homeless on the street. its seriously weird. Currently in London, the homeless sit quietly for the most part and beg. They stay the fuck out the way and certainly aren't openly injecting, harrasing, shitting themselves, screaming themselves to death.
4. There needs to be a new colour pill for the amount of delusion lefties in SF have about the problem. Any time i mentioned in in that circle they were obviously uncomfortable with me talking about it and said they need "compassion"
5. People are walking around with their kids around this filth.

tldr: Travelled a lot and have never seen such aggressive, loud and degenerate homeless anywhere else. That this is in one of the richest cities in US is bizarre.

fake. probably a weather system that you made brown. i have a vagina map of local freemasonic lodges. would you like that one?

Mexicans have their quirks, but they are generally potty trained.


>American hygiene
Most Americans don't even bathe
The most clean they get is when it rains outside and their scooter happens to run out of battery at the same time they're in the rain
Americans are disgusting lumps of gangrenous lard that exist purely to turn gallons upon gallons of high fructose corn syrup into watery diarrhea and nothing else
If you put an American in a bath or a pool to clean them off, they'd get even dirtier because they'd shit into the water from their muscles relaxing, thus becoming covered in watery shit yet smelling only sightly worse than normal
Fuck America and fuck Americans

Being the homosexual capital of the US, the street-shitting phenomenon correlates to a high incidence of anal prolapse

>American doesn't like the truth about his own country
Lol get fucked
If you're proud to be an American you're a fucking sub-90 IQ moron in terms of intelligence. There is hardly anything good about this shitty nation.

Facts about America:

- Gini Coefficient (i.e. income inequality) has reached African-tier levels
- Over 20$ trillion dollars in debt
- Infrastructure is in poor and dilapidated shape and received a -D overall
- Health care system ranked 50 out of 55 nations assessed by Bloomberg
- Almost 35 nations have a longer life expectancy than America. Costa Rica has a higher life expectancy than America.
- Most Americans (52.1%) of the people in the United States live in areas with harmful levels of pollution
- Majority of cities in America are 3rd world shitholes infested with Negroes. Cities like Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, and New Orleans are some of the most dangerous cities in the world.
- Most Southern States are 3rd world shitholes infested with rednecks, white trash, and niggers
- America has 50 states yet most states in America are irrelevant shitty flyover backwater states
- Infant mortality rate on par with Botswana
- HIV more common in America than Somalia
- 35% of the population is obese
- General population is stupid as fuck
- Value of the dollar has decreased precipitously

America is a borderline 3rd world shithole. If you're seriously proud of being American then you should fucking kill yourself.

this is not political and is all stupidity. post a sodomitical grabbems map. coincide em with all the meteors and porn star hush money and fake jews awards

He got a big dick

That's actually literally Indians who is doing that, retard.

>being this mad
>hating America that much but living in it
Then just go back to your home country and know happiness, pajeet / europoor / paco / zipperhead / mooncricket / towelhead.

Caught the faggot looking.

Most of that's probably from dogs
>t. sf

>- HIV more common in America than Somalia
America also has more heroin needles.

Surprised fisherman's wharf isn't dirtier. They must have cleaned it up from the last time I was there (autumn of 1979)

>Most of that's probably from dogs



>Hippie shit

Nixon should have nuked Downtown SF when he had the chance. Fucking Degenerates.


People that hate america that much should just drive into niggerdom and get suicided by ape.

You know how in the 60s and 70s American cities went to shit, and it seemed so strange that people just allowed the inner cities to die?

It almost seems like that's what's happening to SF. That place was a crime-ridden shithole in the 70s, got cleaned up in by the late 80s thanks to tech, and now it's clearly riding the backside of that wave.

It happens so slowly, but it's so obvious. I imagine more cities are following the same path. Turning into hell one sidewalk at a time.