Happening! Not a drill!

Dwayne Dixon, a University of North Carolina anthropology professor and leader of the armed Antifa group Redneck Revolt, has admitted to chasing James Alex Fields Jr. with a rifle just before he drove into a group of protesters — killing Heather Heyer.

From Dixon's Facebook Page:
“I take perverse pleasure in having carried this Spike’s lower in the defense of Justice Park on August 12th. I used this rifle to chase off James Fields from our block of 4th St before he attacked the marchers to the south. Spike’s needs a good lesson in ethics and antifascism.”

Well, here's some things. He's a real dude who has done this shit before:

Here's the UNC faculty page with him on it:

Here's he brought his rifle to show support for the people who tore down the statue in Durham.

Other urls found in this thread:


Heather died from a heart attack before the car even hit her. Her mom's on record confirming this. Yet idiots still think she was murdered. Top kek.



did the court rule on it yet?

hope these fb posts become part of the trial. If he was driving for his life and literally ground the whole crowd into hamburger he'd still not be culpable. Thrown in how he didnt actually kill heather and the impending not guilty verdict will cause the biggest chimp out since rodney king.


>the impending not guilty verdict will cause the biggest chimp out since rodney king.
nah it wasn't a nigger so who's going to chimp out?
antifa soymales?


this. plus their attention spans are so short, antifags probably wouldnt even recognize the names at this point without being reminded in detail

Bump for justice.

Press S to spit on heather.

Bump somebody send it to the prosecutor in fields case

Fuck Antifa

i sent his lawyer an email but someone should document and send this info to the prosecutor as well so the prosecution can't try to claim that they weren't aware of it....

Hey op have a less blurry Facebook screenshot?

Make sure to cc them both so both know the other one got it :^)

no, this is from the gateway pundit....thats all they had

Has he took the post down? If not get an archive of it.

Bump someone forward this to his attorney.

We should not forget the day that free speech killed an innocent girl. This is why we need strong laws in place to deal with alt right nazis.

Nothing of value was lost either way.

>Pole loves ruining white people lives now
NYPA fuck off

>45 years old

>Has risen to the academic rank of "Teaching Assistant Professor"


Stop jerking around here... A Left-Wing Antifag chased a schizophrenic with a gun... What the FUCK do you think he was going to do. This rainbow-boy is more guilty than Fields.

>Asian studies
>Asian studies
>Asian studies


Correction: Fields isn't guilty at all if this revolutionary LARPer chased him with a gun... Fields Did Nothing Wrong

OP are you legitimately retarded? Please get diagnosed. How the FUCK is that a "confession" of murder you literal retard? That Fields guy plowed into counter-protesters then drove back. What, he was more scared of unarmed protesters at the front than an armed man?

These mental gymnastics are fucking crazy.


communists arent white

Confirmed that leafs understand neither time nor space.


this hammer and sickle faggot is getting nervous. commie says what?


Try using desktop version of the site if you are a phoneposter

Anthropology professor. Literally a meme degree.

They ruled that butter killed her.

Just admit you are a commie faggot and leave

>Heather died from a heart attack before the car even hit her.
Her mother never said that she died from a heart attack before it happened, she said she died from a heart attack "right away".

I would assume that the doctors explained to her that they revived Heather but that she succumbed to heart failure afterwards, probably from massive internal bleeding. Then later when the cameras came on she flubbed the explanation because she was emotional as fuck and frankly as far as most people are concerned heart failure=heart attack. Dumb as that may sound.

Did the corners report ever actually release or are we still waiting on that?

nothing to see here... mov- move on everyone

>Butter kills commie

Is butter our /spread/?


Fields will walk, Antifa will chimpout en mass and get put down with live rounds

nice ad hominem you faggots, you're gonna need much more mental gymnastics and "4d chess" to prove this one to me.

>dat jew star to the left of that purple rectangle in the op pic

Yes Schlomo, she died of a heart attack

Just admit you are a commie faggot and leave. Are you jewish too?

>redneck revolt

They go so far out of their way to hide that they are communists.

Margarine is for commies.

based guy with good lawyers. he'll probs get off the mis-D's

"beth" just means "house" in hebrew

They know the right wing is smarter, tougher, and better in every way than them so they do this because they subconsciously want to be right wing but the soy is keeping them as faggots

>134 E. Franklin St., 214A

is it still doxxing if it's public info?

It really seems that way, when I first heard of Redneck revolt I thought it was actual rednecks who went left or some shit. Googled pics and it's just a bunch of stereotypical lefties. They admit their strategy is to try and appeal to working class whites too kek.




Tattos, faggot glasses, weak chimp smiles, the build/hair/composure of an AIDS patient, and a self hatred/hatred of white people sure is appealing

No wonder this faggot has a meme career in anthro. What a fucking retard.

Please explain this autism for me user


That's a list of Correct the Record worker's names and addresses. It's public tax information therefore it's not illegal/against rules to post as I didn't call for them to be harmed or hurt in any way. If you aren't aware Correct the Record is now Shareblue and they're the shills, or some of them, that are shilling up this board constantly. They deserve accolades.

>Died from internal bleeding
Nigga, she didn't even get hit

See the black shirt and stupid hair

Interesting. Very interesting.

We are going to overthrow the capitalist U.S regime and mulch absolutely everyone who stands in our way.

It's that simple.

The thing is, we don't have to prove anything to (((YOU))). It's what the JURY believes in court.

And again

Wait does this mean Best Buy donates to them ?

Pic of fb post?

Would be nice to have a country where people cannot get that fat...
And I'm not talking about communism.

>tub of margarine

0/10 larp. You gotta put more effort in

this, no one killed her, she died from a heart attack unrelated to the car crash

Yup, just keep in mind addresses change and people move. This is from 2016 iirc.

Hmm I never read the finer details... Seems that those are corporations that donate to CTR. Keep in mind that CTR is (was) advertised as a democrat lobby group of sorts - on the surface it's just a dem group they don't necessary know they also pay online shills to gaslight for shillary.

do you people genuinely think this? holy shit you are retarded

Anyone who puts a houge grip on an assault rifle 47 should kill themselves

Nice try, troll... Nobody is buying it.

Just because the driver got scared by some faggot, doesn't mean he's not responsible.

That skinny Bolshevik shot at that chubby nationalist's car? Is that what this means?

What are the two lawyers' emails? I'll fire one off right now, and CC: them both as well as CCing Dixon and the various administration at UNC. Like maybe the Dean, Provost, President. Anyone else?

[email protected]

Dude I hope we killed her

Only good Red is a dead Red

Newports, the cigarette of the negro and mudshark.

I remember that LIS episode.... fuck I'm old.


Bump 4 justice

What a fag that pic of him on scene he has an AK variant.

Exactly. It was a heart attack. Happens all the time to young healthy women. It's common! Look it up!

Inb4 b-but heart attack injections! Muh heart attack guns!


Well unfortunately I am afraid for James Fields sake that facts will have very little to do with his sentence. Hes going to prison for a long time for practicing wrong think and having a horrible accident. Kinda like those fags that went to the BLM protest and defended themselves from a hoard of niggers. A lot of times all that matters is the emotions the prosecutor can stir up.

Media both right wing and left , including youtube etc personalities. Need to get this out there

Hopefully wise too user.

you can contact the lawyer through here:

heres the district attorney prosecuting fields:
Commonwealth's Attorney's Office
Room 331, City Hall
PO Box 911
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Phone: (434) 970-3176
Fax: (434) 971-8202

Commonwealth's Attorney (elected):
Joseph D. Platania

Assistant Commonwealth's Attorneys (appointed):
Elizabeth V. Killeen
Areshini Pather
Nina-Alice Antony

Administrative Assistants:
Connie Eddins
Sissy Leatherwood


Oh jeez, its not really the skinny weirdo in the redneck revolt website? Don't these people exercise, even sometimes by accident?

I never really got that. What is it about Newports that the common negro loves so much?
Seriously, do they dip the filters in chicken fat before they package them?
Or are they just dirt cheap?

have a bump for visibility
james fields was fleeing for his life because antifa brought guns to a fistfight

he must walk free


I prefer this one

When are we gonna have Antifa tards off the streets? Tired of these faggots in the bay area turning the place into junkie town and pedoville.

And this one. We keep the message simple.

She wasn't even hit by the car

>TFW you'll never get to have a general as great as Rafal.