Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.
Of course it would. They sat in a giant circle jerk, while ass fucking each other as soon as this came out even though a shit ton of the sources in the book were 3rd hand accounts and easily refuteable
Like you really didn't think the organizations out there were just gonna let it go? Fuck no, they need to keep their sheep in line as long as they get social currency in the positive so they don't get called out for their rampant child molestation and rape charges
wew, jews going all out.
Can they not wait a few years?
A little awkward that they'd make a movie with him still in office.
Top kek
I know reading is hard for you right wing neanderthals but that clearly says TV series
Propaganda works best when the iron is hot, otherwise it doesn't burn the captive.
post sources backing up the claims made in the book
Liberal Tears, the series
nice, 7 more years of conservatard tears
>3 more of destroying Trump
>4 more of destroying everything he built and stood for
>spends millions of dollars
>trump wins re-election
I can't wait to see shitlibs jump off high rises.
Lol you keep thinking that bud
>muh jews
Grow up
Corporations using social media to give themselves a personality is interesting as hell to me. I know people who talk about netflix and other companies like they are people, it's bizarre. I wonder how much they pay to control these twitters?
make an argument
You need to fuck off back to Sup Forums
Dude this guy looks like he's gonna get out of a bus and invite everybody to six flags.
Tears of joy from perma-winning?
Then yes
Let me guess, Morgan Freeman is getting casted as Trump?
i feel retarded for thinking that (((they))) would finally learn. trump will just have to TEACH THEM!
They are trying to re-write history, so they are going to treat all of this as if it is true.
Then they will probably begin an insurgent movement, Trump will stamp it out, he will be Hitler, and the next 100 years we will owe an apology to the Jews for holocaust II
They have a playbok, and it is proven to work.
Do u mean kek newfag
>they make a highly spurious tv series based on lies
>Trump sues them and every single one involved goes bankrupt or ends up in jail
please happen
The funny thing is they don't even realize how desperate this makes them look. The current lefty playbook seems to find exactly the wrong strategy and double-down ad infinitum.
We should probably drone strike every media outlet in the country and kill all their employees. They are obviously Russian agents who want to destroy this nation and flood it with shit holes.
Who do you think will play Donald Trump?
Guys, it's totally not the Jews who own the Tv/Film industry. Swear on it!
Jews aren't not totally in control of every major industry. Totally not nepotism. Nothing to see here; let's go to sleep. So tired, let's take a nap. No reason at all for communist Jews to go against a Nationalistic POTUS. Fuck I'm tired let's go to sleep.
How about a TV series on #pizzagate?
Laurence Fishburne
+1 underatte
It will be someday. Probably in 15 years
inb4 larping lying faggot
I got my popcorn ready
chris christie
I can only think they're trying to start a war at this point
Robert De Niro
What's sad is when they see them as friends.
It's a (((Netflix))) original series right?
>american "books"
>american "tv series"
I can imagine that for years, after Trump is long gone, there'll be a continued effort to demonize everything Trump accomplished or tried to do and we'll start to feel like those old German Wehrmacht soldiers defending Hitler in our old age. You'll be jailed for saying "MAGA" or anything like it.
It should have a south park disclaimer at the front of each episode, or just this from the book.
yeah they'll smear him years down the line from now