Is anyone listening to this shit ?
I think i'm going to emigrate to Panama very soon.
Is anyone listening to this shit ?
I think i'm going to emigrate to Panama very soon.
You know how I knew you weren't a burger?
Properly using the word "emigrate." Pic unrelated
Like Rogan said, it almost seems too good to be true. Sounds like sci-fi shit but apparently, they do have tons of results.
Joe Rogan is a faggot tranny butthole licking bitch
>French niggers are Rogan's new target audience.
You do like to run instead if fighting. This move suits you.
>Joe Rogan is a faggot tranny butthole licking bitch
Who cares about the host, just listen to the guests. This is quite frankly amazing. I originally wanted to watch this because of Mel, but what a pleasant surprise. What they're talking about is just jaw droping...Curing autism, all kinds of injuries, biologically rejuvenated, etc..
>You do like to run instead if fighting. This move suits you.
I feel sorry for you man. For you and your country. And what your government has done to my country. Thanks to you guys, we're being invaded by sub-saharan africans, thanks to your neocon foreign policy,Lybia, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq...All destabilized. Thanks to your country, ever since the end of WW2 we've been enslaved via the artificial creation of the EU. (which was pushed by the CIA)
And here you are making fun of indigenous french natives who have never asked for any of this.
Worst of all you're happy about it.
No, the French has been a country of nigger lovers for a long, long time.
Bit I do call bullshit on the "french surrender monkey" meme. The French have been amazing at warfare for a very long time, and in a lot of ways they had a better army than the Third Reich. It was pretty well a series of freak events that caused Germany to win the battle of France. WW1 they had shitty old men as generals who couldn't adapt to the changing battlespace. You French faggots are actually really good at warfare.
Broadcast ended?
"plant based diet" yeah. nah. fuck off
It's just that doctor talking about knee caps for 3 hours, doesn't Mel have stories?
>No, the French has been a country of nigger lovers for a long, long time.
Nice, putting all of us in the same basket. Many of us are suffering from what our country is dealing with. (i.e. massive,third world immigration). White flight also exists in my country. Many of us want to escape this insanity.
>It's just that doctor talking about knee caps for 3 hours
The live stream is gone now, but wasn't just about fixing knee caps. we're talking about extending someone's life. It was mind blowing.
Imagine being Mel in that studio and having to be all like "damn, Joe Rogan, you fuckin' smart, all sexy with your swole body and horrific meathead face. I would totally chill with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 20 year old in his mansion. Like seriously imagine having to be Mel and not only sit in that chair while Dr. Neil Riordan flaunts his boring stem cell talk in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing his Jew nose and leather jacket, and just sit there, minute after minute, hour after hour, while he perfected that comb over. Not only having to tolerate Joe's caveman fucking visage but his haughty attitude as everyone in the room tells him he's STILL SMART and DAMN, JOE ROGAN THINKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his apish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in upstate New York. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on Joe's bald head as he wipes it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to click your pen and revel in his "nootropic" (for that is what he calls it)" beauty, the beauty he worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the doctor answers another question, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before Young Jamie could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Mel. You're not going to lose your future career comeback over this. Just bear it. Click your pen and bear it.
seems like you're only projecting your on thoughts on them.
Mel Gibson did nothing wrong.
How much is it to get injected?
They have known about all the cures available from stem cell treatments for at least thirty years. It will never be legal in the US if the FDA has their way. The doctor on the show will probably get delt with.
>engine wears out replace carburetor
Fuel Injection for 15 years and carbs rarely wear out Gibsons an Idiot
Off the stage you old drunk fuck
If you dont want to be able to do pic related you are a bitch and need to get a handle on that.