why do we hate him now again?
Why do we hate him now again?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums united
>Pol is one group
We don't
everyone on here hated him 2 month ago
i never liked him in the first place. his entire "science" is thinly veiled propaganda. and he bases all his work on yung and freud, two scientists who's theories have both been completely debunked. he is scientifically, completely wrong.
NO MORE ADS ON Sup Forums!
No more jewish plants
He said Jews have a high IQ and stormfags got triggered
We don't. He gets the big points right, which is good enough to unite us.
He’s a kike that sells 2000$ rugs.
I considered him normie purple pilling material, but that interview made me realize just how significant it is that he can simply explain shit to leftists in their own language why they're retarded.
Will likely watch more in the future to aid in my own debates with people in my life.
remember who he refused to speak with on stage?
wouldnt answer the JQ and that's that
>He's robbing me when I willingly buy his books and lectures
typical socialist post modernist leftist nazis
Because Sup Forums hates everyone who hasn't declared that the Jews are responsible for all of the world's problems, and we need to eliminate all non-whites.
>wouldnt answer the JQ and that's that
Yeah he did.
no they didn't, he was just the fotw bait in leftypols neverending crusade to try and destroy this place
I watched his entire Maps of Meaning and Personality classes on youtube without paying him a dime. That's free Harvard-tier lectures. Like literally, he taught at Harvard.
>two scientists who's theories have both been completely debunked
Interesting, boy who? got any source on this
Leftypol hates him with a passion because he destroys their shit arguments.
THEN they purity spiral about him because he's NOT on the alt-right, in the hopes that young people won't see him destroying the lefts arguments. You don't need to be altright to destroy the left
Why do you fucking care? I don't think anyone hates him, but he doesn't deserve the admiration or attention.
Stop fucking posting about this dude
>Humanities needs to be Scientific
>Stop fucking posting about this dude
I don't
psychology back then was a pseudo-science. there is no scientific basis for freud's id or superego, they are just made up terms he used trying to explain something. this kind of psychology is being frowned upon today because it's just making up terms and theories about how you think human brain might work without any hard evidence behind it.
that's a guy I genuinely admire.
ok just fuck off then
have you ever heard him talk? he's not unreasonable at all. he's constantly slandered by Shareblue because they consider him a threat to the cause.
Because Sup Forums is retarded and hates anyone who doesn't yell nigger like an idiot constantly.
wow it's truly amazing that he has joined the ranks of such esteemed harvard guest lecturers as kanye west i just want to give another $75 patreon bucks to the foremost belief architect of our time.
Because he said my room was messy.
Jordan Peterson is a jew apologist. If he wants to advertise he needs to do it elsewhere. This is not Jordan Peterson's free patreon recruitment board. Buy ad time like everyone else mister boomer
Based Jews, right fellow pede?
Agreed. Say no to racism.
He's not full 1488
90% of the people in that graphic are psychos that do not represent this movement. Those are bandwagoners and the media allows the association because those are undesirable people.
das right
Be an individualist! But Jews are smarter!
WTF when did alexander gordon jahans turn into a nigger?
Or you could just watch them for free while you're doing something else. Like making money.
Wow Jordan's patreon must really be suffering if he is getting this desperate. Boomers recoil at the idea of getting a real job. It's all about grifting
is this a new form of shilling? You need to work out the kinks bud. It's missing coherency
What is white anyways, right boomie? But Jews are smarter!
>Jordan Peterson
This triggers Sup Forums since it's true.
>we are getting oppressed by the jews who we are genetically superior too
Uh huh.
I like that carpet.
Couldn't even win an argument against anti-natalist David Benatar.
i still haven't heard a good answer as to why this is a bad thing. all i ever get is jew, muh cult, or people unironically being upset with the free market.
I'll ask, yet again, why is making money bad?
Yung is based kill yourself.
>2000 shekels you get this limited edition rug
>it’s signed too, goyim
>carpet bagger
We ruled over jews for thousands of years, they only recently got the upper hand when we went to war with each other. It's a temporary lull and they'll be left hanging in the end for their ambition.
because stormfags and LARPers have insane purity tests that they can't even pass themselves.
His followers all talk like fags and he's king faggot
I wouldn't get the signed version.
he's a weakling that's all talk and no action
the average black woman could cave his skull in
You don’t have a choice.
He says it’s a limited signed edition rug.
>you have to agree with everything anyone says in order to like them
What a faggot.
the future is now
looks like fashy futurism a bit. Im not a fan of that style though
Negative. I dislike him because he is intellectually dishonest when it comes to what types of collectivism are ok. Apparently every typey of ethnic collectivism is fine except for white collectivism.
I don't hate him, but it is irritating that people play dumb about race and identity politics. He is still pushing the idea that we shouldn't play the collectivist's game, rather than admit that that is how the game is played and play to win. They won't stop advocating for 'minority' interests, so we have to group up and fight together against them.
What confuses you? Everybody knows whites are the superior genetics and their societies are the best ever. Currently white culture is being abused and subverted by Jews.
yeah, a degree in psychology. but you can use google you mong
sort your room out faggot
>in all fields
Because he's a boomer tard that serves the Jews well. Ever race or ethnic group acts in their collective interest except whites. Then we wonder why their power grows and ours shrinks.
he is a hypocrite.... PERIOD
and a scared ass faggot, to speak the ultimate truth.
>his entire "science" is thinly veiled propaganda
>6k+ references to his published works
>thinly veiled propaganda
Choose one, faggot.
This is why
>he doesn't destroy his and his family's lives/career by openly denying the holocaust and sympathizing with nazis
>he uses capitalism to make money and get rich and uses his newfound fame to promote his brand
Face it goys I mean guys, he's literally a jewish shill. Character assassination is a conspiracy theory btw.
Didn't he ban Faith Goldy from speaking at an even with him because she went on an alt right podcast?
He could admit race matters and that individuals get steam rolled by the group. But instead, he chooses to be a naive boomer idiot that takes advantage of fat retards on plebbit like you for shekels.
>harvard guest lecturers
>Not knowing the difference between a guest lecturer and an associate professor
American """education""" strikes again
>>he uses capitalism to make money and get rich and uses his newfound fame to promote his brand
like varg profiting off amazon lmao
Still that is a farcry from saying he is a fraud just cause of jung and freud
He's a poor man's E Michael Jones
E Michael Jones constantly talks about the Jews
Ya dude you're totally right. He disagrees with your shitty uneducated opinion and uses his fame to promote his brand. Fuck him, he's a literal jew shill. Also you're totally a real white nationalist and not some commie faggot from a discord trying to destroy his character, right?
Jordan is a breath of fresh air.
Because Jim made a video on him
>if you disagree with some Boomer cuck you're a commie from a discord
Go back and stay
Last frame she looks down discretely.
So what's she checking out?
whoa i am so impressed by this incredible towering jungian intellect from the legendary harvard university i can't wait to buy an autographed shower mat for $2k
try harder faggot
this. Way too many newfags lately.
>E Michael Jones
Real thing. Tells it like it is (mostly).
Kek this
Sup Forums is a hivemind, and a very retarded one at that
i dont, he's pretty based
He’s a boomer who is clueless about human biodiversity and the JQ