We have those same papers here too
They profit as fuck on that crap because it's like 30-40 krones for just a pack of those fuckers
once you combine the marijuana industry and the banking system, prohibition is effectively over.
Weed is for niggers.
I grew this stuff once as a teenager, I was with the first guys here that actually got that part well. Two of them went to these classes in holland and stuff.
You can even get them to actually grow outside here too, it's best to have them inside first then set them out. They don't get so big then though. One used to grow them for ropes and clothes here, as everywhere, but they were never made to make big buds and so.
What's irritating about this is that pot legalization should logically not be granted any kind of primacy considering some of the other bills that are currently up in the air right now. Why are weedfags such whiny, attention seeking scromiting babies all the time? Your stupid habit can get to the back of the fucking line
Jokes aside, its dumb to try to pass it now. The smart thing to do is to wait a few more years and by the numbers prove to them the positive impact it has had in states that legalized it. It would only help the case to legalize it federally because the old fucks in office are still "reefer madness" minded. Those old fucks can't argue with data.
Trump will
Unify Korea
Legalize Pot
Get rid of Israel
End the FED
Make America greater than it's ever been before.
Inb4 boomers from both sides turn it down.
This is what's confusing about them. They were on all kinds of drugs at Woodstock and the Summer of Love but think this way.
We must all admit that drugs and tobacco are degenerate and put an end to intentional damage to our body
>IB4: lMAO weed doesn't do anything to the body totally safe bro
False there are still long term effects on the body from use of weed just not as extreme as once thought
legalize all drugs. It's just a monopoly for criminals. What's to stop someone from going to Walmart and drinking bleach?
Good. Dispensaries make absurd amounts of money, and create jobs. Isn't the point to get as many people gainfully employed as possible?
Thats probably the likely outcome. I live in Cuckfornia and even though the state legalized it, my county banned it and all shops are being shut down. But now, theyre trying to come up with a way to have a delivery service to get medical weed to patients, but theyre suggesting only having like 6-8 depots to operate out of through the entire county thats 8,163 square miles... They have no fucking clue what they're doing. During the board hearings the county supervisors kept saying "oh, muh crime, muh cartels..." shit right out of the anti-marijuana script
Should be legalized federally in contingency that there’s federal taxes on top of states taxes in it. Keep it away from the niggers. Must be in original packaging to not be arrested. Win - win.
I fuckin love Raw products
>Get rid of Israel
Bleach isnt addictive
But I agree anyway
Boomers are fucking trash
We need to get alcohol federally banned. Alcohol has caused more problems than marijuana, why not just ban it?
>Bleach isnt addictive
It only takes one cup.
I got that roller when I was a noob, was not worth
If Trump signed this, his approval rating would jump 20 points.
I bet that cunt's twat tastes like bong-water.
please ban booze, i cant stop drinking
>seriously guys i need help
still waiting on 3d anime
Oh you know what happened the last time we tried that one? Read a history book dumbass.
>mfw all I want to do is get through my day of being a wage cuck and putting up with shit, go home, sit down in solitude, and smoke a fucking joint but can’t because of hair follicle drug testing
Hippies and that shit were a small minority
Don't be fooled by all the focus on that shit fro media, the vast majority of people were normal
They're going to say the same shit about SJWs, and I've never even seen one of those in real life
Unless you're doing Duterte tactics, that will not work. And before you ask, America will probably not murder its own citizens for consuming illegal contraband like booze. That's reserved for shitholes.
Ged fucked woman
>old fucks can't argue with data.
Don't know about that, buddy.
Really? Because lots of SJWs are around.
>Prohibition reinstated
>best board immediately turns into a dead board as all posters get arrested
/diy/ did nothing wrong.
>muh prohibition
This time, we don't half ass it, mando 25 years if youre caught with it and automatic life in prison if caught making it
Yeah, but I support it so they stfu and democrats lose voters since they'll be home stoned
We need to ban people like you from this planet.
Finally the Democrats do something useful.
>I've never even seen one of those in real life
Because you're on Sup Forums and not attending any sort of social events
It’s an election year and if trump plays it right the gop can meme their way into avoiding a midterm blowout by tossing the weed bone to the left
Weed is so cool man!
Fuck you. By that logic video games are degenerate
What did he mean by this
>ree dont take away my bud light
What will the global opinion on pot be if the US legalizes it?
I don’t even smoke pot and I look down on people that do it regularly, BUT:
>black hood rats could no longer make money from selling weed
>more young black men would be forced to get jobs or break other laws
>the combination of young black men ruining businesses and committing even more crime could be a big redpill
>white people addicted to opiates would have another option
>states would make huge income off lazy pieces of shit that leech the system
The list goes on but marijuana is a big revealer as to who is useful and who is a lazy fuck. I want the lazy shits to stop paying Tyrone for weed and spend that money for my city to fill the potholes on my street instead. They’re going to sit on their ass and smoke pot whether it’s legal or not.
Kill all pot smokers and drug addicts. Only weak people want to escape our (((problems))).
Trump should just legalize the shit. It would open up so many small business and employment opportunities that the economy would be so out of control, he'd have no trouble getting re-elected. I have no fucking idea why GOP is still so out of touch on this issue.
I dunno that would help much. The left hates him and the R's too much to make that really claw back enough votes to offset the loss of support that'd mean on the right.
Your worst nightmare If you want to grow your own
The planet already thinks we're the modern day sodom, it aint gonna magically transform the world into a weed wonderland, there are still gonna be countries that won't allow it
Meth penalties are similar. I can still buy it easily
It shouldn't even take any time to debate. Just pass it and get to the important stuff.
If you're upset that it's getting in the way of getting real laws passed, blame the people who don't want it passed.
Yes the video jew is degenerate are you fucking retarded
Sup Forums is beyond dead
it's my favorite too
I have a pack here, but I only smoke a bit on and off. Probably going to buy my self a plate again this week or next. Besides during christmas, I think I smoked a couple of days in novemember or something. Used to smoke all the time though for years
no, crack and pcp is for niggers
>being this much of a bootlicker
Hmmm. Legal marijuana. Cool.
Yes, and when your dealer gets hemmed up by the popo, you wont be buying it from him anymore.
>Get rid of Israel
Are you fucking retarded? You've got to be the most delusional person on Sup Forums
What will niggers blame "muh extended sentences" on now?
Yeah, because everyone has been yearning to go back to the days of brown brickweed.
Yea das nigga shit nowa time do roll uppa blunt or six wit da gang bix nood mufugga
With all of Israeli rats in the US openly calling for white genocide and impeaching Drumpf, I think you are the retard.
Niggers won't be breaking laws as much, so nothing. Crime goes down where Ganja is legalized.
because they are degenerate it does nothing but shorten attention spans and consume time that was once used to develop relationships and skills that are both in short supply, case and point look at the number of under developed social outcasts with no skills
Conservatives can enjoy an almost eternal reign so long as they get their heads out of their asses long enough to stop being so authoritarian with what people do in the privacy of their own homes.
Our country isn't a binary on the political spectrum, people who identify as independents make up the lions share of the voting block. There would absolutely be a surge of independent voters if he went a libertarian route on drugs and war.
Good. It should be legal.
No, he'll just buy it from his dealer's buddy.
Do you really not know how this works? One guy gets busted and another takes his place.
>I have no fucking idea why GOP is still so out of touch on this issue.
Legal bribes from all kinds of industries, big pharma, textiles, and I'm sure alcohol and tobacco industries. It's not restricted to just GOP either, they have puppets on both sides of the aisle.
These newfags are too young to remember the struggle
>hey guys look I'm a nigger!
>fuck off nigger
>jokes on you I was only pretending!!
Lmao, the SJWs aren't the jews that matter in Washington.
i don't care if pot is legal or illegal it will have zero effect on my life either way
i can grow a year's supply of pot in a closet i don't need anyone's permission and i definitely don't need taxes.
At least you would know what you are buying if you consistently got the same product from the same place
Maybe if you weren't smoking pot you'd be able to read
They are the papers all the weed shops use in my town, I don't care for them. I like TOP rolling papers, true classic and cheap as shit.
No, but their iron fist over the populace via SJWs is exactly how they control the public. Trump's movement woke millions up to the reality of Communist genocide-wielding corporations that want to use "diversity" to enslave/exterminate mankind.
>dealer's buddy
And when he gets arrested, then he'll get it from his buddy's buddy, then from his buddy's buddy, then arrested himself for being too desperate to look for warning signs and buying off an undercover cop
When did Sup Forums get so liberal about pot? Like 2 months ago this thread would have way more shitposting from haters
Because this place is long dead
Next up all psychedelics should be legal except NBOME :)
LSD is the new candy
The Athenian mysteries were essentially an annual ritualistic acid trip,
good enough for Socrates Plato and Aristotle
you want to rethink that you ignorant child who has put fuck all research into psychopharmacology?
>black hood rats could no longer make money from selling weed
>>more young black men would be forced to get jobs or break other laws
>>the combination of young black men ruining businesses and committing even more crime could be a big redpill
>>white people addicted to opiates would have another option
>>states would make huge income off lazy pieces of shit that leech the system
awesome logic
God they could get a bill through Congress if they didn’t add all the typical Democrat bullshit into it. For instance:
> legalizes pot
Cool. Most people agree with this.
> releases all felons charged for marijuana
Okay, not super ideal but whatever. I can be persuaded.
> defunds all states(with respect to federal funding) that previously arrested more black people than white people.
And this is where you lose literally everyone you stupid fucking assholes. Why can’t democrats draft one fucking bill that doesn’t bring race into it. I seriously would support this bill if they left that out.
School is back in session, the edgy high school children are all out celebrating first day back by going out to McDonalds. Peace, at last...
desu should be legal. too many resources being spent on cracking down on weed
but how are they going to deal with marijuana being legal after some states have declared it as a type of medicine? i'm sure retards will think if weed is usable for recreation and medicine, other medicines should be used for recreational use, too, and bring up a slew of other problems
It's going to be legal sooner or later, might as well get the ball rolling. It will be a huge cash cow for small and big business not to mention the huge amount of tax revenue it will create which could be pumped into education and failing infrastructure.
Why is pot so important to you guys?
Probably as soon as everyone realized how much money you could make owning a small business. Everybody that's going to smoke already smokes now anyway. I don't smoke, but it needs to be legalized across the board ASAP.
Nice schwag, matey.
They should be legal