What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
He couldn't handle being weak and inferior to everyone around him
Round head syndrome.
his mate had that sick ass bike
Spent too much time on r9k
Receding hairline.
>Shonen Jump
Severe inferiority complex coupled with napoleon complex.
Started eating his weight in amphetamines daily.
Damn this kid, I'd hate him too. Fucking Chad.
Fucked in the head.
So wait, was Akira the kid that tranformed or the kid with the bike?
akira was the sled at the beginning of the movie you nerd
for some reason the american dub makes him a complete ass
Sounds fitting desu
Shitty childhood which led to a shitty personality which was augmented by extreme migraines making him even more irritable.
Movie > Manga
One leads to the other.
That's MISTER Kaneda to you, punk
kill you are self
Evil scientists and wrinkly children in wheelchairs are holding my friend Tetsuo captive and performing creepy experiments on him!
Tetsuo is capitalism. The problem with capitalism is it requires infinite growth, and is incapable of controlling itself. Capitalism works by consuming things, and as it consumes, it destroys, and this is what Tetsuo does throughout the movie.
You could argue, in the first stage of Tetsuo, it depicts the liberal revolutions of the late 1700s, and then when he turns into the monster, it's kind of what post-late capitalism is supposed to be.The height of capitalism is of course is imperialism. All the while, he is destroying and consuming and growing stronger, and he is always under the impression that he can control, direct his destructive energy however he wants, but Marx would say, the bourgoise are also under this illusion, but in reality, capital has a mind of its own, and grows where it will and must, into infinite expansion.
Tetsuo is not in control. He may control specific actions he takes, but he is not able to stop his growth. When they reach the olympic stadium, only then does it become apparent, it's become apparent to everyone else that he's lost control, but only when he gets to the stadium, does he realize he does not have control, and by then, it's too late.
In conclusion, Tetsuo's problem is the problem we are all experiencing with this neoliberal project. And the only solution to neoliberalism is Akira, which represents the potential for human creativity and creation, which represents a system where the workers own the means of production, which is the state of organizing known as communism.
tfw too intelligent
And the Prom's tomorrow!!
man I wish ore anime looked like this these days. always looks too clean and saturated. too many straight edges.
>this was nearly a decade ago
What is this, 2004?
Communism is a system always doomed to fail.
Stop lying to yourself kid
his face was too small for his head.
In the movie, the military was hunting him and some creepy espers were trying to kill him before he had a clue as to what the fuck was going on.
In the mogo he was just an evil dick who got super powers.
My friend, my family, MY FELLOW RIGHT THINKER!
He becomes much better once he gets those headaches under control and isn't high as fuck 24/7
Yeah and then the espers possessed him to go psycho in the bar.
Akira is honestly shit desu. It features some of the ugliest character designs of all time and there is barely any shading. None of the girls are even cute. And let's not forget the retarded story.
>edgy kid gets powers for literally no reason and becomes evil
What a masterpiece.
His face was too small for his head.
his face was too small, too small, smug and psycho and crude to be call a face.
capitalism is always doomed to fail
wealth is redistributed upwards, where it piles up wastefully while the mass of people who created it continue on their downward spiral
then they revolt and let another ruling class accumulate all the wealth, forever and ever
pretty irrational way to organize a society, unless you're a sociopath
fuck off to Sup Forums
libertarian socialism > communism
eugenics is for nationalist trash that doesn't understand population genetics
>i don't understand how genetics work but as long as i get acepted by everybody i'll say i do
rightwingtards actually believe you can have a good society whitout a strong governament.
tankies can go fuck themselves
t. M.S. in genomics
>everything has to be taken to an extreme
literally a sign of autism, the communist governament hated the russians, the only reason why fascism failed is because they weren't paying debts because they decided to not be slaves of the banks.
Akira was the buried jars of organs
Why would Tetsuo be a metaphor for capitalism? Tetsuo didn't give a shit about wealth, he had real power over others for the first time in his life and he went crazy over it. If he actually cared about capital the Empire would have tried to stabilize the economy instead of letting it collapse into a barter system.
Akira is easy to read as a postwar anti-capitalist lens, but you're going about it all wrong.
You wanna go on a helicopter ride friend?
I guess letting millions of your citizens starve to death or resort to cannibalism is the better alternative then Mr Goldstien?
Are all commies this retarded?
the kids wanted to play and he didn't want to play
possibly watching in youtube quality here
He couldn't take bants before he became massively unstable.
Imagine an amoeba, you can call an amoeba shit to its face and what can it do? Nothing, it's an amoeba, it just has to sit there and take it like a bitch.
Now imagine that amoeba suddenly gained the relative powers of a human. It's still an amoeba but it is on your level. You call it shit and it smacks you in the jaw.
Now imagine a human is an amoeba and gains powers relatively scaled up to that of a human in contrast with an amoeba.
PS, this movie is overrated trash and so is the manga.
Manlet rage.
>there is barely any shading
dnw stands for "did not watch", by the way. this poster did not watch the fucking film.
He kept too many things bottled up. Then he exploded.
I always wondered, did he crush his waifu with his benis when he blobbed?
The movie kinda makes it look like he does.
I'm sure there's enough themes and allegory in it to make an English teacher moist, but honestly it was half cool cyberpunk cities with not too much going on, and then half blob monster doing blob things that kind of ruins any appreciation I had for the first half, but I don't take too well to people painfully getting turned into monsters anyways.
great write up
This is the most clever shitpost I've seen in a long time. Kudos.
They should have dropped the whole esper shit and focused on the biker gangs and antigovernment movement.
Forehead too big