Nazi Threat on the Rise!

As a lifelong Republican, it is my sworn duty to defend the Jewish people. I saw Schindler's List. I saw Saving Private Ryan. These "Alt-Right" people are just ignorant of their history. This is what happens when we let ignorance, hate, and racism win. That's the problem these days, we need more WW2 movies, or else people are going to forget what the Jews had to suffer at the hands of the Nazis. Do you know that these people are actually opposed to Israel? Do they even know that it's the only democracy in the region?

It's just ignorance. My wife's son even showed me how many of them even have Nazis and Hitler as their profile pictures! How can they be so ignorant of their history? Israel is on the front lines fighting against the mudslimes -- you know, the people that did 9/11? They probably forgot that too, too young to remember 9/11. Well let me tell you, those filthy sandniggers brought down our buildings. Fucking cavedwellers. We should just nuke the whole region. Don't they realize that Israel is surrounded by enemies? You bet we give them aid, I'll gladly help Israel until every one of those sandniggers is wiped from the Earth: "kill them all, let God sort them out," right?

So ignorant of their history. It's the schools, they don't teach facts anymore, it's all been dumbed down, too "politically correct," they probably don't teach WW2 history because it'll "offend" someone. Well OFFEND them! It's a downright crime that people are growing up not realizing how much the Jews suffered at the hands of the Nazis. Fucking Nazis and Neo-Nazis, I can't believe it, watching them on Fox at Charottesville saying "Heil Hitler" with their Swastika flags. We beat em once, we'll beat em again! Only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. Just watch them say "Heil Hitler" when they're not hiding being their keyboards, I'll give them a good whoopin!


I also learned about the horrors of the holocaust and wwii when i was in third grade and from hollywood movies

it's a tiny group of rabble rousers

>inb4 Hitler did nothing REEEEEEEEEEEEE

fuck off kike

>My wife's son
Kek'd a bit


Hey guise it's another (((1 post by this ID))) thread!


Wrong.. the more u know the more the nazis were right. Sieg hiel

Fucking republicant cuckservatives

>This is what happens when we let ignorance, hate, and racism win.
>those filthy sandniggers
>Only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.
I don't even disagree with you...but the irony is real.

More people died here due to Communism than Nazism. Holodomor was also bigger than the Holocaust.
Frankly, the lessons of Nazism is that nationalism is bad only beyond a certain point, and the lessons of Communism are that the opposite is true as well,
so Eastern Europe has learned to borrow a little from each and burn the rest, with only Capitalism left to figure out (Chinese are ahead of us).

>as a lifelong kike, it is my sworn duty to defend my fellow kikes

FTFY, faggot.

>As a lifelong Republican, it is my sworn duty to defend the Jewish people. I saw Schindler's List. I saw Saving Private Ryan.

This is a bait joke, faggots!

I'm still going to vote Republican Shlomo, why do Jews vote democratic in majority?

Thanks goyim. Just give me your money and we can fight the Nazis together. I'll be in my mansion if you need me.

>retarded faggots not realizing that it's a meme

tldr nigger, you love Jews so much you can hang with them, no sweat off of our back nigger why do you think we care


S8 b8 m8

This is a big threat we need to fight

>this is what cuckservatives actually believe

You better make sure you have good knees.

>Just watch them say "Heil Hitler" when they're not hiding being their keyboards, I'll give them a good whoopin!

Old man I will curbstomp you.

Bump for more laughing at cuckservatives



>my wife's son

Immediately knew this was a meme.

Congratulations, philosemite. Now you too can be gassed, lampshaded, soaped, and oven’d.

Because fuck you. Nazis are going to win this war.

Ironic shitposting is still supporting.

The problem is that it's going to be an extremist group that comes to power as tensions rise. Pick your poison. Far left or far right