These guys just rolled up to your neighborhood, what do you do?
These guys just rolled up to your neighborhood, what do you do?
shoot them
What a pathetic bunch of fags
>I'm all out of weed, my dudes.
call the police and tell them there are faggots and niggers running around waving airsofts.
Scream there are only two genders very loud. Their heads will blow up.
Ayyy, good job user. Posting pics of Terry!
Those guns look pretty expensive. Lol, those rich kids would be slaughtered in a day.
Notice how it's always the black guy that's not 100lbs underweight
do not reply to slide threads fgts
Go in my front yard and fire a few shots into the sky to see what they do when they here the noise of a 308.
I put on my immortal technique t shirt and larp as a commie, so hard that they leave me alone.
>Convert to islam
>Beat them
>Convert back to Christianity
Ask their parents to cut off their allowances.
so there's like 180 of these faggots spread all over the country?
>Convert to islam
>Beat them *and everyone else because you now have a religious conquest cb to conquer the world*
Fixed. Imagine what happens if white people become Islamic. Just imagine.
>antifa: the hard left's call to arms
Worked so well the last time, right?
1. Thank them for standing up in plain sight, wearing bright colors.
2. Watch as my dogs play tug of war with their smug faces.
3. Know that my hogs will be well fed for the next week or so.
How long until these wannabe commies playing dress-up actually instigate something with actual hardened criminals like Hell's Angels and the Aryan Brotherhood?
Try to control the laughter.
What about your soul Santa? This world is not eternal and it's only purpose is lure us to abandon what is right, to test our resistance and in this way to separate the worthy from the unworthy.
>Hiviz Tyreese
>the shoulderbraced draco wielding ATF agent trying way too hard to fit in
Cracks me up every time.
They will live as third class muslims under arabic rule, ultimately cuck themselves by converting to a religion that has enslaved them and will regress evolutionary. And they must accept every african muslim that wants to live with them as a brother.
And they cant keep dogs anymore. Islam is unnatural for non arabs
Drop 6,4,5,1,2 in that order, then make fun of 3 for not having a magazine.
Tell their parents.
Hey look, it's that communist that started a riot and got Heather Heyer killed. He's right in the middle of that photograph.
Call them faggots, feeling comfortable that the guns are likely fake and that if they were real, they would not know how to use them
>that dudes stance on the far left.
Jesus christ he looks like the recoil would pull his arms off.
Share 150 grain nosler ballistic tips at 2800 fps.
Well I only have a pick axe handle as a self defense weapon in the house and I'd bring it out from underneath the stairs and charge out the front door towards them swinging the pic handle with some fucking authority and more than likely that would be enough to scare them off.
Every aspect exported to Europe led to Europeans adopting it, and using it against those that brought it to them. From Christianity, to technology from the orient, weapons, you name it. Just like in Christendom, exporting Islam to Europe will be the demise of the Arab world, and bring about a new age of European colonialism. They won't rule over us, we will rule over them, and this time liberal society won't protect them.
>Black beard
Mah man
>did absolutely jack shit to stop Hitler's rise to power in 1933
Why is everyone suddenly taking them seriously?
Comment on their lack of diversity, (Really, only one nigger?) then shoot them all for trespassing on my property.
Looks like a more “diversified”version of prople that go to Sup Forums meetings
I would skull fuck the redhead with the gun in my pants. You know, for cultural enrichment and all that shit.
Tell them that you should wear goggles when playing airsoft.
Call the police and hide, they might be soyboys, but they have fucking guns and I do not.
Only one even close to threatning is that Jihadist to the left. otherwise than that I do not see these people being able to win anyone.
Y’all are so weird with your antifa fear/disdain. Like you want them to be this big boogy man, but you also want to call them pussies.
In the videos of Charlottesville and Berkeley skirmishes I’ve seen, ANTIFA seem much closer to Proud Boys with some mouth bitches getting punched than any groups of cartoon charachters that OP posted.
Ask them if they know what safeties are
Shoot them. Dismember them. Piss in their dead mouth. Hang their body parts from street lights as an example.
james maynard keenan has really let himself go
>i do not have a gun
Then get one...
You're just plain fucked, kraut. You know your police are so cucked they won't do shit.
get the fuck out
that is what needs to be done.
No dummy. You shoot the cucks and hang the nigger.
>Looks like a more "diversified" group of people who go to /pol meetups
More? MORE?
>laugh at their cosplay
>wait 10 minutes for them to put their guns down because they're too heavy for their twig physique
>laugh some more
Fuck off
They have a BASED black man, what else can you ask for?
y'all'd've'd the chance to make the meme proper, but you done fucked it up.
German cultural values, everyone
Call the police. Those firearms are rather illegal here.
Kill them.
The things I would do to that skrillex looking slut with the red hair after her friends get executed...
I like how he used the first guy as a weapon to hit the second guy
>not wrestling them to the ground and disarming them
>not hog tying them and leaving them in the desert for nature to take its course
C'mon Aussie friend, you could even turn the guns in and tell the cops where they are if you wanted to be a good person.
Open fire, as if there’s any other option. Even though they don’t entirely know what they’re talking about and are ignorant doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be allowed to stop them, would you let a kid with the downs keep hitting you or do you push him away? Push him away, don’t let them continue because you feel bad for their disorder that’s just retarded.
I think that was a fat woman, user.
Eh. Why do that myself when the cops would handle it for me? Their job, and unlike in the US they wouldn't go all corrupt and pretend that there's no issue for political reasons.
(((You))) gave us our constitution, willingly running to your certain death in not brave, just stupid.
Y'uns need to shut your holes.
>Someone else will take care of it
Cuck mentality ausie bro, I know you're better than that
It's weird seeing those Lenin Liebneckt Luxembourgh signs. The visual design is so modern. This modern visual language existed in these early 20th century totalitarian movements before it caught on here. Cause when you think of most 30s and 40s American design it still looks more old style. It's like in defeating fascism and socialism we defeated modernism but only temporarily and then it just overtook us more slowly.
Why waste the police's time when it would take about five minutes.
If they don't draw their weapons on anyone, absolutely nothing. If they do, I'll kill them all.
Is this supposed to be an ethical brain-teaser?
I was thinking the same thing. These kids with their "automatics" think that they'll be the next Rambo without a damn day of actual practice. How many of them do you think have actually fired what they're holding? Crack .308 5 feet next to one of them and watch them shit their pants and run.
You'd better start with checking her for scabies from Tyrone on the left there.
I'se reckon I'se seen a little more then ya have in your day, cowpoke.
Sup Forums should be happy to see their fellow gun enthusiasts.
this I like
> they wouldn't go all corrupt
Google "Queensland Cops"
if i wear my pennywise shirt, am i commie or rwds?
Wait did Pennywise go full fash?
see the faces please
Eh I barely count queenslanders as human let alone australian
Call them and tell them to go home because dinner is ready
I yell NIGGER and then laugh as they cover their ears and cry
Tell them that private militias and paramilitary groups are illegal. Call the police if they refuse to leave.
I piss myself laughing, tell them to tell their moms to stop sucking so much cock, and pull out my own arsenal. What happens after that happens.
Me, my black,white and spanish neighbors shoot them.
nothing. what're they gonna do? pull the trigger?
lol still whiter than Hollywood's last movie. I am pleased, America.
>not reporting shots and/or loud, threatening language
wow what a retard
inb4 disarm all six, hang the nigger, fuck the bitch, and flay the other four faggots
>strap 113 pound American bulldog into his full battle rattle
>Grab my M5E1 and the rest of my battle rattle
>Sit and wait
Not gonna go out of my way to get noticed and there's zero chance they'll navigate the property without upsetting the pupper.
Laugh. Then, if they talk shit, take their guns from them and stuff them up their asses.
i dunno, not really sure what their politics are. was hoping someone would tell me, or call me a fag
I would disarm all six, hang the nigger, fuck the bitch, and flay the other four faggots
Call up hank yoo to take care of them
ITT : NEETsocs talk big.
I'd share some insight with them
Why don't you explain how you'd get them off your streets then?
Fuckin nerds.
It would take you a whole day to slaughter these fags?
desu, guerilla tactics intensify.
volley fire some #000 12ga and watch the neighborhood take their turn.
somebody's going to walk into a neighborhood if good ol boys and start shit?
Tacticool: Hipster Edition