Obama really was the best president, wasn't He?

Obama really was the best president, wasn't He?
Just admit it

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Obama's legacy will be remembered for the rest of The United States' history.

The imposter President.

not even in Obama's dreams

Bull fucking shit.

the stock market boomed the day Trump was elected and hasnt stopped growing since.

Jobs growth is directly tied to employer confidence due to Trump and with the new tax cuts more and more businesses are moving back to the USA.

obamas a war criminal trump is a retard

Exhibit A why AP is trash. Does anyone really believe this on the day Apple brings back 300B?

It's insane how quickly the republicans can fuck things up.


Trump undid all of Obama's regulations and GOP did tax cuts.

This isn't Obama's economy anymore. Obama's economy had Obama's regulations.

Trump's economy is free of Obama's regulations and taxes.

Obamas wearing heels so he doesnt look smaller. Faggot is all about image not substance. Reddit literally uses this pic to say that Trump is a liar and not 6'3

thanks W

We're not discussing height-gate here leaf

>perpetuated "Islam is a religion of peace" myth after every Islamic attack
>perpetuated the gender wage gap myth
>supported BLM and encouraged blacks to riot
>spread gun-grabbing rhetoric at every chance
>dragged us into useless and expensive wars
>toppled sovereign nations that turned them into further shitholes
>Apologized and cried alot
>Changed the tone on mass illegal immigration because of feels
Obama was a mostly ineffectual statesman, but a rabid culture warrior that is largely responsible for the mainstream left's utter descent into madness.

A literal black sheep amongst the presidents, and a permanent stain on America's legacy.
Trump's actions as president now will be what might as well be a total eclipse to Obama's "legacy" and forever regulate him to the title of the worst president America ever had.
May Obama be hated in remembrance forever.

After the correction from the collapse, the fed printed enough money during Obama's terms to make a stagnation look like a boom.

That was mostly because of policies instituted by George W Bush though. Obama didn't do anything

So wasn't Bill taking credit for Reagan and Bush 1s economy?

So during all of Obama's reign as the economy slowly rose onky because it had no other place to go we heard it was bushes economy. And now that Trump is in there and in skyrockets we hear it's obamas economy.

obama is bad. drump good

now that is bullshit.

>>perpetuated "Islam is a religion of peace" myth after every Islamic attack
It is as long as you submit

>>perpetuated the gender wage gap myth
Women are paid less than men

>>supported BLM and encouraged blacks to riot
Cops need to stop pulling guns on the darkies

>>spread gun-grabbing rhetoric at every chance
Seems to work in every other country

>>dragged us into useless and expensive wars
Tried to pull out of Afghanistan and fucked that up. Better to stay in the game and guide the future of the ME

>>toppled sovereign nations that turned them into further shitholes
now whites are getting BLACKED and darkies get a better life. Seems like a good deal all around

>>Apologized and cried alot
The US has done some shit

>>Changed the tone on mass illegal immigration because of feels
Do you have no compassion? These illegals are trying to escape communism and cartels

>Obama was a mostly ineffectual statesman, but a rabid culture warrior that is largely responsible for the mainstream left's utter descent into madness.
More like ascent into legend. Just wait for the blue wave

Those people are trying to import communism and cartels.

>All these moronic Trump supporters
Jesus Christ I hate this dumbass country and the people in it. This moron president created a literal "fake news" awards and posted it on his Twitter. What kind of jackass, petulant child finds it funny and humorous to continuously attack the free press? Yall Trump supporters better read up on some history because all major Dictators of the past did the same bullshit, ie. Stalin, Hitler.

So Obama's problems were all the caused by Bush?

“Queef” “”queef” “queef”


I just read a report that explicitly places most of the boom on Trump




This isn't really the board for you.

I would give Obama credit for inheriting Bush's extremely Zimbabwe styled chaos economy and keeping it from sinking all the way underwater, just the belly, but the recent upturn seems to be tax cuts influenced.

So what he fuck happened from 2014 to 2017?


That was because of Clinton.

Do you not see how this game is played?

Look at DOW during the crash in 73-75 and the recovery, which is almost symmetrical and takes barely a year to recover to pre-crash state. Obama takes 7 years to slowly climb the stock back to pre-crash levels, without accounting for inflation.

He's the 45th best president.

>calling propaganda outlets on their bullshit is the same as gulags


Every economist says Trump is making the economy boom and that the economy was growing INSPITE of Obama not because of him

I am a muricunt born in america, the land of the fat and the free. I am proud of my awful education, horrible medical care, terrible society and religious gunwielding fanatics. With my natural 260 lbs, please stop talking trash about my mediocre country which is a collection of all the human scum EU and Asia dumped a few hundred years ago.

What will the righty retards say when the next recession hits in the next 2 years?

Funny my mutual funds have been growing well for the past 6 years.


Got a link? I want a read?



Trump’s tax plan kept Florida Power and Light from adding a surcharge to their services from our last hurricane. They are using the savings from the new plan to do the repairs instead of passing those costs on to consumers.

Meanwhile, the most significant thing I can credit Barrack “If I Had A Son” Obama for making race relations the worst it has been since Jim Crowe.

Ib u ak liek shits koo den shits koo. Muthafucka.

Just like when Dubbya unshackled the mortgage markets.
Thanks for admitting we can blame the crash to come on Trump.

What's the actual miscegenation rate?

No, he was a fucking hipocrite.

He was


Russian shill earns his bag of meth and bottle of vodka.

>its another obummer faggot taking credit for the white man's success


The kike invasion of Sup Forums is disgusting. They are so easily identifiable.

>associated press
implying that actually means mostly

>It is as long as you submit
What if I don't want to?

>Women are paid less than men
They don't work as hard

>Cops need to stop pulling guns on the darkies
Darkies need to stop committing crimes that force cops to shoot them

>Seems to work in every other country
Yes, now they have to deal with acid attacks, silverware, bombs, and weaponized vehicles instead, but the citizens can't defend themselves

>Tried to pull out of Afghanistan and fucked that up. Better to stay in the game and guide the future of the ME
There is no future for the ME

>now whites are getting BLACKED and darkies get a better life. Seems like a good deal all around
That's racist

>The US has done some shit
So has everyone else, but you don't see them apologizing

>Do you have no compassion? These illegals are trying to escape communism and cartels
Do you have no compassion for all the white farmers being genocided in South Africa and Zimbabwe?

>More like ascent into legend. Just wait for the blue wave
Surely Drumpf will be impeached any day now amirite?

Or a regulated market grew without fear of greed destroying it again.

Leftists attribute everything good to come out of the Trump presidency to Obama


Forgot to add

Sorry for no archive, phonefagging


>First year of recovery was absolutely Obama since he started the same year
>First year gains from last year aren’t Trumps because Obama’s plans were still in place
>Somehow Bush is completely cutoff from any credit after Jan 19, 2009

>Everything bad during Obama's presidency was Bush's fault
>Everything good that happens during Trump's presidency is Obama's doing.
Neck yourselves faggots

Thanks for providing a source.

yeah the stocks, the jobs, GDP and manufacturing, food stamps and boack employment are sure better since Trump

>Recession of 2000
>"It's all Bush's fault"
>George W. Bush was president from 2001 to 2009
>Eight years of a lackluster economy under Obama (2009 to 2017)
>"It's all Bush's fault"
>Things start improving after Trump took office in 2017
>"Give Obama the glory! Hallelujah!"

Fuck the fakestream media right up the ass with a dildo wrapped in barbed wire.

8 years of shit economy, jokes on you America! I was only pretending to be retarded, I actually planned the recovery for after my term so I don't get credit for it. Oh... maybe I am retarded.

>Faggot is all about image not substance

lmaoooo @ this projection

that literally describes Trump

Holy fuck, imagine being so stupid you can't see the 2 years of stagnation at the end of Obama's term. The three months leading up to the election the market was down as everyone expected Clinton to win and continue his shit policies. Then as soon as Trump won the market has been on a tear ever since.
You must be a shill, either that or you're unbelievably retarded.

Obvious slide thread, move on

>all economic problems under Obama were because of Bush
>all economic boons under Trump are thanks to President Drank

>Graph shows under Trump the stock market increased almost as much in his first year than it did in Obama's 8 years.

Wow you really showed us, completely and totally btfo.

nice quads but what really is his legacy. He was the first black president and he kinda fixed the housing crisis, other than that he was just some guy who put up an image

Stock market isn't really an indicator of anything except the capricious whims and feelings of bankers

>nice quads but what really is his legacy. He was the first black president and he kinda fixed the housing crisis, other than that he was just some guy who put up an image

He's an illegitimate President and turned the United States into shit.

>it's obama who's responsible for trump cutting your taxes
I guess in the sense that he ran the country into the ground so thoroughly that he made Donald Trump seem like a massive step up to voters, sure.

>Obamas wearing heels so he doesnt look smaller
find me a dress shoe that doesn't have a 1-2 inch heel

No. The best was FDR. But I'll give Bammy a nod. He was too concerned about upsetting whitey to really deliver on the kind of justice we need.

Is what it is.

>The best was FDR

Maybe for Zionists who wanted to destroy the West.

Obama was fucking shit, a run-of-the-mill Neocon who did no difference whatsoever. Trump is a spineless fraud who instantly sold out his so-called ideals, but even then he at most falls down to Obama's, or Bush's, or Clinton's level. They're all shit.

As if you libshits wouldnt blame trump anyway

Also you are gay

What did Obama accomplish as president OP? A dead healthcare bill? A shitty economy? Ebola and ISIS?

Sure thing buddy

at least he has better form than trump's son

Zionists don't give a fuck about the West beyond its allied efforts to destabilize the Middle East, which for Israel means an opportunty to expand Israel in the chaos, and for the U.S. means an opportunity to control the crucial oil in the region and thus the world's oil economy.

>Obama's economy
Does that include the homeless in every democrat run city and most of California?

The same President who claims you can't wave a magic wand and improve the economy.

Then Trump did it.

Now the same people who parroted Obama endlessly now push the meme that it was Obama all along a year after he's gone.


>Divided the country
>Added 9 trillion to the debt
>Increased gov control
>Made USA look weak with his "apology tour"
>Helped monopolize insurance
>Did nothing to stop illegal immigration


Gotta agree with the first user that replied to you. You are literally so incompetent that's you don't notice the scrunching on the graph on the y axis to make it look like trumps gains are smaller than under Obama. My condolences, it's tough learning you're absolutely retarded.

He did as much to damage the US internally and globally as Bush did.

Both were the worst Presidents of my lifetime and I was born just as Carter was voted out.


k kid.

You can go back to watching Alex Jones or Sean Hannity now, you proved how edgy you were for tonight.


I think Washington was easily the best.
>Actively gave up power
>Set the precedent of 2 terms
>Made The groundwork for the usa
>Main general of the Revolution

Washington was a badass. Close 2nd was Lincoln for his efforts to keep the union together.

Right, so what has Trump done aside from sign that tax cut a few weeks ago that you think made the economy suddenly good throughout all of 2017?

the "warmonger" bit always gets me... cocksucker started three wars at least as sketchy as Iraq (Syria, Libya, and Yemen).

remember how many protests there were over the Iraq war? most "liberals" i know didn't even know that Libya had happened until the Benghazi inquiries.

Liberals love to pretend they're smarter than conservatives...


That left part of that comic is objectively not true. 2009-2016 was a good time for the economy.

>Liberals love to pretend they're smarter than conservatives...

No, just smarter than Trump voters.

Have fun choking on that chubby orange penis for now, I'm gonna laugh when people like you end up losing health insurance access or paying higher premiums.

america needs a principled man like that right now. unfortunately, the current US political system is basically designed to promote and empower oligarchic psychopaths

short video by fox

heres some other articles detailing Obama's economic failures
