I've heard that gays are more likely to be pedophiles but I haven't seen anything to prove it, do any of you know anything about it?
Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?
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Pastor Anderson has a bunch of documentaries and sermons citing statistics about homosexuality and pedophilia/AIDs and stuff like that.
Here's a few
Yes. And more likely to have AIDS
no hatebiggot
all sodomites have a tendency to sex children. its just another progressive step towards doom.
No, the vast majority of molestation is done by straight men. Even "boylovers" are mostly people who besides boys like women, not men.
They make it really hard for people to study
Homosexuals make up 2% of the population and commit over 30% of all child abuse cases that we KNOW of.
Women don't go around fucking 4 year old boys, user. They typically want an erection. If a pre-pubescent boy is getting fucked it is almost always a faggot doing the raping.
>vast majority of molestation is done by straight men
and vast majority of men are straight, you retard
you're like those drooling idiots that say "well niggers still commit less total crime than whites so checkmate evil whitey"
Yes. Someone post the pedo study. It's like 19:1 gay pedos.
Also, friendly reminder that 1 in 4 gay men have HIV. That's ONE in FOUR. If you know 4 gay guys, one of them has HIV.
Fuck it, here's the pedo study because I know how lazy you fucks are. It's actually 11:1
88.7% of "heteros" are pedos. you endorse pedos. they surround you. matthew 18:6
satanist pedo fag race mixing fake jew
>Being this retarded
truvada. doesnt work on vaginas. enjoy
your fucking box pox. NOICE! we wuz centiPEDOS N SHEIT
No, you're retarded. You conflate normal homosexuals with the 30% of children molested being male. You have to be completely devoted to your bias in order to make such a stupid claim. People attracted to boys solely aren't attracted to men, and most of them who are attracted to adults at all are attracted to women.
You purposely aren't quoting the part of my post where I said most of the men molesting boys aren't actually attracted to men. You have poor comprehension.
You really somehow think the 2-3% of the population being homosexual can be causally related to a different statistic that 30% of molested kids are male? Even high school debate club kids don't make such erroneous comparisons.
It is more like Pedos are more likely to be gay, abuse young boys who grow up to be gay and then repeat the cycle.
>If you rape a kid in the ass it's not gay
Its a completely dishonest claim to say that gays are more likely to be pedophiles when the people molesting boys aren't attracted to men, and are often attracted to women as well as children. Not to mention opportunism in molestation, where men have more access to boys than girls (boyscouts, coaches, etc). Boys aren't the equivalent of men.
This totally convinces me that fucking male kids doesn't make you gay.
Either way, you're a faggot pedo.
Youtube "ryan undercover gay bars"